
Wangzi Jackie Chan Wen ~ Liu Yanmin

author:Leisurely Egger
Wangzi Jackie Chan Wen ~ Liu Yanmin

She was a cultured woman, her husband was also an intellectual, and both graduated from formal universities. She believed that their son would be extraordinary too.

When the child was in first grade, the school held a parent-teacher conference and she was the first to arrive. She thought that the son must be the best, and if the teacher wants to praise the student, the first thing to mention must be the son's name. However, this is not the case. At the first parent-teacher meeting, she not only did not hear the teacher's praise for her son, but on the contrary, she also heard a few unnamed criticisms.

When she was pregnant with the child, she was attentive to prenatal education. From Richard's piano pieces to the 26 letters of English; from the soundtrack tang poems to the introduction of famous paintings... In short, the prenatal education materials that can be provided by the society, she bought and played. When her son was in kindergarten, she also used her free time to teach him literacy and arithmetic. Put it this way, when other mothers are worried that their children will lose at the starting line, she has led their children forward a long way. However, the child's performance today made her very disappointed.

The child is in the third grade, and the school organizes a music interest group. She encouraged her son to participate, bought him an expensive violin, and hired a teacher outside the school. At first, the son was very motivated, not only practicing with the teacher at school, but also practicing at home, but after only a month, the son had to be supervised before he was willing to practice. In the end, before he could finish the third grade, his son gave up the violin completely. She was extremely disappointed.

In the fifth grade, the school held a sports day, and my son ran third. She thought that her son could not study well, he could not learn the piano, maybe it was a piece of athlete's material. So she took her son to meet a sports coach. The coach said, practice and see, if it is a seedling, it will stay; if it is not a seedling, take it away. Half a month later, the son was sent back, and the coach said, let him continue to study well!

Later, she sent her son to learn painting, go, taekwondo, and even embroidery for a while. Every time I study, it is very good at the beginning, and later, either because the son is not interested in giving up halfway, or because the son is really not the material and fooling around for a while, in short, nothing has been learned.

She no longer has confidence in her son, no longer expects him to get ahead, or even doubts his intelligence. She thought that her son was a piece of material, that is, what kind of material; in the future, he could make something; he could eat whatever he could eat—let everything go naturally.

In the third year of junior high school, she no longer asked about her son, and his son entered a vocational high school. After three years of high school, she did not ask her son anything, and his son learned to beautify and hair... She rarely mentions her son, especially in front of her colleagues whose children are admitted to key high schools or prestigious universities, and does not mention anything about children —she feels that she can't lift her head, or rather, has a sense of inferiority.

After her son graduated from vocational and technical college, he opened a beauty salon of his own, not far from her unit. But she rarely went, let alone introduce her colleagues and friends. She felt that it was not the profession she imagined her son should do. Even when her son earned more than five thousand yuan a month, which was slightly higher than her salary, she could not be happy. The money earned that way, she believes, is not worthy of praise. Later, her son recruited apprentices and opened branches, with an average monthly income of about 10,000 yuan, and she still did not have much joy. In her dream, her son should pursue a more decent profession.

On the day of the son's wedding, the scene was very large, and the guests were mostly friends of the son. As his sister-in-law, I was of course invited. She sat in the right seat as a mother-in-law, and I sat next to her and said, "You see how much your son has done, and nothing has bothered you!" The shop is opened by yourself, the house is bought by yourself, the girlfriend is found by herself, the marriage is also her own, in short, did not let you a little heart, everything is done! ”

Her eyes flickered, and she sighed and said, "I've always thought he was a worm, I thought he had failed me." In fact, he is my son, whether he is a dragon or a worm, what does it matter? ”

Yes, in this society, what kind of people are real "dragons"? I feel like my nephew is a real "dragon." When women in half the city say that they go to so-and-so's shop to do their hair; when my colleague says that his son has been at home for half a year after graduating from college; when I see some parents worried about their children's work, marriage, and house, I feel that my nephew is a real "dragon".

Source: Selected Miniature Novels

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