
5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Author | Fan Deng Reading · Yao Jin

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Fu Xiaomi

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Meet · Meet your unknown self in the book.

Good evening to all book lovers, welcome to the reading column "Encounter" produced by Fan Deng Reading.

Today,000, I would like to share with you "Live Well: I Live To 105 Years Old." by Japanese National Treasure Physician Hinohara Shigeaki.

Since its publication, the book has sold more than 300,000 copies and has been on Amazon's best-seller list.

By reading this book, you can walk through the fog of life and understand the meaning of life.

I saw a hot topic on Weibo: What kind of talent is a winner in life?

One of the highly praised answers was this:

Life winners, not the patents of successful people, every shining you, is your own life winner.

Life is a journey of constant struggle, instead of meditating all day on the meaning of living, try to do something meaningful.

As Hinohara Shigeaki said: Only in the midst of hardships can people understand the true meaning of this life.

This wise old man who lived for 105 years, in the last time of his life, in the form of interviews, wrote his life's wisdom into "Live Well: I Live Like This to 105 Years Old", explaining to us the 5 secrets of people living more and more transparently.

Love is the best bond that holds emotions together

Haruki Murakami said: When you treat the seemingly boring little things in life with an interesting mentality, you will reap a small but certain happiness.

Hinohara Shigeaki has always believed that love is the best bond that holds on to emotions.

In the book, he tells a story.

When the singer Corsoto performs on stage, he will have an emotional connection with every audience present, and pass on gratitude to each other through his thoughts.

This allows her to always empathize with the audience when she performs, and her artistic life is long-lasting.

This story tells us that the maintenance of good relationships requires interaction and empathy.

As for how to manage interpersonal relationships, the author gives us two suggestions.

First of all, there must be a soft heart.

For example, when you have a conflict with the other party, you should first consider whether it is your own reason and improve it.

In this way, even if others lose their temper with us, we can communicate with them calmly.

The second is to eat with your family regularly.

Getting together as a family can greatly enhance each other's feelings.

In addition, when you meet friends in the true sense, you must learn to operate.

For example, you can walk and chat together to deepen your understanding of each other; face life challenges together and build emotional communication bridges.

In fact, whether it is family affection, love, or friendship, the maintenance of every relationship is inseparable from the word love.

When you can think from the other side's position, resolve contradictions, and make your heart soft, you can get more understanding and love.

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Forgiveness makes your life easier

I have heard such a saying: In life, don't forget to often put your own feet in other people's shoes.

The most important thing for people to live is to have an empathetic heart, learn to think differently, understand others, and liberate themselves.

In the book, Hinohara shigeaki suggests that we should learn to forgive others because it makes our lives easier.

In the course of practicing medicine, Hinohara Shigeaki also met people he hated, and he took this as his life lesson.

Whenever the anger in his heart rises, he will say to himself: I don't know myself, and it is normal for others not to understand me.

This kind of normalcy also makes happiness often surround him.

In fact, sometimes to forgive others is to let go of yourself.

Just like Shi Weimin in "I Am Not Pan Jinlian", as the head of a county, he was so busy that he had to eat in the car, and he could be regarded as a good official, but because Li Xuelian was confused, he was dismissed.

He knows that if he continues to struggle, even if he can pay back his innocence, the price behind it is long and huge, and he has lost the posture of an easy life.

So he chose forgiveness and reconciliation with fate.

On the other hand, the heroine of this story, Li Xuelian, is far less transparent than Shi Weimin.

She spent her life with her husband just because she said, "I think you are Pan Jinlian."

If she had let go of her resentment earlier, not so really, she might have already had her little life steaming hot.

Forgiving others is a kind of wisdom. When you stop chewing on those pains repeatedly, when you can let others go, you can see a new self.

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Don't be afraid of life's difficulties, good luck will come naturally

Writer Zhao Xing once said:

Life is a journey of constant adventure, and there is nothing that is not hard. When you feel particularly hard, it is often also the moment when you gain the most.

Deeply. In Hinohara Shigeaki's dictionary of life, he always believes that behind the predicament, there must be beautiful things happening.

In the book, he recounts his mother's journey of nurturing her own mind.

When he was a child, Hinohara Shigeaki was a competitive child with average grades and poor physical fitness, but his mother poured all her patience into him.

Once, when he was learning to recognize words, he lost his temper with his mother because he could not read a word.

But the mother looked into his eyes and said softly: Wait until Shigeaki grows up to learn on your own.

The mother never took the initiative to instill any knowledge in Hinohara Shigeaki, and she would not force the child to obey her wishes like other mothers, but fully trusted the child and waited for him to grow up slowly.

Instead, Hinohara Shigeaki was able to devote himself to the things he was interested in and developed the habit of learning on his own.

His mother's patience and trust led to hinohara Shigeaki's remarkable life.

In fact, life's difficulties are not terrible, and miracles often belong to those who have spiritual pursuits and are convinced that they can succeed.

Zeng Guofan, a famous minister of the Qing Dynasty, failed to pass the xiucai examination six times and was publicly criticized by the hanging platform, he was still not discouraged, and finally was admitted to the xiucai for the seventh time.

And because he mastered the trick of learning, he lifted people one after another, was ordered Hanlin, and realized the leap in life.

The so-called good luck is nothing more than the result of a dead end with adversity.

When we are faced with life's difficulties, we may as well ask ourselves why we are doing this.

When we think clearly, the heart will have a strong internal driving force.

When we can always have hope and patiently look forward to it, difficulties will eventually be overcome by us and usher in a new turning point in life.

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Death is not the end of life

Although Hinohara shigeaki is accustomed to life and death as a doctor, he is still afraid of death.

It's not because he's cowardly, it's because he's attached to the world.

After the death of his wife and relatives, he often recalled their voices and smiles, which made him understand that death was not the end of life, but represented a new life.

Hinohara had tuberculosis, nephritis and other diseases when he was young, and his heart was not good in old age, but it was these diseases that made him understand what he really wanted.

Because sometimes the arrival of illness is also a reminder to change your lifestyle.

A friend of mine, who used to stay up late writing, because he was sedentary and his schedule was reversed, went to the hospital to check and found that the liver had a malignant tumor.

Later, he changed his routine, resting before 11 o'clock every night, going to bed early and getting up early, and running for 30 minutes in the park next to the community every day.

Good work and rest habits, moderate exercise, so that his appearance is getting better and better, the body has also been well repaired.

In fact, death is not the end of life, but the beginning of life.

If we can know how to respect life and live every day seriously, we will make our lives more quality.

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Stay young and meet your better self

I like this sentence:

When there is self-confidence, you are young, and when you are afraid, you are old; when you have hope, you are young, and when you despair, you are old; the years wrinkle your skin, but if you lose your enthusiasm, you damage your soul.

Hinohara Shigeaki is also a man with a young mindset.

He likes to try new things and never sets limits on his life.

In 2016, he tried freckle removal because it made him more confident.

At the age of 105, he began to learn to paint. He enjoys the feeling of his heart beating faster when painting, which makes his heart fill up.

Humor is also the spice in Hinohara's life.

Once his plane was hijacked, a passenger asked the hijacker, "What is hijacking?" ”

Seeing that the hijacker did not answer, Hinohara Shigeaki said to the hijacker: "As a hijacker, you don't even know about hijacking, is this good?" ”

His words caused the passengers in the cabin to laugh loudly, and the tense atmosphere in the cabin was immediately relieved.

Hinohara Shigeaki once said: In this life, people are destined to encounter many difficulties, but the more difficulties there are, the more they can discover that great self.

Life is a stage for constant self-presentation, and we do not need to limit the content of it.

As long as you take the first step bravely, you can see the gorgeous scenery of life.

Grandma Rongzi in "Time is a Good Medicine", at the age of 96, will also learn new skills from the clerks around her in the interval between receiving guests.

A person's aging begins with a loss of curiosity about the world.

If we can forget our age and learn to live for ourselves, we don't care about the eyes of others, we don't care about what others say.

Do what you want to do, go where you want to see, and you can meet a better self.

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

Cicero said:

Please don't look at the past with sadness, because the past has become the past, and what we need to do is treat your present well.

Because it is in your hands now, it will allow you to meet the dreamlike future.

In this life, a person is a process of constant reconciliation with himself.

Physical aging is not terrible, terrible is the aging of the mind.

To work hard, to struggle, to love life, but also to love yourself. In this way, you will always be in a state of life.

As Zhou Guoping said: Any good enjoyment of life comes from a clear heart, and only when the heart is full can it resist all the uneasiness and restlessness in the world.

May we all become the masters of our own lives, living in this troubled world, living with understanding, living happily, and living with tenacity.

Click "Watching" and encourage your friends.

Author | Yao Jin, freelance writer. I believe that people must have some attachments in order to achieve something.

Column Director | Come slowly

Typography | Zheng to the north

Music | Love continues

5 secrets of a person's life and transparency

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