
Seven Laws / Hawthorn Tree Flowering Liu Yanbo (Taixian Four Saints) is full of lush and clean yarn, and the near front delicate taste is hawthorn. The flowers bloom and the blue sea turns back to the snow, and the fruits ripen and the clouds fall on the chixia. Wrapped in honey gourd yellow mouth smile, emotional tenderness

author:User Taixian Four Sages
{"info":{"title":{"content":"七律\/山楂树开花刘燕博(太贤四圣)满目葱茏綻洁纱,近前细品是山楂。花开碧海翻回雪,果熟庆云落赤霞。裹蜜糖葫黄口笑,动情柔","en":"Seven Laws \/ Hawthorn Tree Flowering Liu Yanbo (Taixian Four Saints) is full of lush and clean yarn, and the near front delicate taste is hawthorn. The flowers bloom and the blue sea turns back to the snow, and the fruits ripen and the clouds fall on the chixia. Wrapped in honey gourd yellow mouth smile, emotional tenderness"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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