
The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

author:Vientiane hardcore

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The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Text: Vientiane hardcore

Edited by Vientiane hardcore

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

In the animal world, the weak and the strong are the basic survival concept, since there is the weak and there must be the strong, the strong duel will inevitably have the strong hand.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Among the large beasts, tigers, lions, leopards and bears are all recognized as strong, but in general, people believe that tigers occupy a higher position.

And who will the king of snakes be?

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

In China, most people agree that the king cobra is the most powerful, this snake is fierce by nature, especially difficult to provoke, is the highest species in the list of poisonous snakes, and is a proper "overlord of the world".

Speaking of king snakes, the temper of the king snake is not much better, and ordinary poisonous snakes can't help it, and most of them will be killed.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

It's funny, aren't all snakes with "king snakes" in their names very powerful?

It is said that there is also a species called "King Snake" in North America, which can eat rattlesnakes in one bite, so who is better than the king cobra?

What kind of snake is the "Mori King Snake"?

Although the king snake is named after the "king snake" like the king cobra, they are not related.

The king cobra belongs to an independent species under the cobra family, and the king snake belongs to the general name of all the king snakes under the family Snakeidae, and does not specifically refer to a certain type of snake. And they are more docile than king cobras, and they are not venomous.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The king snake is found in both North and South America, and was first found in the southeastern United States and Brazil, where the population of this snake is not large.

Most of them are nearly two meters long, and some individuals have grown to 2.8 meters, making them the longest large snake of all the local snake species.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

In people's eyes, the king snake eats more snake food, especially venomous snakes, such as American rattlesnakes and pit vipers. In fact, the proportion of snakes in the food of the king snake is still relatively small.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Although it is a carnivorous snake, it has a wide range of food, such as rodents, fish, birds, lizards, frogs and various small mammals, and it is not picky.

Only when food is scarce will they choose to hunt snakes to satisfy their hunger. When hunting poisonous snakes, it is as easy as a king snake to eat poisonous snakes and nothing happens after eating them.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

As a non-venomous snake, it does not use the entanglement of its body to strangle its prey like a python when hunting, but bites the opponent's neck with its teeth, bites the opponent's bones or uses its body strength to flatten the prey and suffocate to death.

As snakes, they can live in the same nest as sand turtles, so the local people also call them "sand turtle snakes".

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

When disturbed, it will constantly swing its tail and make a "hissing" sound at the same time, but it has no tendency to attack people.

What are the species of King Snakes?

The snakes of the genus King Snake are named for their complex and diverse body colors, such as the yellow-tailed King Snake, the swarthy Eastern King Snake, the Black-tailed King Snake, and the Texas King Snake.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The king snake distributed in the Americas is the eastern king snake that leaves a deep memory. Its pair of black grape-like black eyes and a dark and shiny and domineering appearance have been favored by many people.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Under its eyes, it has several stripes similar to eyelashes, a slender tail, and a thick body, and its body size is mostly maintained between 1.8 and 2.8 meters.

Some specimens will have a red or orange appearance on their faces and snout, and later turn black.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Under the refraction of light, the scales on the back of its body will show a blue-purple light, so some people call it "indigo snake". And as the light changes, so does the body color, and this understated luxury is truly amazing.

The Texas King Snake is most similar in appearance to it.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

However, the body surface of the Texas king snake is a dull navy blue, which is not as bright as that of the eastern king snake, and the red color of some of them is mostly found on the abdominal scales.

The eastern king snake is active in the southeastern part of the United States, mainly concentrated in Florida and other places, while the Texas king snake is only found in southern Texas.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Like the eastern king snake, the yellow-tailed king snake is one of the largest in the Americas, with some individuals reaching more than 3 meters in length in early records.

It is mainly active in north-central South America, like Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, etc.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Its body color is complex, with a yellow or light yellow head and a yellow underbody, dark gray with indigo patches starting from the neck to the middle of the body.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The back half of the body turns sulfur-colored, and some individuals also have indigo patches, although some individuals appear yellow throughout.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

For example, the yellow-tailed king snake in Suriname has a lighter body color and white spots on the front of its body, but the yellow-tailed king snake in Guyana has a darker body color with dark spots.

The yellow-tailed king snake with a yellow body is mostly found in Paraguay, with a golden body color and a generally small body size.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The yellow-tailed king snake mostly forages and moves in dense forest areas, and can also adapt to a variety of environments, such as dry sand dunes and humid swamps.

They are very agile and aggressive compared to other king snakes, and they have added giant pit vipers and sea toads to their diets.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

As the name suggests, the black-tailed forest king snake is naturally black on the back half of its body, and its head to the front half of the body is mostly gray, gray olive green, etc., it is said that because it has a lack of yellow genes, its body color is more simple and beautiful.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

There are other species in addition, but most of the mid-section of the mixed spot of the king snake is always somewhat similar to the domestic king snake.

Who is more powerful than King Snake or King Cobra?

There was a video on the Internet about the American king snake fighting rattlesnake, and after that, many netizens thought that the strength of the king snake must be very strong, even surpassing the king cobra. Is this really the case?

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The king snake was not famous for its strength at first, but because of its rare population, unique appearance, and gentle temperament, it was liked by many snake lovers.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The so-called scarcity is expensive, and the price of a forest king snake seedling has been speculated to tens of thousands, and it has gradually begun to emerge.

Let's speculate on its strength.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

The eastern diamond-spotted rattlesnake is the most venomous snake in the Americas, it has an amazing size, powerful venom, few snakes dare to confront it, and the world's impression of it is naturally extremely powerful.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

But for the king snake with snake venom immunity, it is just a food that is about to be used to satisfy hunger. Therefore, this has given many people the illusion that the king snake is stronger.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

If the king snake does not have the ability to immune to snake venom and has low strangulation skills, then the outcome of the battle between the two is uncertain.

Some netizens said that it can eat rattlesnakes, so is it far from the king cobra?

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

After all, the king snake will, the king cobra will also, and it also has more tricks to secrete venom than the king snake, and its temper is not ordinarily strong, and its title of "over the mountain" is not something people call for fun.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

If you want to say that the size comparison, the adult king cobra has to be at least two meters, and the three-meter one is also very common, and the longest is more than two meters, and the king cobra has more advantages in terms of body size.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

From the perspective of eating habits, the Senwan snake can be said to be a big foodie, and the staple food of the king cobra is the poisonous snake, so it seems that the king cobra is more powerful in snake venom immunity, and it can also extract the venom for its own use.

If they do confront each other, the king snake will be poisoned to death by the 250 milligrams of venom secreted by the king cobra.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

In terms of personality, the Mori King Snake only looks powerful, does not attack people, and is said to play dead when it encounters people.

The king cobra is really brutal, full of aggression, and there is no ambiguity in biting, and it is difficult for the prey it targets to escape.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

Compared with the two, the king snake is a bit like a handsome showman, and it may not be able to defeat the fierce king cobra.

Even if it is a domestic king snake, the king snake may not be able to get any benefits, the king snake's temperament is also very fierce, although it is non-venomous, the bite is no less than that of a poisonous snake.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

It also has immunity to the venom of some poisonous snakes, and its body will also emit a unique smell, if the two of them face each other, it is estimated that before the fight starts, the king snake will be smoked away.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?


Anything is just speculation when it is not verified by facts.

There is no absolute power in the animal world, and there is no absolute weakness, and there are no fewer examples of the strong being killed by the weak, let's see.

The opponent of the king cobra has appeared? Eat all the venomous snakes in the Americas, can you really fight the king cobra?

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