
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

author:Creative countryside


In southeastern New Zealand, near the tourist resort of Tau Ranga and the dormant volcano Mount Maunganui, there is a small coastal village with a warm, humid climate but fertile soil; It is not large in size, but the terrain is undulating; It was once mainly based on agriculture and horticulture, but now it has become a famous tourist town; It grows citrus, oranges, avocados and other fruits, but the kiwi fruit (kiwifruit) is the most famous, it is the self-proclaimed "kiwi fruit capital of the world" New Zealand characteristic town - Te Puke (Te Puke).

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

A characteristic town in Te Puke, New Zealand

The origin of kiwifruit (kiwifruit).

Many people mention world-class, high-quality kiwifruit (kiwifruit), the first thing that comes to mind is the New Zealand kiwi (Kimifruit), and even the small town of Te Puke calls itself the "Kiwi Capital of the World". But in fact, the real origin of New Zealand kiwifruit is China! Yichang, Hubei Province, central China and the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River!

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

According to the "Book of Poetry" 2,000 years ago and Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", the mainland has successfully cultivated kiwifruit in ancient times, called Cangchu. China's kiwifruit is mainly distributed in the warm Yangtze River Basin, with a wide variety, but due to the lack of understanding and cultivation, it was once in a state of barbaric growth.

But in 1903, the fate of kiwi fruit changed quietly. A New Zealand girls' school principal, Fraser, came to Yichang, where she found this sweet and sour fruit in the market and liked it very much. As a result, he began to consciously collect different varieties of kiwi seeds, and brought them back to New Zealand in 1904, which opened the way for the development of New Zealand kiwifruit (kiwifruit).

Fraser, who lives in the North Island of New Zealand, divides the seeds she brings back into several portions, gives them to friends, and eventually after several turns, a kiwi seed comes to the breeding expert Alisson, and after Allison's many attempts, in 1910, the kiwi fruit successfully bore fruit in New Zealand.

In the following decades, under the repeated trials of New Zealand agronomists, kiwifruit cultivation technology gradually matured, and a large-scale planting base appeared in the Te puke area of the Bay of Plenty, which was suitable for kiwifruit growth, but the name at that time was Chinese gooseberry.

In 1952, New Zealand, as a Commonwealth country and agricultural power, exported New Zealand to the United Kingdom and Australia for the first time.

In 1959, with the continuous expansion of the international market for kiwifruit in New Zealand, in order to avoid other countries thinking that this sweet and sour "Chinese gooseberry" was the most authentic in China, they fused kiwifruit with New Zealand's famous national bird "kiwi" (the status equivalent to China's panda) and renamed it "Kiwifruit", at which point, New Zealand kiwifruit was officially born.

Throughout the birth of Kiwifruit in New Zealand, Te Puke, located in the Bay of Plenty, with a suitable climate, fertile soil and convenient transportation, was the main production area, and almost 70% of the country's kiwi plantations were located in this area, which is why Te Puke calls itself the "Kiwi Fruit Capital of the World".

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

A characteristic town in Te Puke, New Zealand

Kiwifruit (kiwifruit) characteristics

Te Puke,This coastal town, which was once dominated by dairy industry, with the introduction and development of kiwifruit (kiwifruit) industry, not only ushered in the "second spring" of the town's economic development, but also gradually formed a regional brand, national characteristics, and even became a world-renowned tourist town. And this transformation process, mainly due to:

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

1. Industry: "1+2+3" integrated development

Te Puke characteristic town, based on the kiwifruit planting industry, integrates the processing industry, tourism and leisure and vacation industries to form a "1+2+3" industrial linkage development.

Primary industry: from kiwifruit breeding, planting, storage to transportation and other aspects, the use of advanced science and technology, not only continue to develop new varieties, the implementation of green planting, but also cooperate with surrounding farmers, in all aspects of the implementation of quality tracking, to ensure the quality of kiwifruit (kiwifruit);

Secondary industry: on the basis of kiwifruit cultivation, fine processing of fruits and processing of derivatives. For example, different flavors of kiwi jam, kiwi ice cream, kiwi skin care products, kiwi fruit processing snacks, and even kiwi-themed bags, clothes, etc., are favored by the market and have obtained good sales;

Tertiary industry: The town divides the kiwifruit (kiwifruit) plantation into multiple kiwi planting units with a windbreak forest, which is not only conducive to agricultural operations such as planting, care, and picking, but also forms a kiwifruit landscape that changes with the seasons and presents different hues. At the same time, Te Puke town also carries out sightseeing tours, study tours, experience tours and so on based on the concept of original and healthy fruits such as kiwifruit cultivation and processing.

In addition, in order to meet the different leisure needs of tourists at different levels, Te Puke Town has also added berry farms (animal sightseeing, jam making), golf courses, shooting ranges, hiking experiences and daytime health experiences, etc., forming a characteristic town with the kiwi fruit industry as the core and the surrounding leisure industry belt as the core.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

2. Cultural aspects: "community + folklore" activation and utilization

In New Zealand, you will always feel the presence of Maori culture. At Te Puke, you'll also get a feel for the Māori culture and traditions. In addition to traditional customs such as nose-touching ceremonies and noodle tattoos, local residents who are good at singing and dancing will also prepare the unique and wonderful Maori songs and dances and different Maori customs for tourists, and because the Maori people are good at wood carving, stone carving and other handicrafts, in the famous historical village (The Historic Village), tourists can enjoy or buy a variety of exquisite handicrafts.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

In addition, compared to other commercial towns, Te Puke's non-profit high-quality café (which won the New Zealand National Café of the Year Award in 2018) has invested all the income it earns into the local residents and the community spirit in the organization. For example, the café regularly hosts pizza nights, offers free pizza to hungry pedestrians, and funds or services for te puke youth or other individual projects in need.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

3. In terms of activities: "festival + experience" innovative form

1) Te Puke is a characteristic town with the annual Tipki Kiwi Festival held every September, an expo showcasing green kiwi and golden kiwifruit, as well as a competition to let visitors find the queen of kiwifruit. Of course, folk dances and folk songs that carry songs and dances are indispensable.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

2) In addition to the Tipki Kiwi Festival, the town of Te Puke hosts an annual multicultural community event, the Te Puke World Fest. At that time, artists of different types and different countries will perform on the same stage, different social groups and schools will also prepare corresponding cultural performances, and different delicacies and various food stalls from all over the world will also be served on the day, with rewards, play, food and fun.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

3) Te Puke not only positioned the event in the town, but also integrated with the surrounding area and the festival theme to form a theme event with kiwifruit (kiwifruit) characteristics. For example, Te Puke fused kiwifruit (kiwifruit) with traditional Christmas float parades to create kiwi-themed Christmas floats, which were well received; Te Puke and Tauranga jointly organized the "Kiwi Festival BOP", which allows visitors to take a steam train to enjoy the famous characteristic landscapes of the Bay of Plenty area, taste local specialties, and form a famous regional event that integrates music, entertainment and food.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

4) During Te Puke's idle season, Sikhs who work in the kiwifruit industry hold an annual Te Puke Nagar Kirtan in the town. Organizers said that the Sikh parade, in addition to being a church event, is to make everyone firmly believe that "when you are successful, share happiness and success for the community, you will be happier", which highlights the multiculturalism of the small town of Te Puke and highlights the community spirit of peace, equality, sharing and integration.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

4. Service: "personality + perfection" customized supply

The transportation facilities, food and beverage supply, accommodation choices, tourist guidance and other aspects of the town of Te Puke adhere to the "humanistic spirit" and provide tourists with perfect and personalized customized services. For example, in terms of transportation facilities, visitors can choose to take a kiwi-shaped sightseeing car or take a helicopter to overlook the entire town from above;

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

In terms of food and beverage supply, tourists can choose local specialty bars, elegant and funny cafes, and restaurants with both delicious and scenic views;

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

In terms of accommodation, tourists can choose from high-end and luxurious hotels, seaside holiday homes, exquisite country houses, and even dormitories and campsites suitable for backpacking.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

While providing diversified supply for tourists, the whole town also provides personalized and customizable services for tourists with special needs, which not only meets external expectations, but also meets the internal needs of tourists, so as to achieve a ladder-like incremental effect.

5. Landscape: "Artificial + Natural" theme creation

For Te Puke town with natural coastal beauty and rich forest resources, its landscape creates a theme around the theme of "Kiwi Capital", creating a leisure and comfortable seaside town life landscape, and adding the theme landscape of the town through certain artificial landscape sketches, such as giant kiwi sculptures, kiwi shape sightseeing cars, kiwi bird sculptures, etc. Under the premise of respecting nature, incorporate health elements; In the process of creating a leisure landscape, the theme charm is highlighted.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

6. Marketing: "traceability + integration" unified operation

The development of the kiwifruit (kiwifruit) industry in the small town of Te Puke has not been smooth. From insufficient domestic consumption power, to the international market, to Italy, Chile and other agricultural powers, from the south and north of the hemisphere to compete with it, the kiwi fruit (kiwifruit) industry in the town of Tipuki has experienced the dilemma of accounting for less than 21.1% of the international market from the world's only one..... Encountered "Waterloo" tipki kiwifruit (kiwifruit) industry, began to think bitterly, the whole town began to develop new varieties in the form of "company + farmer", and then the use of agricultural technology, the implementation of green planting, to achieve "traceability", while for various types of markets and consumer groups to conduct research and investigation feedback, timely according to market changes, change marketing strategies, change product solutions, to meet the latest market demand.

In addition, because the fruit farmers are responsible for providing kiwifruit (kiwifruit) and participating in the dividend, fully mobilizing their production enthusiasm, activating the industrial chain from the source, and integrating scientific research, planting, production, packaging, export and other links for the Te Puke kiwi fruit industry, and realizing multi-party joint unified operation, it has made a solid preparation.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

Learn from and think

When the characteristic town with industry as the core, the project as the carrier, and the integration of production, life and ecology is developing in an orderly manner, some characteristic towns in China have problems such as "unsung characteristics", "low quality" and "wearing counterfeit clothes", etc. The National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have made certain corrections to the problem towns, canceling the title and qualification of some characteristic towns, but this phenomenon is worth our in-depth thinking: how to plan and focus on characteristic towns? Isn't operation going astray? We may wish to learn from these four aspects of Te Puke, New Zealand's kiwi town:

1. Functional layout: adhere to the guidance of characteristic industries

The functional layout of the characteristic town is not only related to the industrial development of the characteristic town, but also related to the overall positioning of the whole town. This is the focus of the planning of characteristic towns, and it is also the key to not deviating from the operation in the later stage, so we must adhere to the guidance of characteristic industries. For example, in the functional layout of Te Puke Kiwi Characteristic Town in New Zealand, adhere to the kiwi characteristic industry as the guide, and divide the industrial area, living area and regional traffic trunk line, port route and other related transportation supporting areas, which not only ensures the vigorous development of the kiwi fruit industry in the town, maximizes the utilization of resources, but also paves the way for the town residents to live and work in peace and contentment and realize the division of spatial levels.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

2. Spatial level: highlight the characteristics of ecological leisure

Characteristic towns are not only strong industrial towns, but also beautiful towns where people live. Industrial characteristics, functional diversification, environmental greening, flexible mechanism, and perfect equipment are the development trends of characteristic towns. Therefore, in the spatial planning of characteristic towns, it is necessary to combine the industrial conditions, realize hierarchical design, and highlight the characteristics of ecology, leisure, and multi-function. For example, Te Puke Kiwi Characteristic Town in New Zealand combines kiwifruit planting fields to form three spatial levels of community, manor and plantation, and the community road network is dense and convenient for travel; The manor adopts the form of a front yard and a back field, which not only considers planting, but also takes into account the functions of tourism and accommodation; The plantation is formed by the windbreak forest to form a unique kiwi plantation landscape, etc., so that the leading industry, natural ecology, history and culture are skillfully integrated.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

3. Landscape system: highlight the characteristics around the theme

The landscape of the characteristic town, there are pastoral scenery, makino style, literary and artistic pride, etc., different styles corresponding to the landscape theme will be very different, therefore, for the characteristic town landscape system, must be around the theme of the highlights, for example, New Zealand Tipuki (Te Puke) town from kiwifruit country (kiwifruit country) / Julians Berry Farm (Julians Berry Farm) tourism, to hiking experience, health experience and other landscape sketches to create, All have obvious "kiwi characteristics", the most classic of which is that the giant kiwi sculpture landscape has now become a characteristic landscape of Tipuki Town, and even a must-see spot for tourist punching.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

4. Event planning: take into account the integration of local folklore

The activity planning of characteristic towns should be deeply excavated in the basis of in-depth analysis of location factors, resource elements, etc., not only to ensure the orderly production of agricultural affairs and town life, but also to give full play to their versatility, and at the same time skillfully integrate into some local folk customs, which can not only break the strange circle of unity, single activity and homogenization in various places, but also form local characteristic activities. For example, the town of Te Puke, New Zealand, not only integrates Maori folk culture into the town's themed activities, but also creatively organizes Sikh parades, which not only enrich the local activities, but also make the whole town full of vitality under the interweaving of multiple cultures.

How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?
How does The Kiwi Town of Tipukee, New Zealand, achieve from a regional brand to a world-renowned town?

Article source: Village Rally Number Editor: One Degree

Rural Assembly Number: Self-run media of Beijing Urban and Rural Strategy Research Institute. Shouldering the mission of "solving the puzzle of rural revitalization, exploring the way of industrial integration, and shaping the beauty of local idylls", it has deeply cultivated the fields of rural industrial upgrading, beautiful rural construction, and integration of agricultural culture and tourism, and disseminated new ideas, new concepts and new models for rural development in the world. Build a self-media information exchange platform, a smart innovation podium, a rural industry stage that comprehensively empowers the sustainable development of rural areas, and a publicity and promotion booth. Provide rapid and effective knowledge transfer services for builders committed to rural development, and realize the beautiful vision of village-enterprise interdependence, jingtian and urban-rural integration

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