
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules

author:Free farmers tell stories

The 10 strangest species of true hybrids in the world

No.10: Mule

Perhaps the most famous hybrid is the mule. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules are the offspring of male donkeys and female horses. They are strong, reliable social animals, and smarter than any of their parents, but they are always infertile and therefore unable to reproduce on their own

No.9: Blood parrot

When many people hear that a mixture of double-crowned cichlids and red-crowned fish can create colorful fish, they just shrug their shoulders and disagree. While the bright colors of these hybrids are highly valued by some farmers, they often have anatomical problems, such as having too small a mouth that makes it difficult for fish to eat, making them a controversial animal that is difficult to raise or breed

No.8: Mountain sheep

These seemingly unusual but somewhat ordinary animals are very rare because sheep and goats have different genes. Offspring that survive these unusual mating are equally rare, but it does happen. In 2000, a sheep and a goat were kept together and a hybrid sheep was born. The sheep was found to have 57 chromosomes, between sheep (54) and goats (60), thus ruling out the possibility that the animal was just a weird-looking sheep or goat. The goat was infertile but so rampant that it was castrated at ten months of age to curb its excessive libido. Before that, people named it "Rapist."

No.7: Piflore cattle

The Pfello cattle are a hybrid of common domestic cattle and American bison. Accidental hybridization between bison and ordinary domestic cattle occurs almost from the moment the two species meet, and there are records that hybridization existed as early as 1749. Modern Phiflore cattle are bred with the food industry in mind, producing lean meat while causing less damage to the environment than ordinary cattle, and the project was largely successful, although critics say these mixed-breed bison interfered with the genes of purebred bison. In general, their offspring are fertile, and in order to retain the name "Piflore", their reproductive records must be carefully preserved

No.6: Cetaceans

Coincidences like dolphins and killer whales may seem impossible in nature, but it has happened – and more than once! Tests showed that the two creatures created a hybrid species, almost exactly half of them! When examining the teeth of these three animals, this is explained most clearly: dolphins have 88 teeth, whales have 44 teeth, and cetaceans have 66 teeth! Since they all belong to the suborder "toothed whales", it is possible that their offspring will be able to reproduce. Currently, in captivity, there is a surviving cetacean, which is three-quarters dolphins and one-quarter killer whale

No.5: Camas

Camas is an ironic proof that nature cannot be destroyed. Breeders want to breed a strong, wool-producing beast the size of a camel, but with the docile character of a camel

No.4: Grizzly polar bear

This rare hybridization of grizzly and polar bear occurs both in captivity and in the wild. To explain the appearance of a strange-looking bear shot by hunters in the Canadian Arctic a few years ago, DNA tests were required, which confirmed that polar bears and grizzly bears can and do mate with offspring that can survive. Grizzly polar bears look a lot like polar bears, with a circle of grizzly bears around their eyes, and their light-colored fur looks dirty compared to their polar bear parents, and they are noticeably longer and fluffier. Grizzly polar bears also have long, pointed claws from their parents. There's an idea that polar bears do turn brown when they take them away from the snow, so the two animals may not be as obvious as people think they are now

No.3: Hybrid zebras

Although it sounds a bit like a plot from a sci-fi space drama, a hybrid zebra is actually a hybrid of a zebra and another horse: a horse, a donkey, a pony, and so on. Interestingly, hybridization of horses and zebras should not be feasible, as the number of chromosomes in these two species is very different: zebras have 32 to 44 chromosomes, while horses have 64 chromosomes. Nature is very adaptable, allowing their offspring to look like mares. There have been several cases of female zebras mating with another male, but their offspring are usually in poor health and rarely live to adulthood. It is believed that in order to obtain viable offspring, the lower number of chromosomes in the mixed chromosome must come from the male

No.2: Savannah cats

This cute and eye-catching cat quickly became popular as a new breed, was recognized by the International Cat Association, and was loved by those who came into contact with it. They are a hybrid of domestic and servant cats and are usually larger. They are known for being the largest breed of domestic cats, but despite their height and length are not heavy. These cats tend to retain the stripes and spots of the servants, and they also maintain the appearance of the moving servants.

They are intelligent, able to be carried away by a leash and even trained to fetch things like puppies. They are excellent jumpers, with a strong sense of curiosity and dexterity to explore every interesting nook and cranny.

No.1: Tiger Lion Beast and Lion Tiger Beast

Tigers and lions are rarer than lions and tigers. Due to the genetic influence of lionesses, tigers tend to be orange in color with dark stripes. Although it is believed that the tiger lion is the "opposite" of the lion and tiger, so it is always small, but the average weight of the tiger lion can reach 180 kg

The result of the mating of male lions and female tigers is the lion tiger, which is a giant cat. They are the result of natural reproduction. Rare Asiatic lions and tigers now live on the same land, and lion kings are likely to appear in the natural environment of Asia. The combination of male and female tigers appears to stimulate the secretion of large amounts of growth hormone, as lions and tigers are much larger than their parents, often larger than the Siberian tiger, the largest cat that grows naturally. Hercules is a lion tiger that lives on Miami Jungle Island, and is said to weigh up to 410 kilograms, and it is believed that it is not overweight at all! Both lions and nurses can have children.

The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules
The world's 10 strangest true hybrids No.10: Mules are perhaps the most famous hybrid breed is mules. Male horses and female donkeys create a mule, and donkey mules

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