
A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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Qian Jun, a 46-year-old supermarket clerk, always rushes through breakfast every morning and then starts her day's work.

However, one morning, Qian Jun had just finished breakfast when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then fell to the ground. The family quickly called 120, but by the time the ambulance arrived, Qian Jun had already died of a heart attack.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Dr. Fang, a cardiologist who received the visit, felt very sorry. He told Qian Jun's family that myocardial infarction did not happen all at once, and many times it was the result of the accumulation of long-term unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Especially for the elderly, the habit after meals is particularly crucial. It is important to remember that there are "five don'ts" after a meal, so that similar tragedies can be prevented.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Dr. Fang reminds everyone not to do strenuous exercise immediately after eating. Many people think that walking after a meal is good, but in fact, strenuous exercise just after eating will increase the burden on the heart.

Especially for people with heart problems, this will allow blood to flow to the muscles, and the digestive system will have less blood, which may cause a heart attack.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

The doctor told a case of a middle-aged man named Wang Ming, who liked to run after meals every day, thinking that it would help digestion and weight loss. Shortly after a meal, he suddenly felt chest pain while running, had difficulty breathing, and was finally diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction.

Dr. Fang recommends that you do not exercise vigorously within half an hour after eating, and it is best to walk slowly, which will help digestion and will not burden the heart.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Dr. Fang also reminded not to go to bed after eating. Many people are accustomed to taking naps or napping after meals, but lying down immediately can cause regurgitation of stomach contents, increasing stomach acid secretion.

In severe cases, it may also cause esophagitis or angina. He recommends sitting for at least half an hour after a meal to give the gastrointestinal tract a time for normal digestion.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Dr. Fang also mentioned that you should not smoke immediately after eating. Smoking itself is very harmful to the cardiovascular system, and smoking after meals will cause more harmful substances to enter the bloodstream, aggravating the damage to the heart and blood vessels.

An elderly patient with coronary heart disease who usually likes to smoke a few cigarettes after meals suddenly felt severe chest pain one day and was diagnosed with myocardial infarction after being sent to the hospital. Dr. Fang pointed out that smoking will increase blood pressure and easily lead to cardiovascular diseases, especially after meals.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Next, Dr. Fang mentioned not to take a shower immediately after eating. He advises to wait at least an hour after a meal before taking a shower, which will avoid overloading the heart.

A middle-aged woman was finally diagnosed with a heart attack when she suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath while taking a shower immediately after eating. Finally, Dr. Fang cautions not to drink tea immediately after eating.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

The tannic acid in tea leaves can make the protein and iron in food indigestible, affecting nutrient absorption. Moreover, the caffeine in tea stimulates the nerves and increases the burden on the heart.

An elderly man who usually likes to drink strong tea after meals was diagnosed with myocardial infarction one day when he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. Dr. Fang advises that it is best to drink weak tea after meals, and not immediately.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Under Dr. Fang's advice, Qian Jun's family began to pay attention to these after-meal habits and avoided possible health risks. They also shared these suggestions with their relatives and friends, hoping that everyone would benefit from them and prevent similar tragedies from happening.

Family members began to talk about these precautions at gatherings, reminding relatives and friends not to exercise vigorously immediately after meals, not to lie down immediately to rest, and not to smoke, take a bath or drink tea immediately. After hearing this, many relatives and friends said that they would change their habits and pay attention to these details.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Although they are saddened by Qian's departure, they hope that by spreading this health knowledge, more people will realize the importance of after-meal habits to protect their own health and the health of their families.

To stay healthy, you must first pay attention to and document your bad habits and understand the specific impact of those habits on your health.

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!

Then, you can gradually guide yourself or others around you to change these habits, such as choosing light activities after meals, avoiding strenuous exercise and smoking, maintaining a correct sitting posture, and waiting for a certain amount of time before taking a bath and drinking tea. At the same time, through health education and consultation with professional doctors, we can increase the awareness and importance of a healthy lifestyle, so as to effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases and protect physical health

What do you think about the after-meal habits? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 46-year-old woman dies of a heart attack after breakfast? Doctor: When you are old, remember the "5 don'ts" after meals!