
Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

author:Take stock of the lions

Of the more than 3,000 snakes on Earth, about 200 can inflict real damage on humans, and some of them crush you directly with their size. Even if the odds are small, if you're afraid of snakes, you'd better be smart. Snakes are known for being aggressive and aggressive toward humans, even without being provoked. You may not even have time to think about it, and some of the people who get bitten are just because they don't have time! In this issue, The Inventory Master takes you to see the 10 largest snakes found so far, some of which appear in the most unlikely places.

10. King Cobra

The king cobra is known to be the largest of all venomous snakes, with the longest of which the record reached 5.7 meters. This species has a very wide habitat, from East Asia to Southeast Asia and all the way to India. They feed mainly on other snakes, whether poisonous or non-venomous, and they will eat with relish. According to experts, the king cobra's venom is enough to kill 20 people, the snake that releases the most venom per bite. In addition to its strong physique and intense venom, the king cobra has keen vision, intelligence and sensitivity to vibrations, and can spot moving prey up to 100 meters away. It is slightly lighter than the other snakes on this list, weighs about 10 kilograms, and has a captive lifespan of 15-20 years or even longer.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

9. Papua olive python

This is a type of python known as the Papua olive python, located mainly in New Guinea. It is shorter than the king cobra, but heavier, and the snake is venomous. They are not as heavy as other pythons, usually only 10.2 kilograms. While the exact mechanism and cause is not entirely clear, there is the claim that they have the ability to change color. This snake is terrestrial and is mainly nocturnal. Despite their large size and incredible strength, they are relatively harmless animals that do not bite easily even when caught.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

8. Yellow water nymph

Like all pythons, yellow water nymphs have no venom and the usual way to kill is to kill their prey by squeezing. Also known as yellow anacondas, they usually swim on the water and only come ashore when hunting and mating. They live in rivers and swamps stretching from the Pantanal region of western Brazil to northeastern Argentina. Females of this species are usually larger than males, they are 4.6 meters long and weigh less than other anacondas, about 15 kilograms.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

7. Kobayashi crab

It is a snake native to Cuba and some nearby islands, and its habitats include tropical rainforests, cloud forests, evergreen forests, thorny forests, coastal shrub forests, etc. Of course, they have also been found in human sugar cane fields. The snake prefers to prey on bats, but also eats small turtles, birds, rats and other small rodents. So far, the tallest specimen measured is 4.9 meters long. They weigh between 20-30 kg and are relatively weaker than other snakes. From now on, the difference in size between the snakes you see will be even greater. Let's see how many meters the longest snake species ever lived?

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

6. Burmese python

The Burmese python is one of the largest snakes native to much of Southeast Asia and has been added to the IUCN Red List. Burmese pythons may protect themselves by biting, and small individuals usually do not pose a danger to humans or pets. However, larger Burmese pythons have large, pointed teeth and their bites can cause severe tears. Burmese pythons usually eat 1-2 times a month, but sometimes fast for up to 18 months.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

5. African rock python

African rock python, also known as African python and rock python, is a type of python, which is very similar to the Burmese python. They generally exceed 7.5 meters in length, but rarely exceed 10 meters. The African rock python is the largest snake in Africa, squeezing its prey with great force supported by muscles throughout its body. They use this method of hunting, usually eating antelope-sized animals and sometimes even crocodiles. Although this snake rarely kills humans, it is widely feared. It is reported that their maximum weight can reach 55 kilograms.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

4. Crystal python

Crystal pythons are mainly found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. They are popular with reptile lovers and stand out for their color and size. It is one of the six largest species of snakes in the world by length or weight and the largest native snake in Australia and Papua New Guinea. In terms of their size, they are a slender python that cannot kill large animals like its close relative, the South American anaconda. On average, this python is about 8 meters long and weighs 41 kilograms. Because of its color, most people have a hard time spotting it.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

3. Green anaconda

The third-ranked green anaconda is the heaviest python in the world. They weigh an average of about 46 kg, which is quite heavy relative to their size, with a length of between 3-4.6 meters. However, due to its huge weight, the green anaconda looks very large. The snake lived mainly in Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Kollumbi, and is said to have weighed 200 kilograms and was 15 meters long. They live longer than 10 years, compared to 30 years in captivity. The oldest age on record was 37, and I think it's scarier than other snakes.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

2. Indian python

The Indian python is a subspecies of the python, with the largest body size reaching 9 meters and 91 kilograms. They don't want to move after a full meal, and if they exert force, the hard part of the food will tear the body apart. Therefore, if disturbed, it will empty the food to escape possible predators. They can fast for weeks after a large meal, with the longest record being 2 years. Because its jawbone is not connected, the Indian python can swallow prey larger than its diameter. Even in their natural habitat, even when attacked, they are lazy, slow-moving, very shy, and rarely attempt to attack.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

1. Reticulated python

In the first place is the reticulated python native to South and Southeast Asia. They are frighteningly large, about 10.7 meters and weigh 160 kilograms. The reticulated python is the longest snake in the world and is listed as the least concerned snake on the IUCN Red List due to its widespread distribution. Due to the belief in traditional medicine, their skin is used by many folk medicines and is sold as pets in many countries within its scope. The reticulated python is an excellent swimmer, said to be able to swim far away from the sea, colonizing many small islands every year. Like all pythons, they are a non-venomous snake. Considering the maximum size of known prey, the jaws of an adult reticulated python can be large enough to swallow a person. That being said, for some of the larger adults, reticulated pythons are still difficult to swallow smoothly. In at least two reported cases, adult humans have been killed and eaten by reticulated pythons.

Taking stock of the 10 largest species of snakes in the world: the king cobra whistle was selected, and the forest hopper ranked only 3rd

These are currently the 10 largest species of snakes in the world. Do you know any of the largest snakes? How big is the biggest snake you've ever encountered? Feel free to share your experience in the comments section.

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