
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan

author:Chinese and foreign science and technology points

【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientists at Osaka University in Japan turn worms into robots that specialize in cancer cells.

Recently, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Research in Germany have transformed E. coli into a new type of biomix micro-robot by combining robotics with biology, with the intention of enabling it to fight cancer cells. The study has been published in the recent journal Science Advances. (turn)

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【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan
【Biomix robots become a reality!】 Scientists transform E. coli into robots] Recently, scientists at Jinan University have transformed white blood cells into robots; Scientist at Osaka University in Japan

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