
This mulberry tree outside the wall of my yard is too attracting bees and butterflies. Every time I come to the vegetable garden and see that it is slightly red, but it is not yet purple and black, I want to keep it for the second day of picking, and the result is all

author:Positive red clouds
{"info":{"title":{"content":"我家院墙外的这棵桑树,太招蜂引蝶了。每次我到菜园来,看到它稍微有点红,但还没有紫的发黑的时候,我想留着第2天采,结果都被","en":"This mulberry tree outside the wall of my yard is too attracting bees and butterflies. Every time I come to the vegetable garden and see that it is slightly red, but it is not yet purple and black, I want to keep it for the second day of picking, and the result is all"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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