
What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

No matter what era, most parents will not think that their children playing games is a "serious thing";

When Uncle Monster was a child, he was often reprimanded by his father and asked a sentence: Can you make money by playing?

I believe that this is also a true portrayal of most players, and since that time, I have been dreaming of what the domestic game industry is really like, and what is it like to become a game producer?

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

Although I have been a little far from this ideal, I have finally entered the game industry, but the question has always been in my mind: What is it like to be a game producer?

Taigo retreat

Today, whenever domestic games are mentioned, "martial arts" and "xianxia" are always topics that cannot be avoided.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

From the original "Legend of the Heroes of heroes" based on "Dragon Quest" to the later "Legend of the Paladin Sword", "Meteor Butterfly Sword", "Sword Man Love", and then to "Taiwu Scroll", "The Great Xiu Xian Simulator" and other domestic games, relying on the "Hero" culture, many domestic game companies and studios have broken through.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

(Legend of the Hero)

Take Eggplant, the producer of "Taiwu Painted Scrolls", as an example, a Chinese professional, a practitioner in the construction industry, who coincidentally engaged in an independent game.

There is no such thing as 3D modeling, because high-quality 3D modeling is a luxury for independent game studios, and if Taiwu Scroll is a 3D game, I am afraid that we may not be able to see the game officially launched in the next four years.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

So under all kinds of restrictions, the technology needs to be simple, but in terms of gameplay, they still put enough effort into it.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

After the first month of the first beta sold more than 800,000, Eggplant chose to expand the team, intending to redo the game;

However, this is four years, fortunately at the end of April, the official version of the final news was announced, whether it is expected or questioned, the day when the official version is launched will finally reveal what Luozhou Studio has done in the past four years.

Folklore and thriller game

From a personal point of view, Uncle Monster believes that most of the games on the market at present do not reach the category of "horror games", because the real horror is to "think about it", not to suddenly come up with something to scare you.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

(Cthulhu Series - Crazy Mountains)

For example, the Jingxun development team (the author of "The Legend of The Hero") who was once involved in the development of games related to the original "Hero" culture has developed a domestic thriller game with "Liaozhai" as the background of the story;

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

However, it may be that being a fairy has formed a habit, and finally this game is also changing the soup without changing the medicine, in fact, it gives people the feeling of playing "fairy RPG".

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

Chinese folk horror is actually a good entry point for domestic games, from the hot topics of "Fireworks", "Paper Wedding Dress" and other games in recent years, it is enough to glimpse one or two.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

However, the environment of domestic indie games was not as relaxed as it is now, at least as far as I know, there is a folk horror game called "Seven Nights" that was destroyed in the hands of "fraudulent" partners;

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

The production team Dingguo Technology has encountered companies that cheat DEMO when the official version is sold, and has also encountered channel providers who are in arrears;

But the most important thing is that the domestic game market in 2007 was an environment where piracy was rampant.

Talk about indie games

Perhaps the biggest advantage in the indie game development process is the "cost advantage", but this advantage will always be worn out in the continuous development process.

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

Big companies can keep trying and making mistakes, and companies have proven that "networked kryptonite" games are always profitable, so the so-called "cost advantage" of indie games seems so insignificant.

If I really want to ask what makes them stick with it, I think it may be "love of the game".

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

Indie games are based on an idea and a creative origin of the producer, to gradually improve and explore, and most of what they do is around the "game itself";

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

In the network krypton game, it is not denied that there are indeed some excellent works, but most of them are from the very beginning to find user positioning, and then go to find a successful template on the market to apply, the core purpose is not to do what kind of game, but "what to do to make users pay" psychological game.

But these do not need to talk about it for the time being, some things can be pointed to the end, due to the limited space, today's content will come to an end, if the content of this article is hot, there may be a next issue, and the domestic independent game is not a sentence or two can be clearly explained, today is just a beginning ...

What kind of group of people are domestic independent game manufacturers (studios)?

Uncle Monster has something to say

Follow 4399 Monster Uncle! Take you to explore more game circles that can't be found on the Internet!

That's all for this article! If you have any views on this article, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! Of course, if you can give your uncle a thumbs up, it's even more spicy

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