
Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In a small city, there is an ordinary employee named Han Jun, a junior designer in a small company.

He usually lives an ordinary life, and his only hobby is eating fruits. Especially kiwi, he eats one or two almost every day and feels it's a good way to stay healthy.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Recently, however, Han Jun has felt that something is wrong with his body, he always feels thirsty, urinate frequently, and always feel tired. He felt that something was wrong with his body, so he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive medical check-up to find out what was wrong with him.

At the hospital, after a series of tests, the doctor told him the news that shocked him: his blood sugar level was a little high and had exceeded the normal range. Hearing the news, Han Jun felt a little incredible, because he usually didn't feel any discomfort, let alone have symptoms of diabetes.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Seeing Han Jun's confusion, the doctor explained: "Mr. Han, you usually love to eat fruits, especially kiwifruit, but you may not realize that fruits also contain a certain amount of sugar, and kiwi fruit is relatively high in sugar. For people like yours with high blood sugar, eating too much kiwifruit can spike your blood sugar, which can increase your risk of diabetes.

After hearing this, Han Jun was a little stunned, it turned out that he usually consumed a lot of fruits for his health, but he didn't know the pitfalls. The doctor continued: "In addition to kiwifruit, there are some other fruits that also contain high sugar, such as durian and grapes, and you should control your intake in moderation. ”

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Han Jun followed the doctor's advice and began to adjust his eating habits. He understands that even if it's a healthy food, excessive intake can be bad for the body.

Therefore, he decided to control his appetite and no longer blindly pursue the deliciousness of kiwifruit. To keep his blood sugar levels stable, he began to increase his intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Such a change will not only help him live a healthy life, but also reduce his risk of diabetes.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

At the same time, Han Jun also gained an in-depth understanding of the prevention and management of diabetes. He found that there are many tips that can help prevent diabetes, not just diet.

It is important to maintain an appropriate weight, be physically active, check your blood sugar levels regularly, quit smoking and limit alcohol, etc. These simple lifestyle changes can not only reduce the risk of diabetes, but also improve overall health.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Thanks to his efforts, Han Jun's blood sugar level gradually returned to the normal range, and his physical condition also improved significantly. He sincerely thanked the doctor for his advice and guidance, which gave him a deeper understanding of health and cherished it more.

After returning home, Han Jun shared his experience in diet adjustment and health management with his family. Everyone was deeply inspired and expressed that they should be like Han Jun, pay attention to health, eat reasonably, actively participate in sports, and take responsibility for the health of themselves and their families.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

During the communication with his family, Han Jun also learned that some of his friends or relatives were suffering from diabetes. Some people have high blood sugar because they are not eating quite right.

Some may be due to not exercising enough, while others may run in families. These real-life cases made Han Jun more determined to change his lifestyle, and also made him pay more attention to health issues.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Let's understand that healthy eating is not something that can be solved by simply eating some so-called "healthy food". You have to control the portion size, don't be greedy, you have to pay attention to what you eat and how you eat, so that you can eat healthy. Neither can the movement be left behind.

Being more active, controlling your weight, and having regular check-ups to solve problems is the king of disease prevention. In this way, you can enjoy a healthy life and not be held back by diseases.

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

Ultimately, we must understand that health is one of our most precious assets, and it deserves to be cherished and cared for. Only by taking care of this wealth through the right lifestyle can we truly have a healthy body.

Health not only allows us to enjoy life better and pursue our dreams and goals, but also enables us to reach our greater potential and create more possibilities in life. Therefore, let's start from now on, establish the belief of "health first", take responsibility for our own health, and add more color and possibilities to our lives.

What are your thoughts on how to prevent diabetes? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Man loves to eat kiwi and finds high blood sugar? Doctor: In addition to kiwifruit, these kinds should also be eaten sparingly

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