
【Historical Anecdotes - Is There a Relationship between Children's Songs and Rumors】 At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in charge, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Grass, He Qingqing." Ten Days, Judas is not born" (from Pei Song, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

author:Historical reading

【Historical Anecdotes - Are Children's Songs Related to Rumors?"

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in a monopoly, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Cao, He Qingqing." Ten days bu, still not born" (from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Pei Song's note, the last three words are also in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" also do "not to be born"), soon after Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu and Wang Yun, this nursery rhyme was recorded in the history books as a rumor of Dong Zhuo's condemnation.

During the Tang Yonghui period, there was a legend of the "Song of Wu Mei Niang" (the content is unknown), and soon after Wu shi was made empress. Later, Wu Hou came to the dynasty and established Wu Zhou, so many people used this song as a rumor for the rise of the Wu clan.

After a while, some people in the world sang the "Sang Tiao Song", known as "Sang Tiao (hanging on the top), female Wei Ye Le", the third word is the top of the head, the bottom of the hanging word, can not type the word, everyone can synthesize it in their heads. The literal meaning of this lyric is: the mulberry strip is hanging down, and your leather rope is also happy.

Mulberry strips are mulberry branches, in fact, mulberry strips are also the meaning of "Wei", this seemingly non-universal words, just like the previous "Thousand Mile Grass, He Qingqing..." the same, it is difficult to say whether it has a deep meaning.

Note that empress dowager Li Xian, the emperor after Wu Zetian, was surnamed Wei, and wei's party controlled the government for a long time. Since "Wu Mei Niang Song" refers to Wu Shi Dangxing, then there are many people, based on "Sang Tiao Song", who think that Wei Shi will also be Xing, it is likely that it will be the second Wu Zetian, "Female Wei Ye Le", ah, does it mean that a woman surnamed Wei will want to get Zhi?

Many people rushed to attach to Webster, the more famous is the literati at that time Zheng Yan, before boiling tea to write articles about him, this person once attached to a lot of bosses, but specifically hindered the boss, followed by who who fell, this time came to cling to Webster, specially wrote more than a dozen "Mulberry Music Words" to flatter Wei Shi, Webster was really happy, and forgot that this brother was "Lu among people", took Zheng Yan as a little brother, promoted him to be a servant of the bureaucracy. Later, Zheng Yan also became the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

However, "Female Wei Ye Le" is just an empty joy. After Emperor Zhongzong's death, Wei Shi originally intended to monopolize power, but was overthrown by Li Longji and Princess Taiping. Wu Zetian's second, eventually became a big dream.

("Wu Mei Niang Song" and "Sang Tiao Song" are from "Asano Youzai")

【Historical Anecdotes - Is There a Relationship between Children's Songs and Rumors】 At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in charge, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Grass, He Qingqing." Ten Days, Judas is not born" (from Pei Song, Romance of the Three Kingdoms
【Historical Anecdotes - Is There a Relationship between Children's Songs and Rumors】 At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in charge, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Grass, He Qingqing." Ten Days, Judas is not born" (from Pei Song, Romance of the Three Kingdoms
【Historical Anecdotes - Is There a Relationship between Children's Songs and Rumors】 At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in charge, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Grass, He Qingqing." Ten Days, Judas is not born" (from Pei Song, Romance of the Three Kingdoms
【Historical Anecdotes - Is There a Relationship between Children's Songs and Rumors】 At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was in charge, and there was a nursery rhyme cloud "Thousand Li Grass, He Qingqing." Ten Days, Judas is not born" (from Pei Song, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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