
Guangdong Enping Qixingkeng Nature Reserve recorded for the first time the national second-class wild animal chestnut-throated bee tiger

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Figure Yangcheng Evening News All-media reporter Zhang Aili Correspondent Lin Yin

Recently, when the staff of The Qixingkeng Provincial Nature Reserve in Enping, Guangdong Province, carried out field investigation work, they happened to encounter a group of national second-level protected wild animals - chestnut-throated bee tigers, which is reported to be the first time this species has been recorded in the area.

In the morning, the staff passed through an open flat field during a field survey and suddenly found a flock of birds (about 30), with beautiful and elegant shapes and metallic feathers. Experts from the Institute of Zoology of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences identified this bird as a chestnut-throated bee tiger of the Buddhist monk Family.

Guangdong Enping Qixingkeng Nature Reserve recorded for the first time the national second-class wild animal chestnut-throated bee tiger

Chestnut-throated bee tigers are slightly larger (30 cm, including an extended central tail feather) and have an elegant physique. The eye stripes are black, the head and back are green, the iris is red, the mouth and feet are black, the waist and tail are blue, the chin is yellow, the throat is chestnut, and the abdomen is light green. The lower wings are orange-yellow when flying, and flocks gather in open areas to hunt, inhabit bare branches or wires, and glide lazily in search of insects. According to the staff of the Provincial Forestry Bureau, in the "List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection" released in February this year, the chestnut-throated bee tiger has been upgraded from the original "three wild animals under national key protection" to "national second-level protected wild animals", from which the rarity and important ecological value of this species can be glimpsed.

Guangdong Enping Qixingkeng Nature Reserve recorded for the first time the national second-class wild animal chestnut-throated bee tiger

According to experts, the chestnut-throated bee tiger mainly breeds in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and is distributed in parts of Yunnan, Hainan, Hong Kong, Guangdong and Fujian. It mainly feeds on bees, dragonflies, butterflies, and other insects, specializing in catching insects in flight, and the probability of bee insects escaping in front of it is zero, just like small animals in front of tigers, so it is called bee tiger. As one of the most beautiful birds in China, the chestnut-throated hummingbird is not only beautiful but also powerful. Its flight technology is superb, it can make rapid flight, gliding, hovering, rapid rotation and pitch and other difficult actions, and can also emit kwink-kwink vibrato when flying!

It is reported that guangdong Enping Qixingkeng Provincial Nature Reserve has actively promoted biodiversity conservation in recent years and provided an excellent ecological environment for the reproduction of wild animals and plants. The management office of the protected area will increase the protection efforts, strengthen the monitoring depth and breadth of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, effectively play the positive role of science popularization and education, escort the beautiful forest spirits, and continuously promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Image | Respondents provided

Editor-in-charge | Sun Qiman

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