
After my mother died, I walked into the counseling room...

Lemon Psychology 丨 Author

Lemon Psychology &QQ Music 丨 Audio

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After my mother died, I walked into the counseling room...

Parents, for most people, are home, the place of life, and the destination of the soul.

If one day they leave us, I think a lot of people won't even think about that assumption.

Today, with the consent of a visitor, I would like to share with you her case, hoping that her story will bring you strength:

When I was sixteen, my father died of stomach cancer.

Since then, my mother and I have been dependent on each other, we have a very difficult life, it is not easy for me to graduate from college, but my mother also left me because of myocardial infarction.

Everything was so caught off guard that it didn't give me the slightest mental preparation.

From the moment I received a call from my neighbor, my life seemed to come to a standstill, and I couldn't find the meaning of being alive.

I didn't know how I got through those two months, it was like a walking dead, and almost every night I was thinking about ways to leave this world.

After my mother died, I walked into the counseling room...

My hair was small, she couldn't bear to see me like this, and began to pull me to scatter my heart, eat and live with me...

But I didn't want her to be dragged down by this gloomy, lifeless self, so I chased her away. A week later, she came again, and then I walked into the counseling room.

My counselor had a very magical power, it was obvious that we were meeting for the first time, but in the face of her, I did not have any psychological burden, I no longer had to have any worries and concerns, the first time I let myself cry.

After that, the counselor began to help me analyze why my mother's departure would be such a blow to me.

Little by little, she guided me and made me realize my excessive dependence on my mother, not only in life, but also in my heart.

Once, because I had the protection of my mother, I didn't pay too much attention to many trivial matters:

The oil, salt, water and electricity in life, and the family's social network are far away from me;

And I have things I can't solve at school or work, and my mother will also advise me.

After my mother died, I walked into the counseling room...

The counselor told me that in my subconscious, I regarded my mother as everything I had, she was the center of my life, the direction of my life.

So after Mom left, it was as if everything was reminding me:

You are lonely, you have no shelter, you have no direction, you will have a difficult life in the future...

The counselor saw my concerns, and she said that I was in fear, and this fear was not only my mother's departure, but also my worries about the future. Indeed, I am afraid, I am afraid of unknown challenges, I am afraid of being alone, I am afraid of this world without the protection of my parents.

After finding the root cause of the problem, she asked me to first cultivate the ability to live and the courage to face life from small things, such as learning how to pay utility bills, how to cook, and how to solve life problems...

When I was in better shape, she began to encourage me to find a job, and I also wrote a mood diary every day according to the homework she assigned me.

After my mother died, I walked into the counseling room...

Slowly, I found that I could start to live and work independently, and when I realized this, I found that the wounds in my heart were also healed unconsciously.

I'm grateful that my haircut took me to counseling, otherwise I might have actually chosen to leave this world.

After listening to the visitor's statement, I don't know if you have a new sense of the meaning of life.

I would like to say that the length of life is unknown and cannot be changed by manpower, but we can live well, strive to be ourselves, leave no regrets, and deepen the "thickness" of life.

If you are like this client and have wounds in your heart that cannot be healed, you can also try to seek professional help to relieve your psychology and avoid falling into the quagmire of self-knowledge.

This article is original by [Lemon Psychology Classroom], pay attention to me, take you to learn more about psychological knowledge