
Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

author:Beiqing Net

With the increasing emphasis on health care

"Drink milk to supplement calcium, eat walnuts to supplement the brain" and so on

More and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

But you know what?

There are some humble ingredients in life

May be more calcium supplemental than milk

More brain-tonic than walnuts

More abundant than citrus vitamin C

These hidden "kings of nutrition"

If you don't eat, you lose

Come and see if it's on your table?

What foods supplement calcium than milk?

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

When it comes to dietary calcium supplementation, many people's first reaction is to drink more milk, milk does contain calcium is not low and easy to absorb, and each 100 grams usually contains about 100 mg of calcium. But in fact, the calcium content of many foods is higher than that of milk, and it is usually advisable to eat more.

1. Sesame seeds

From the perspective of the food composition list, the calcium content of black sesame seeds can reach about 8 times that of milk, which is a "calcium supplement master"! And after making tahini, it is also more conducive to calcium absorption. It should be noted that whether it is sesame seeds or tahini should not be eaten more, about 5 grams to 10 grams per day, especially tahini.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

2. Edamame

Edamame is actually a young soybean, the nutritional value is much stronger than the general vegetables, the protein content of edamame is similar to eggs, it is simply "meat grown in the ground". The calcium content of edamame can reach 135 mg/100 g, which is slightly better than milk. The dietary fiber content of edamame is as high as 4.0%, which is the "champion" of dietary fiber in vegetables. Moreover, edamame is also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and other substances, and its nutritional value is very high.

There are many ways to eat edamame, and the small circle is most recommended for boiling, which not only maintains the turquoise color, but also minimizes nutrient loss. It should be noted that whether boiled or stir-fried, the edamame must be cooked to avoid poisoning.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

Expert Tips:

1, food is the best source of calcium, eating calcium tablets can not be replaced

2, it is recommended to take more milk and its products, soy products, green leafy vegetables, etc. in life, and also pay attention to more sun exposure and more exercise, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium

3. If you really want to take calcium tablets, it is best to consult a nutritionist first

What foods are more abundant than citrus vitamin C?

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

In daily life, people always supplement vitamin C from some sour fruits, such as oranges, oranges, lemons... The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 100 mg, the vitamin C content of oranges is 33 mg/100 g, and the vitamin C content of lemons is 22 mg/100 g, in fact, there are many ingredients with higher vitamin C content than citrus fruits

1. Bell peppers

Bell pepper is one of the bell peppers, there are red, yellow, cyan, etc., each color pepper contains an average of 128 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, which can be regarded as the vitamin C "champion" in vegetables.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

2. Alfalfa

Alfalfa, also known as grass head, has a vitamin C content of 102 mg/100 g, which is more than 3 times that of oranges! And its vitamin A content can be comparable to carrots, while the rich alfalfa saponins can also help regulate blood lipids, very suitable for people with high blood lipids and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

It should be noted that because vitamin C is water-soluble, it is easy to lose during the cooking process, and in various cooking methods, steaming, boiling, fast frying and other methods, vitamin C preservation rate is higher. In addition, the addition of acidic spices such as vinegar and lemon juice can also improve the preservation rate of vitamin C. Of course, you don't have to worry too much, and eating more can also make up for the loss of cooking.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

Expert Tips:

When it comes to vitamin C, winter dates are the "king of vitamin C", the vitamin C content can reach 243 mg / 100 grams, eating 3 capsules can meet the needs of vitamin C for a day. It should be noted that although winter dates are rich in vitamin C, they are high in calories, which is equivalent to the energy of rice of the same weight.

What food is more brain-replenishing than walnuts?

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

"Eat walnuts to supplement the brain" is a folk saying that has always existed. Modern nutritional research has also found that walnuts do have certain benefits for the brain - walnuts contain high unsaturated fatty acids, of which the ratio of α-linolenic acid is high, and it can be converted into DHA, which is an important substance that makes up the neuroma of the cerebral cortex. In addition to walnuts, there are many foods in life that also have a good tonic effect on the brain.

1. Quail eggs: supplement lecithin

Lecithin is an indispensable substance for the formation of neurotransmitters in the human brain, and appropriate supplementation helps to enhance human memory and the brain's thinking ability and analytical ability. The lecithin content in quail eggs is 3 to 4 times that of ordinary eggs, and the vitamin D content is also very high.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

2, amaranth: supplement folic acid

Folic acid is an essential factor in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, and it is also indispensable for the metabolism of long-chain fatty acids (such as DNA) in the brain. Therefore, proper folic acid supplementation can help tonify the brain and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Folic acid is mainly found in dark vegetables, of which amaranth is the highest content of all vegetables, reaching 300 μg/100 g.

It should be noted that the content of oxalic acid in amaranth is relatively high, which is not conducive to the absorption of calcium. Before serving, it is recommended to blanch it quickly in boiling water before proceeding to the next step of cooking.

Higher than milk calcium, more than walnut brain, higher than citrus VC? These hidden "kings of nutrition" cannot be hidden

Expert Tips:

The brain loves these foods: (1) eggs; (2) nuts; (3) Fresh green leafy vegetables; (4) Salmon, sardines, salmon and other deep-sea fish; (5) Tofu, tofu bamboo, fresh beans, dried beans, etc.

If you want to strengthen your brain, in addition to supplementing with beneficial foods, it is also necessary to maintain balanced nutrition, take reasonable rest, and participate in necessary training. At the same time, avoid a high-sugar, high-fat, high-salt diet.

Health tips

Although food supplements are good, but do not exaggerate the nutritional effects of a certain food, nutritional balance, the combination of eating and moving, regular work and rest, optimism, is the way to health. Food has no effect on the treatment of diseases, can not be overly dependent, the body is unwell, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.

(CCTV Life Circle)

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