
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day

author:I love to draw stones

#Open My Life Diary#

I love planting a pot of mint, especially the cool and cool taste of mint.

Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes to be wet, as long as you water it every day, put it in a sunny place, and soon it will become a bursting pot of mint.

I especially like the unique aroma of mint, not ostentatious, not intense, cool and fast, pick a mint leaf, gently rub it, put it under the nose, smell the aroma of mint, immediately feel refreshed.

When you have a cold or a sore throat, pick a few mint leaves to make tea and drink, which can relieve the symptoms.

I love mint, cool cool, summer taste!

#Ritual sense in life# #Little warmth in the life of the city#

The picture below is all mint that I have raised.

#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day
#Open My Life Diary #I like to plant a pot of mint, especially the cool taste of mint. Peppermint is easy to raise, cuttings can live, it loves the sun, likes humidity, as long as every day

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