
Flower Heart Seed Reserve, these constellations are actually a bit of scum

Introduction: It is now very popular to say "scum", "scum man", "scum woman", if the zodiac sign to choose the "scum" constellation, I have to say that Sagittarius is definitely among them. Their personality due to the innate love of freedom, resulting in their love like a tornado, come fast and fast, a sentence I love you go the world, a sentence does not love the world, then in addition to Sagittarius, which constellations are also born with flower heart seeds?


Sagittarius doesn't need to say much about the weight of freedom, so it's reasonable that they'll be a bit scummy, because no one can still have the freedom to be single in love. In love, the archer's attitude will not be serious enough, here is a word of advice to the shooter, to want a good love, first of all, you have to pay some freedom. People who are in love with Sagittarius, you must always be wary of his friends of the opposite sex around him, because their personalities are funny, romantic, and humorous, and the peach blossoms of their fate are flooded, maybe they will burst out of the embankment that day, and they will not even look back when they break up. But why do so many people like them, is it because they are good-looking? If you really know Sagittarius, you will know that he is actually very single-minded, and if he likes you, he really won't have other ideas. If Sagittarius really loves someone, they can even emulate the Zhou Youwang Beacon Fire Drama Princes, just for bomei people to laugh.

Flower Heart Seed Reserve, these constellations are actually a bit of scum


Because Aquarius people see the characteristics of love, so they will never lack human love, just because so many people love them, and the kind Aquarius does not want to live up to everyone who really treats them, so they divide their love into several parts. Aquarius is sometimes very good to you, but I don't know why, sometimes I will suddenly become indifferent to you, which makes people confused, this is because they are sometimes more emotionally fickle. But if you don't know Aquarius enough, you will feel that they are moody and more "slaggy" towards their lovers. They are also very friend-loving constellations, have "heaven and earth" in their hearts, and they are supporters of humanitarianism, so they usually show more fraternity. If the Aquarius lover is very possessive, then the Aquarius "fraternal" personality will be judged as a more "slag" performance.


I have to say that Gemini is really just a baby, they need people to coax in their feelings, and they are easy to be cheated by others, Gemini is also very insecure, does not like to stay alone, afraid of loneliness, can not be around no one, so it is still reasonable to say that they have been in love. Gemini people are insecure, especially Gemini girls will be more serious than Gemini boys, many people will be attracted to gemini's first glance, after getting along will find themselves unable to control gemini, because you never know what they are thinking, they change quickly, sometimes you will feel that they like, sometimes you will feel as if there is no emotion between you, Gemini's personality is really a lot of changes, dating is also quite tired.

Flower Heart Seed Reserve, these constellations are actually a bit of scum


Aries belongs to the enthusiasm to come and go quickly, it is easier to like the new and tired of the old, always with his fresh and unworldly appearance to deceive many women, Aries fall in love with a person at a speed is very fast, a variety of tricks can be said to be useless, so that many women are infatuated with her. Aries can like many people at the same time, itself is an amorous sign, emotions are also the easiest to break through the traditional moral constraints, many times in a relationship he will often be distracted by another person. So it's true that they spend their hearts.


Scorpio is a typical external cold and internal heat, if they fall in love with a person will be very loving, the other person's life must be themselves, love a little extreme. But if they do it wrong, they can forgive themselves, to put it bluntly, Scorpio is a bit double-standard. They are emotionally ambiguous, Scorpio even if there is an object will still be ambiguous, will be very good to that person, boo cold greetings, all kinds of accompaniment chat. Scorpio scum is slag in that they can provoke you to take the initiative to show your confession, do not need to take the initiative, when the East Window incident is discovered, a push away is your first initiative.

Flower Heart Seed Reserve, these constellations are actually a bit of scum

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