
Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

The change of text depends on the change of appearance and the deep excavation of the meaning of the word, through effective visual communication, so that the text in the transmission of information at the same time into visual symbols, font changes mainly in the following forms.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Whether it is a Chinese character or a Latin alphabet, the character itself has a corresponding shape, and in the evolution and development of the gradual formation of a structure with a sense of formal beauty and stroke characteristics. The external shape creativity of the font is one of the common techniques of font creative design, when we make font changes.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

First of all, we must select an effective visual communication image from the shape of the word, grasp the perspective of performance, and add color to the creative expression of the font through the familiar visual image. Image deformation method is an effective way of conveying both in ancient times and now, through the decorative deformation of the part of the font, exaggerating a certain physical feature or conveying the deep meaning of the meaning of the word through an effective image.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

The texture extension method mainly conveys special visual effects through the different textures of various materials. Texture is an objectively existing surface form of matter, which represents the texture of the surface of the material and reflects the form of material properties. The surface of any matter has its own texture of existence, and the existence of this texture is the most direct medium for us to know things.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Due to the different texture of the object, the surface arrangement and organization structure are different, resulting in a rough feeling, smooth feeling, soft and hard feeling, etc. Through the evolution of texture, the font is given a special visual aesthetic and leaves a deep impression.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Deconstruction method is a common deformation method in font design, the font is composed of points, lines and surfaces, through the composition method, the use of points, lines, surfaces, body organization law, the original font decomposition, splitting, moving.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Or the glyphs are overlapped and crossed in the picture, and the shapes and shapes rely on each other, so that the positive and negative shapes affect the picture at the same time, causing illusions, forming variations, mixing time and space, intentionally breaking the boundaries of shapes, and creating a sense of continuity.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

The space deformation method is a font that shows the three-dimensional form of the three-dimensional sense of space in the two-dimensional plane, so that the text has a three-dimensional sense, produces the position relationship between virtual reality and far and near, and expresses a solid space. Embodying a three-dimensional or even multi-dimensional spatial effect in two-dimensional space is a novel visual experience pursued in modern design.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Reminders of this spatial relationship can be achieved through the far, middle, and near text, as well as black, white, and gray, as well as through the use of computer software. Methods of representation space for font design:

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Use size to represent space. The large characters in the picture are close to us, and the small characters are far away from us.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Use space for densely spaced expression. Loose text spacing and small, dense variations can create a sense of space.

Take advantage of overlapping representation spaces. The overlap of one form on another shape will make people have a sense of space.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Use texture changes to express space. The composition of the texture and the before-and-after relationship of the composition are also a method of expression that embodies the spatial relationship. In general, the close-up is prominent and clear, the texture effect is obvious, the brightness and purity of the color are high; the vista is flat and quiet, the brightness and purity of the color are reduced, and the texture effect is not obvious. The texture of roughness makes people feel close, and the delicate texture makes people feel far away.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

Space for contradictions. The so-called contradictory space is the spatial relationship that cannot occur in the two-dimensional picture, people see the other side of things through imagination and hypothesis in the two-dimensional picture, and combine two different spaces together to produce an unreasonable trompe l'oeil effect.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

This form is generally to imprint the text on the graphic, and the graphic acts as a single background to set off the text. This arrangement is generally not intended to convey information, but is mainly to produce a unique visual effect and pursue a rich picture level. Although it may seem like a highly discordant murmur in music on the surface, it has become a design mainstream in the variety of modern type designs, and is loved by designers.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

The richness and convenience of modern computer software makes the space performance of font design rich and diverse, and can be shaped by the expression of empty buildings and reliefs, or by using three-dimensional modeling and other ways, in short, there are various methods.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

In the font design, the space is virtual, and the font is real, and it is possible to break the previous law of taking the real shape as the main image by portraying the virtual shape, and produce unexpected picture effects. "Figure" has the nature of tension, high density, forward and can make people feel image; "bottom" has the feeling of making "figure" manifest, and itself is often ignored, making people's impression weak and have a sense of retreat. People's visual attention is often focused on the real form, and the confirmation of the imaginary shape is often ignored.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

The design of the bottom swap method is based on the physical principle of "mutual unity and mutual exclusion", so that the positive and negative shapes form a situation in which they do not give in. When the figure and the bottom of the confrontation, the figure as an image appears, the bottom also has a certain shape, the figure and the bottom alternate trompe l'oeil effect, it destroys the normal visual thinking, the clear and clear feeling is intentionally interfered with, the clever use of this positive and negative shape makes a form convey two kinds of information, creating a new visual image, showing a special artistic charm.

Want to easily grasp the font design? Master the method of font variation

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