
How fonts work! Learn that you are "invincible"!

Approximation refers to two things that look similar. In the font design approximation principle, the font design can be carried out according to the approximate form and tone of the font, and the approximate design principle can make the font and the font present a more harmonious picture, and effectively reduce visual conflicts on the layout.

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Morphological approximation. The form of the font generally refers to the style and shape of the font, including the expression of the text, spatial effects, characteristics, etc. In the arrangement and design of the font, the font with similar shape is used for design, presenting a harmonious and unified layout style, giving people a clean and beautiful feeling.

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Hue approximation. In the font arrangement design, different fonts with similar hues are used for design, so that the colors are similar in purity and brightness, which is conducive to the overall communication of information. Fonts with similar hues appear uniform and elegant as a whole, making the whole picture very harmonious without the slightest sense of violation.

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Repetition generally refers to two or more font forms with the same form and regular recurrence, forming a repetitive artistic effect on the layout. The use of this design principle for text arrangement design has the effect of enhancing the visual impact of the layout and strengthening the font image in the layout.

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Stroke repetition. Stroke repetition refers to the repetitive design of font strokes in font layout design. For fonts with only a single stroke, stroke repetition design can make the same font appear in the same form, forming a highly unified visual effect.

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The structure is repetitive. Structural duplication means that the stroke structure of the font is exactly the same. The use of structural repetition design, the use of the same background and text structure, the expression of text theme is very beneficial, structural repetition design can strengthen the connection between the layout text and the background, enhance the sense of space of the layout.

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Grouped repetitions. Group repetition refers to the large-scale use of the same font element in font layout design, which has the characteristics of overall richness and individual uniqueness. The neat arrangement is enough to attract the attention of consumers, and with the deepening of reading, the layout forms a natural and smooth reading line of sight.

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Absolutely repeated. Absolute repetition refers to the repeated arrangement of two or more font elements that are identical. As an important element of visual information transmission, the arrangement and design of the font should not only highlight the personality and creativity, but also be easy to identify and read, which can effectively strengthen the main information and give people a unique feeling of beauty and generosity. Absolutely repetitive font arrangement can make full and effective use of the layout, reflect the flexible diversity of font design, and make the work produce a personality and unique form of beauty.

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Font size comparison. Fonts can be divided into a variety of different font sizes, in the font design, designers can choose fonts of different sizes according to the requirements of layout form, design content, etc. Such a design approach can make the layout produce a clear primary and secondary relationship, so that the text has a sharp contrast effect. This kind of layout font design is the most common font design, especially in the cover design of books and the design of interior layout.

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Font size contrast design can make the design theme more eye-catching and dazzling, which is conducive to expanding the visual tension of the layout and making the important text conveyed more quickly and accurately. First of all, pay attention to the primary and secondary relationship of the text. This design form can make the original single, regular font present a diversified effect, so that the layout has a sense of rhythm. Secondly, a font combination with a uniform style should be adopted. The key to font comparison is to highlight the main content of the layout, if the layout font level division is very detailed, at this time the use of the same font style can make the layout level appear clear, and the enlarged theme text is the focus of the entire visual center.

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Font color contrast. Color is an important element in type design and has a very rich form of expression. In the design of font color matching, the color collocation with large differences in tone is selected, which is easier to form a color contrast effect, so that the picture has a strong visual impact, while giving the picture a distinct sense of layering and rhythm, through the rich color contrast effect, to leave a deep impression on people.

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Font harmony design refers to reducing the sense of conflict between layout elements, maintaining the unity between various elements, so that the text can produce visual beauty. Such a design approach is easy to create a graceful layout form, forming a mutual coordination between fonts.

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The coordination relationship of the font. The coordination between fonts needs to pay attention to the unity of font style, size or color, in the process of font design, in order to make the presentation effect of the font more uniform, at least one of the three will be kept in harmony with each other.

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Symmetry coordination. Symmetry coordination is the use of symmetrical layout forms to arrange the position of text in the layout. In the font layout design, the use of symmetrical composition can not only make the layout have stable and balanced characteristics, but also make the elements in the page echo each other without appearing too rigid. This design approach can make the layout appear more balanced and coordinated.

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In the font layout design, the use of two sets of similar or identical combinations, with a certain line as the axis of symmetry, whether it is horizontal design or vertical design, can show the most intuitive symmetry effect of the text. For example, in the design of gourmet magazines, the symmetrical layout of the left and right can make the text on both sides echo each other, resulting in a stable and balanced picture sense. Visually, it gives people an intuitive feeling of neat and beautiful, standardized layout and clear vision.

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All in all, pay attention to the harmonious relationship between fonts, not only can make the font produce a unified sense of coordination, but also make the picture have a regular rhythmic beauty, so that the presented picture brings people a clean and beautiful visual feeling.

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