
#Roadside Photo of Beautiful Flowers ##今天你草本纲目了吗? #六月二号邻居家鱼缸铜钱草铜钱草是观叶植物 is a perennial wet herb. Copper money grass blade rolls

author:Xiaoxiao 9P0N

#Beautiful Flowers On the Side of the Road # #今天你草本纲目了吗? #

June 2

Neighbor's fish tank copper money grass

Copper moneygrass is a foliage plant that is a perennial wet herb. The leaves of copper moneygrass are rounded and the vitality is very vigorous. Round and thick leaves, thick green and shiny, very ornamental. It is one of the aquatic plants that is both beautiful and well-raised.

Copper money grass prefers warm and humid environments. but not hardy,

Because its moisture resistance is strong,

Here it can be temporarily watered,

Nutrients can be concentrated to grow on the branches and leaves, making them lush and emerald green, growing to burst tanks. Copper money grass is still better at viewing leaves, and the round green leaves are tightly packed together, which is very interesting.

#Roadside Photo of Beautiful Flowers ##今天你草本纲目了吗? #六月二号邻居家鱼缸铜钱草铜钱草是观叶植物 is a perennial wet herb. Copper money grass blade rolls
#Roadside Photo of Beautiful Flowers ##今天你草本纲目了吗? #六月二号邻居家鱼缸铜钱草铜钱草是观叶植物 is a perennial wet herb. Copper money grass blade rolls
#Roadside Photo of Beautiful Flowers ##今天你草本纲目了吗? #六月二号邻居家鱼缸铜钱草铜钱草是观叶植物 is a perennial wet herb. Copper money grass blade rolls

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