
How much do you know to save the manatees of Belize?

author:A tree that does not germinate

Jamal Galves is a National Geographic Photography Researcher who is currently working to protect the West Indies (Antilles) manatee in Belize. As a marine conservationist, he combines scientific research, education and outreach activities to help save the species. When asked why the manatee species should be protected, Jamal explained:

"Belize is the last stronghold of the world's endangered West Indies (Antilles) manatee, with about 1,000 manatees remaining in Belize. Efforts to save this species are critical not only for the survival of native species, but also for the survival of species globally. If Belize's population continues to decline, the species risks extinction. ”

How much do you know to save the manatees of Belize?

Manatee of the Antilles

Together with his team, he conducted manatee health assessments, satellite tagging and drone surveys. Using these techniques, they collected important data, including manatee motility patterns, behavior, habitat use, and human conflict factors.

How much do you know to save the manatees of Belize?

Manatee Health Assessment

During the first six months of his research project, Jamal successfully captured six manatees and conducted health assessments of them, three of which were tagged with satellites, allowing his team to monitor their activity and habitat use. He has also been working with the authorities to carry out patrols in important manatee breeding areas, catching speeding boats and seizing illegal fishing nets. He was invited to join the Government-designated Gillnet Working Group, a group of fisheries, conservationists and government officials to address the problems and impact of such gear. Also, with the help of national geographic photography team, he is discussing a proposal to ensure the government protects one of his research sites because it is used by a large number of manatees. His outreach efforts also include working with local communities to promote manatees in local schools, meeting with fishermen and residents specifically discussing the impact of gillnets on manatees.

How much do you know to save the manatees of Belize?

Gillnet Lectures

Taking a step back from the daily chores, however, Jamal explains that he enjoys working with manatees because of their amazing behavior: "The bond between mother and cub is like a mother who loves and protects her child." But he was quick to add that working with them gave him some interesting situations:

"One of the manatees was very active during our manatee hunt. By the way, when we put the manatee on the boat, I had just changed into the only dry shirt and hat left on the boat. The manatee kept churning around the boat so much that most people had to abandon the boat and get into the water. Although I almost fell off the side of the ship twice, I was one of the last people on board. I laughed and enjoyed the fact that everyone but me had fallen into the water, with the exception of me. I certainly didn't want to fall off the boat, and just when the manatee seemed to have calmed down, it started ramming around, and I fell out of the boat in my only dry shirt, hat, and sunglasses. Needless to say, when I joined them in the water, everyone laughed at me!"

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