
Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”


There are thousands of reasons for being rejected to find a job, but "not being white" counts as one?

Recently, a Ph.D. in New Zealand was looking for a job and encountered a particularly angry incident.

He didn't get a job because of his race: "Getting a job turned down because I'm not white? ”

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”


Here's the thing:

"I am an ethnic minority immigrant with a PhD from the University of Auckland and have 5 years of work experience in New Zealand and 10 years overseas.

"An overseas recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn to introduce me to a job, and we chatted on Zoom after that.

"He's looking for talent for a company that's set up in New Zealand and they need someone from New Zealand to help set it up. The company is registered in New Zealand and already has one director in New Zealand.

"After the conversation, the recruiter said that he would bring my information to discuss it with the company organizer and then inform me of the results.

"Then he messaged me that they wanted a native white New Zealander.

"So, am I being racially discriminated against?"

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

The rejection text message sent to him by the other party said something like this:

"Hello, I just got feedback from XX that they wanted to hire a native New Zealand Caucasian to make the job easier.

"I'm sorry, but we can keep in touch and have the opportunity to work together again in the future."

This post has attracted the attention of a large number of netizens, most of whom believe that this is a clear racial discrimination, and the other party has left evidence.

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

"Generally speaking, it's hard for you to prove that you've been discriminated against, but they just leave you with documentary evidence, so let's take action."

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

"I was stunned. This is an absolute violation of human rights law. It may be difficult to collect evidence because they are overseas, but you should talk to the Human Rights Commission first. ”

However, there are also people who interpret this matter from other angles:

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

"My guess is that this recruiter's first language is not English.

"Maybe the other company is saying, 'We're going to open up a new market, so it's better to find a local New Zealander because they know more about the situation and have local resources.'"

"They may think you don't know enough about New Zealand, but when you translate it, it says, 'I want a native white man.'"


Under the New Zealand Human Rights Act 1993, employers may not discriminate against job applicants on the following grounds: colour; Race; Ethnicity or ancestry, including nationality and citizenship.

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

So in this case, the poster could have reported it to the Human Rights Committee with evidence.

Dr. New Zealand: "Because I'm not white, I was denied a job!" ”

Other areas in which applicants may not be discriminated against include: gender, marital status, employment status, religious beliefs, physical disability, age, sexual orientation, etc.

It is also important to note that tactful inquiries about job seekers are also not permitted in New Zealand.

For example, ask, "What year did you graduate?" "It can lead to ageism.

In most cases, the existing employer or hiring employer cannot decide whether or not to hire on these grounds, nor can they ask the candidate questions that are not relevant to the job.

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