
Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Yesterday, a reader friend said to the author: "In these two exams, the same table is 5 places higher than her test, and her sense of loss is very strong, because she feels that she is also working very hard, but the final result is not as good as others." ”

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

In fact, the key reason is not that "the effort is not as good as others" or that they are "poor in the test".

It's your "vanity and competitiveness" that is at work.

No matter what kind of learning, the purpose is to "improve yourself", so "rank" is not the most important, other people's "vision" is not the most important, the most important thing is what you get, what you gain, what you improve through "learning".

But many times, we "give up our roots and seek the end" to pursue "rank, other people's eyes".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Thinking about it carefully, isn't "rank" also the embodiment of "other people's vision"?

Therefore, sometimes we are tired of living, not to be more "excellent" ourselves, to improve ourselves more, or to make ourselves better.

It's about making others "see us" better.

Therefore, we work hard, and as a result, we are not better, not more comfortable, but more and more tired, the reason is that we have always lived in the "eyes" of others, and never lived for ourselves.

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

"Whoever despises me, I must fight for breath; who despises me, I must work hard to make her change her opinion; who is inferior to me, but has a better life than me, I must surpass her." 」

Think about it, when you live with this thought, are you happier and more progressive; or are you more tired and melancholy?

I don't know how you feel, but from the perspective of constellations, which zodiac signs are easy to become more and more "melancholy" and more and more "tired" because of "other people's opinions"?


Virgo's favorite thing is to take care of others, and the most annoying thing is "sending people under the fence and being subject to people".

Therefore, Virgos basically have a "strong heart".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Because of this "strong heart", she is very afraid of being constrained by others, and she is also very afraid that others will not need her.

Thus, it also shows that she is very "concerned about the eyes of others, and lives under the eyes of others." ”

What Virgos are most afraid of is to say from other people: "So-and-so is better than you, so-and-so is better than you." ”

When this sentence is said, it will also greatly stimulate the sensitive affection of "Virgo", thus determining that she, in the future life, all the focus of work, will be focused on "more than this person".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

And any "contemptuous look, contemptuous language" will greatly affect the mentality of "Virgo", causing her to take you as an enemy, to your current "situation, work, connections, strengths" as the object of competition, and start to work hard.

Until you are surpassed.

Therefore, Virgo's tiredness is due to "too much concern for the eyes of others", and the reason why she is very easy to "work and do nothing" is that many people are "opponents" in her eyes, and few people are her "friends".

So, the work was done, the effort was made, and in the end it was still alone.

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Therefore, if you are also a Virgo friend and want to live better and more relaxed, you may wish to pay less attention to other people's eyes and pay more attention to yourself.

Maybe it'll be easier and easier.


If there is a constellation that is the least "convincing", it is "Aries", Virgo is "mouth to serve, the heart is not convinced" and "Aries" is "the heart is not convinced, the mouth can not be served".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Therefore, Aries does not like to fall behind in everything.

In any way, as long as what he cares about is surpassed, he has only one thought: "I must surpass this person, no matter how much effort it takes." ”

This spirit encourages many "friends", whether it is "Luffy" in One Piece, "Naruto" in Naruto, "Sakuragi Hanamichi" in the dunk master, all have this spirit.

Anyway, I am also "humble", I am also very "stupid", I know it myself, but I know how to work hard, no matter how talented you are, under my efforts, I must surpass you one day.

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Therefore, although Aries lives in the "eyes" of others, it is still not easy to lose itself, although tired, but also "painful and happy".

Learn a sentence from Nie Xiao, the "success master" who has recently been popular: "Those who understand, please applaud." ”


Leo likes others to be self-centered, so he naturally becomes the one who attaches the most importance to other people's "views" and "visions".

Any disagreement, he must prove that he is right, any criticism, in his heart, is a "hurdle" that cannot be crossed.

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Therefore, Leo is easy to recruit "rotten peach blossoms and abusive friends", because this group of people will constantly praise him, constantly praise him, without mentioning his shortcomings and deficiencies.

However, "family and real friends" are difficult to get close to him.

Many people think that Leo is very "free and unrestrained".

In fact, "Leo" lives "tired and tangled".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

Because people who attach importance to the views of others will inevitably despise themselves and care too much about "others", which will inevitably lead to "self-loss" and eventually lose themselves.

So, when you see a "proud, stubborn, willful" Leo, don't envy, God knows, how much "bitterness, heartache, hard work" is behind him.

So, in summary, there are several constellations that are very easy to live for the sake of "other people's eyes".

Which zodiac signs live for "the eyes of others" and become more and more tired the more they live?

You are these zodiac signs, and do you have such confusion?

If so, let yourself pay more attention to your feelings as soon as possible.

Because only in this way can you really improve yourself and make yourself happier.

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