
It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

There are a lot of Roguelite action games on the market at the moment. But it is widely accepted that there are few that can be loved by the public, except for "Hades" and "Dead Cell". A recently launched game, which stands out from many Roguelite games, is about to follow up the game of these two meat pigeon masters. He's on "Is Thief's Legacy 2." It's not quite like saying he's "new" because Rogue Legacy 1 was already online as early as 2013. And some time ago ebao also gave Xi Jiayi a chance, have you received it?

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

Thief Legacy 2 adds two new special actions: one is to sprint, allowing players to move quickly in the horizontal direction, and the other is a slalom kick that can only be used in the air, as long as the kick hits an enemy or environment object, it can bounce continuously in the air, further enhancing the maneuverability. Either class can use both abilities in combat, as well as in combination with other abilities and magic.

Although there is a class distinction in the previous game, the gap between different professions is not large, and it has been greatly improved in "Rogue Legacy 2". At the beginning of the game, the player can only choose the knight holding the sword and shield as the heir, and after accumulating a certain amount of wealth to purchase enhancements, the future heir can get more classes.

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

There are a total of 15 basic classes in the game, each with a unique fighting style. For example, the knight is a steady and steady type that raises his shield and counterattacks; the shooter can create a platform to block the flying props and output the enemy from a commanding height; and there are capable people like the chef who can not only copy the iron pot to play the enemy's flying bullets as balls, but also cook on the adventure to recover themselves.

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

Disrupting the reorganized "Galaxy City"

Thief Legacy 2 has a strong "Galactic City" design concept, each area has a different design style and structure, just like the "timepiece tower" in Castlevania must have a rotating gear platform, just like the annoying petrified Medusa. Each area of Legacy of Thieves 2 also has its own distinctive features, such as the "Shozai" will have a platform to step on to appear, while the "Tower of the Sun" area is full of barbed turntables that require the player to bounce back and forth between the wheels to pass. The most common and hated spinning obstacle for platformers

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

Even in the same level, you can get a new experience when using different classes and skills. For example, the "Dragon Gunner" is suitable for fighting in wide terrain, and can also skip some "jumping music" terrain directly with air sprints, while the "Star Magician" is a good hand at facing traps and complex terrain, and can pass through dangerous rooms unscathed. Even if players experience the same content over and over again, they won't feel too repetitive, which is a very important point for Roguelite.

Due to the existence of "Sky Shift", the structure of the level changes every time the player starts again after death - there is actually a Roguelite game that explains the reason for "random map" with settings! The NPC "Architect" of the player base has the ability to lock in the current level structure (this is also a mechanism that existed in Generation 1).

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

Every time the character dies, he will play back the "marquee"

After locking the map, not only will the terrain not change, but the progress of the room and portal of the previous round of exploration will be retained, and the player can even use the newborn "descendants" to challenge the boss directly, almost treating the game as a serious "galaxy city" to play. However, locking the map also has a negative impact, reducing the total amount of gold earned by the character until the gain is 0.

It's a "new hit" Roguelite game | Rogue Legacy 2.

Even without using the map locking mechanism, the game designs portals that can be unlocked permanently. It is basically equivalent to choosing a pass, so that the "descendants" after the reopening can go directly to the new area of the previous generation of "the collapse of the middle road of the wasteland", and there is no need to waste time in the boring early map, which greatly reduces the frustration.

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