
Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

author:Dr. Xiaodong talks about health

Ancients: As long as it is food, there will be people to eat, such as the meat of birds and animals, or the roots of plants, most people like to go outside to explore some "wild meat".

Especially for middle-aged and elderly friends, they prefer to eat these wild vegetables outside, and some health care people will choose to dig wild vegetables far from home after 3 to 5 days of drying and soaking in water to drink, or make delicious dishes, which is very good.

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

In the minds of most people, eating wild vegetables with me is good for good health, and after a while I will go to the rural fields to dig wild vegetables.

There is a clear difference between urban architecture and rural construction Compared with urban construction, rural areas are more interesting, and children's brains growing in rural areas have more fun to react to.

Especially in the spring and summer, I prefer to go to the trees to pick some mulberries, locust flowers, catch cicadas, fish in the river and touch shrimp, go up the mountain to cut firewood and go down the mountain to pick wild fruits, which is a pleasure that cannot be experienced in big cities.

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Old farmers often regard the wild vegetables in the soil as the treasures in the diet, which is equivalent to the traditional Chinese medicine materials pursued by modern health professionals, the main production principle of Chinese medicine is to dig out from the soil, wild wild vegetables are developed for evolution, and wild wild vegetables can not only be medicated, but also meet the human body's needs for nutrients.

With the improvement of living standards, big fish and meat have become a luxury on the table, people prefer to eat some light vegetables, such as wild vegetables, it is generally believed that wild vegetables are rich in nutritional value than meat, with the popularization of medical knowledge, the amount of picking and sales of wild vegetables are significantly increasing.

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

However, for people who do not understand wild vegetables, wild vegetables grown in the soil do not have strong pregnancy, with the popularization of traditional Chinese medicine awareness, wild vegetables also have toxicity and medicinal characteristics, not all wild vegetables grown in the soil can be safely used by the human body, some wild vegetables also carry toxicity, which may cause some disadvantages to the body.


Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life should be touched less and no longer used as treasures

1. Bracken

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Bracken, as a common wild vegetable in the south, is very common in the field field, it is a thick rod diameter, looks crisp and delicious a kind of rhizome plant, but in the process of picking wild vegetables, try not to pick fern food.

There are some ingredients in bracken, which will cause certain substances on the human body to induce cancer reactions in epithelial tissue, and the human body will increase the risk of cancer after eating, even if they cannot directly cause cancer attacks, they will also produce food poisoning after eating, so it is recommended that everyone eat less bracken.

2. Purslane

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Purslane is particularly common in the countryside, will bloom red and yellow small flowers, children will take purslane as a child fun, especially middle-aged and elderly people prefer to eat some purslane, for example, you can make it into purslane dried, used to wrap buns or dumplings, very delicious.

Frozen purslane in the hot summer can play a role in detoxification and detoxification, but you should pay attention to paralysis, although it is rich in certain nutritional value, you can not eat too much.

This is mainly because there is a toxin in purslane, and long-term intake will cause the toxin to accumulate in the body and increase the burden of dry decomposition, and even affect the health of the entire body.

3. Huai Yam

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

In contrast, the northern region is relatively unfamiliar with the ring yam, usually in the southern region, and some people will pick this plant back for consumption in the process of picking wild vegetables.

Huaishan medicinal vegetables are also rich in toxins, and it is necessary to make some preparations before cooking, soak the plants in water, and then cook again.

During the soaking process, it is impossible to ensure that all toxins are soaked, for safety reasons, it is recommended that you eat less Huai yam vegetables.

4. Artemisia reeds

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

In the future, it will be particularly common in daily life, and it is easy to be confused with chrysanthemums or artemisia annua vegetables, although the names of these two plants are only one word apart, but the taste and nutritional value of the two plants are very different.

Chrysanthemum after being eaten by the human body will help bring about a guarantee effect on physical health, but the consumption of reed will affect the health of the body, the most important thing is because it is rich in a large amount of crude fiber, it is difficult to be digested by the stomach and intestines, eating too much at a time will increase the digestive burden of the stomach and intestines, and even cause gastrointestinal diarrhea, indigestion and other problems, affecting the health of the spleen and stomach.

5. Wild celery

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Wild celery is mainly grown in the southern region and looks like a very green vegetable, which is especially common in ethnic minority areas The consumption of this wild vegetable should be treated with caution.

This is mainly because wild celery is rich in toxic substances, which are difficult to be absorbed and digested by the body, and it is easy to destroy the health of the gastrointestinal tract after eating into the stomach, damage the spleen and stomach function, and reduce the peristalsis speed and digestion ability of the stomach.

Long-term excessive consumption of wild celery can lead to digestive tract damage and malnutrition problems, for the sake of health it is recommended that everyone eat less.


How can I eat wild vegetables healthier?

1, in fact, there are some wild vegetables taste relatively good, but in the picking should be more careful, they are in the wilderness and mountains, these wild vegetables, generally not by pesticides and fertilizers, chemical raw materials pollution can be eaten by the human body.

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

There are some wild vegetables that grow on the side of the road are often polluted by air pollution, and even have serious problems with water pollution, and it is recommended not to eat them.

2, in the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine to analyze, most of the wild vegetable cold help to clear the heat and open fire, egg yolk has gastrointestinal inflammation and spleen and stomach weakness people try not to eat wild vegetables, if you usually like to eat, you should put them in water soaked for about two hours, and finally blanched with boiling water, can effectively remove surface toxins and cold.


Read further: What common wild vegetables can be eaten?

1. Toon buds

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Toon bud is a leafy vegetable that grows on the tree, especially in the spring and summer, it grows more vigorously, the taste of toon is more special, delicious and intriguing after eating, whether it is pickled toon or scrambled eggs, most people are addicted to his taste.

2. Horsehead orchid

Horsehead orchid, also known as maran vegetables, is edible among many wild vegetables, one for the human body to bring heat and detoxification, dampness, swelling and diuresis, cool blood and hemostasis, in the eyes of Chinese medicine is a rare natural tonic.

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Often eat some horsehead orchid, can effectively remove the liver fire in the body, clear heat and detoxification, alleviate physical fatigue and limb weakness.

3. Small root of garlic

Small root garlic is also known as small root vegetables, the rhizome grows similar to garlic, has the taste and texture of the combination of green onions and garlic, and is often used as a condiment in the kitchen, and often appears in cold dishes.

4. Bitter vegetables

Doctors suggest: these five types of wild vegetables that are common in life may be less touched and no longer used as treasures

Bitter vegetables are also named bitter lettuce, you can eat its young leaves, when eaten raw, the taste is slightly bitter and astringent, blanched with hot water, the bitterness can be reduced, you can fry to eat, you can also cook soup, nutritional value is more abundant.

5. Mustard greens

Mustard is the most delicious among wild vegetables, a wild vegetable that can be eaten by the human body rich in certain nutritional value, supplementing the human body with amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, mineral elements, rich vitamins and so on.

Whether it is dumplings or buns, stir-fry or cold dishes, it is an indispensable delicacy on the table in spring and summer.

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