
Tanzania's mysterious disease with American monkeys

author:Beacon Glacier

On July 12, local time, Tanzanian President Samia Hassan confirmed in a speech in Dar es Salaam that an unknown disease has emerged in Tanzania.

People with the disease may experience nosebleeds and fainting.

Samia Hassan said it was a disease that had never been documented in Tanzania.

Most cases occur in southern Tanzania, including Lindi province and the area bordering Mozambique. Maybe a new virus has been infected.

However, this is not the first time a similar case has been reported in Tanzania.

According to February 2021, Mbeya, in southwestern Tanzania, also experienced a "mysterious illness" that killed at least 15 people and hospitalized more than 50 people.

Tanzania's mysterious disease with American monkeys

Patients developed symptoms such as vomiting blood, and some died within hours of developing symptoms. Felista Kisandu, who served as the local chief medical officer, said at the time: "Initial clinical examinations showed that most of these patients were men with stomach ulcers and liver disease. ”

In 2018, the region also experienced a similar symptom of the disease, with patients developing high fevers, nausea and vomiting blood.

It was also reported that on the 7th of this month, Ghana, about 6400 kilometers away from Tanzania, reported two suspected cases of Marburg virus, raising concerns about another outbreak.

Marburg virus is highly contagious and very deadly, and there is currently no vaccine or treatment.

According to the WHO website, there is no link between the two cases in Ghana and both are currently dead.

The location where the medical records were found in Tanzania and the place where the Malbork medical records appeared in Ghana are very far apart, and should not be Marburg virus.

Moreover, doctors in Tanzania examined and ruled out Ebola and Marburg viruses.

Tanzania's mysterious disease with American monkeys

The mysterious medical records that appeared in Tanzania twice were not contagious, and it was likely that the symptoms caused by related diseases were just that tanzania's medical level was a bit backward and could not be detected.

Africa's incurable diseases have never been lacking. Hopefully, this time it's another false alarm.

It's just that, with the development of human beings, too many resources have been encroached upon, and the damage to the earth has been revealed in terms of climate, and extreme weather such as high temperatures, heavy rains, and high winds is no longer occasional, but occurs frequently.

Viruses are also getting scarier.

The African land has become a petri dish for harmful viruses because of the country's poverty and backward medical standards.

Smallpox, AIDS, Ebola, Marburg, Saraje, dengue fever, all came out of the African continent and spread throughout the world.

Viruses are everywhere in our world, and countless viruses coexist in our bodies, and even carry many viral genes in our human genes.

Tanzania's mysterious disease with American monkeys

The most famous beneficial virus, syncytine.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, two virus-derived genes, syncytine-1 and 2, were involved in forming the placental membrane, which eventually formed the placenta where the donor mother delivers nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, excretes waste and carbon dioxide.

In the later evolutionary process, there are new "endogenous retroviruses" invading these animals, and some new viruses carry new syncytine genes and can produce better quality proteins.

Gradually, because different animals were constantly infected by different viruses and produced new genes, the animals gave rise to different branches, with later herbivorous mammals, carnivorous mammals, and ultimately, humans.

Therefore, humans can be said to be children of viruses.

The gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in nature are mutually exclusive, and the same is true of viruses, and once the balance is broken, then some deadly viruses that were originally suppressed will appear.

"The way of heaven, the loss of more than the deficiency and make up for the deficiency", the history of the coexistence of man and the virus, is a process of constantly breaking the balance and reaching the balance again.

Humans also gain immunity through out-of-balance rebalancing.

For naturally occurring deadly infectious diseases, although human beings have paid a terrible price, these infectious diseases will eventually disappear or overcome, and at worst, the toxicity will weaken to achieve coexistence.

Nowadays, a small group of human beings are restless, and the malicious guys are eyeing artificial viruses.

Man-made creation of viruses is against the way of heaven, can human beings become creators?

That's why the new coronavirus is so weird, so difficult to figure out and overcome, that human beings have the ability to open Pandora's box, but they can't close it or control the changes in the infectious virus itself.

Tanzania's mysterious disease with American monkeys

The Beautiful Nation is building biological laboratories all over the world, conducting experiments that cannot be disclosed, and the purpose of which is obviously not to prepare for the benefit of mankind.

Nor is it known whether the fourth monkey lost in the American laboratory was found.

Hopefully, this monkey only has monkeypox virus on him.

Tanzania has a new strange medical record, if it is really a new virus, then you should first check whether there is a U.S. biological laboratory in the area, whether the laboratory has lost monkeys or mice!

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