
Lotus opens Chapman production centre with £100 million investment / focus on sports cars

A few days ago, Lotus opened a Chapman production center in Hessel, and the new production center will be dedicated to sports cars. The Chapman Production Centre is Lotus' latest project to invest £100 million to revitalise its UK factory. Clive Chapman, son of founder Colin Chapman, attended the opening ceremony.

Lotus opens Chapman production centre with £100 million investment / focus on sports cars

Matt Windle, Managing Director of Lotus Automotive, said: "Lotus is transforming from a British sports car company into a truly global performance car business and brand, and the new Chapman production centre is a symbol of our ambition to achieve this. We are proud of past successes and excited about our all-electric future. ”

Lotus opens Chapman production centre with £100 million investment / focus on sports cars

Lotus said the Chapman production center aims to produce about 5,000 cars a year at this state-of-the-art new plant. The new plant is already producing Lotus's last car with an internal combustion engine, the Emira.

In addition, future Lotus sports cars will also be produced at the Chapman production center, all of which will undergo track testing prior to delivery, as part of the final signing process before delivery.

Lotus opens Chapman production centre with £100 million investment / focus on sports cars

According to the "popularity list" data of the EasyCar App, Lotus's average daily attention is 6889, ranking 164th among all brands, if you need more data, please check it out of the EasyCar App.

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