
In the era of knowledge IP navigation, where will the surging traffic flow? 丨Titanum degree hot review

The epidemic has caused the replacement of offline scenes by online time, brought about the growth of users' online content consumption time, and promoted the rapid development of online knowledge platforms.

Fan Deng's annual income from reading is one billion yuan, and the revenue of logical thinking operation main body thinking creation is 675 million yuan in the first half of 2021, and the money-making effect of knowledge platforms continues to appear. But at the same time, the road to the listing of the Creation of Thought and ba jiu ling was not smooth.

How do I price knowledge? How to standardize knowledge products? How does a knowledge platform balance IP costs with investment in new content development? How does the knowledge platform expand value-added services based on traffic potential? Do you choose whether users pay or advertisers pay?

This issue of "Titanium Hot Review" column and "Bailuo Network · New Coffee" jointly selected the topic, specially invited senior media people to work together on the topic "Knowledge IP Navigation Era, where will the surging traffic flow?" "There was a discussion, and below is a collection of some of the ideas.

Schrödinger Finance Manager Pang Xuewen:

Knowledge is of long-term value in macro, but as a consumer product, after the productization of knowledge, facing the uncertainty of the life cycle, compared with film and television, games, animation and other cultural products, the unpredictability of knowledge products and the low economic ceiling of a single product are disgusted by capital, but if you want to increase the certainty of the input and output of knowledge products, there is no doubt that the continuous research and development of IP and content and operational investment put forward high requirements, there may be a small horse-drawn cart, the car has not gone, the horse has been exhausted, Therefore, knowledge products cannot be scaled, oligopolized, and quickly copied, resulting in a natural low capital ceiling.

Che Mingde, Brand Public Relations Director of Titanium Media:

A criterion for defining "knowledge" products may be that the product consumption process is consumption or investment, courses are consumer goods, knowledge is investment products, the platform will package products into long-term investment products in marketing, but the delivery is basically one-time, users think that they are buying "knowledge investment" but in many cases are buying "emotional consumption", for most people, one-time delivery can not be converted into knowledge, can only be a one-time impulse consumption. Looking further, there are two main types of knowledge platforms, one is anxiety reading products, similar to the direction of FMCG; the other is to respect the needs of users, based on the positioning of consumer goods, from an emotional point of view, to do companion products, through systematic content as much as possible to do durable consumer goods. The non-functional reading advocated by Dr. Guo Yukuan, the first storyteller of Titanium Time, provides a companion-type reading experience, through immersion and interactive thinking, the content is scattered into the storytelling content of the story structure, and the update of the user's knowledge system is promoted through the double glue point of story and emotion.

Li Ming, founder of Demon King Finance:

The essence of knowledge payment is the traffic business, which belongs to the reprocessing of knowledge, which can be seen as a service industry for secondary processing, and at the same time has typical new retail characteristics. Under the group anxiety caused by the fast pace of society, the payment of knowledge has played a certain role in comforting, not so much to provide knowledge, but more like to give the purchaser a kind of "I am working" spiritual comfort. In the past, knowledge payment was mainly based on C-end customers, and the acquisition of traffic determined success or failure, so the providers of knowledge payment mainly worked elites, gimmick titles, and innovative views, and there were very few sharers who really polished the content and rooted in the profession. Therefore, the low threshold and fierce competition in the field of knowledge payment will inevitably continue the model of many business areas before, from huge profits to small profits, from overgrown chaos to norms. Choosing ToB in this process is an inevitable choice. Because the business model of "cutting leeks" such as knowledge payment is fragile and unstable, it is necessary to continue to have new "leeks" to maintain operations, but with the rapid rise of new platforms such as live broadcasting and short videos, many free knowledge sharing has been done better and better, and it is forcing the reform of the knowledge payment model. Under this big premise, the model of user payment may change, either by building a brand to be purchased by the company to pay for ToB, or it is provided for free and generated revenue through a similar form of advertisers.

Wang Yisu, founder of the Business Data Sect:

On the one hand, young people hope to become the "king of volumes" in the workplace through reading, but they only want to read the "one minute" and "one book" series. In the era of speed reading, fast-food reading is the first choice for young people.

On the other hand, forming a team to read in the community and listening to bloggers live on short video platforms has become the norm of reading.

Reading "fast food books" and "fast food style" reading has become the way for young people to use "volumes" to break through ten thousand "volumes".

Jiao Yunpeng, director of the IT Knowledge Bureau:

The rise of knowledge payment has also been a few years, the beginning is tepid, from Luo Ji thinking began to do New Year's Eve speeches, knowledge payment gradually into the public vision. Affected by the epidemic in the past two years, the downward pressure on the economy is large, people are impetuous, and more and more people are alleviating anxiety by paying for knowledge, which has led to the rapid growth of the knowledge payment market, but is knowledge payment really just needed? The idea of creation, Ba Jiu Ling listing blocked gave a negative answer.

The essence of the current knowledge payment is still based on personal IP, such as Luo Zhenyu, Wu Xiaobo, Fan Deng, and a series of "famous teacher courses", all based on their own popularity and influence, as to whether it is good content is another matter. These "fragmented knowledge" produced in response to the fast pace of production do not alleviate anxiety at all, and it is difficult for people to get systematic improvement. Fast-paced knowledge is far from being as real as calming down and reading a book. Prior to this, there are also some MOOC platforms offered by universities and national educational resources that are also the main channels for lifelong learning, but these platforms focus on subject education.

For the direction of knowledge payment, at present, the consumer market has contributed the main revenue, but now the general trend is that the demand for their own digital transformation and upgrading is becoming more and more intense, which requires a steady stream of customized knowledge supplies, including business strategy, digital marketing, information technology, enterprise management These contents will be the just needs of enterprises, and will become a new growth point in the knowledge payment market in the future.

Zou Zhen, editor-in-chief of Bit Finance:

When it comes to paying for knowledge, we still have to talk about its fundamental value. The first is that the audience needs universal knowledge, the original books, newspapers need to pay a considerable cost, the Internet makes a lot of this knowledge free, in this process, the platform has made a lot of efforts. In response to this demand, although knowledge payment should change the concept of free Internet products that users have formed, it is also necessary to adhere to the starting point of knowledge inclusion, rather than selling high prices after packaging knowledge. The universalization of knowledge is a great mission of the times, and it cannot be completed overnight. There are thousands of ways to practice knowledge inclusion, and the simplest, most direct and most important way is to lower the threshold for access to knowledge. And to put this idea into action, this is the ultimate way out of paying for knowledge. Many of today's knowledge payment platforms take useful knowledge from thousands of books that have been published and create a fast track for audiences to access knowledge. Knowledge itself is priceless, and the audience benefits through affordable knowledge inclusion, so the knowledge payment platform needs to sink its heart and insist on it for a long time.

Yue Qing, Director of Operations of Blue Media Huilian:

This industry logic cause and effect is wrong. If you want to pay for knowledge, you must first export free knowledge to get traffic. When everyone follows the rules of the game, the output of free knowledge is enough to precipitate a huge library. Want to pay only personalized customization, but personalized customization is always a luxury consumption, the market is less pitiful, but also by professional employees in various industries to share, a most typical paradox is: consulting you have an effect, then what to do with the middle and high management? Need legal services to find legal affairs directly, need public relations services directly to find public relations companies, and everyone performs their duties.

As for the personal aspect, it is necessary to recognize that people can think. There are questions that you don't understand today, paid consultation is no problem, but will there be any tomorrow? Can't you figure out tomorrow's question? What about the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? This volume is very weak, and the feedback effect of paid consultation is also different, and it is easy to lose customers. So now "knowledge payment" and "consulting payment" are precisely the world of "metaphysics" in a large range, such as emotions, psychology, and chicken soup.

Guo Shiliang, economic observer of Guangdong Radio and Television Station:

In the past, the knowledge payment model paid more attention to the stickiness of personal IP, and obtained considerable benefits by virtue of IP stickiness and traffic dividends. However, for the knowledge payment model, it is more important to provide continuous high-quality content and solve pain points for paying users, only to solve the problems needed by paying users, and even form a relatively strong social stickiness of the paid circle, so as to obtain better stickiness and enhance the continuous payment ability of paying users. Of course, the homogenization of knowledge payment is more obvious, and it is more difficult to create a professional and large-scale knowledge payment model in the later stage.

Retailers on the new retail industry analysis Mingze:

In the era of information inflation, knowledge is over-marketed and consumed, resulting in knowledge payment only in the small circle layer to obtain consensus, and as of now, the knowledge payment track still has not run through a mature payment mechanism, or a recognized universal model.

On the one hand, "knowledge overheating" makes the platform operators too profitable, affecting the depth and breadth of knowledge, the platform originally played a bridging role, by drawing professionals, providing professional consulting services for consumers, gradually evolved into packaging "professionals", controlling the "professional" interpretation rights, harvesting consumers, driven by capital profits, commercialization is more intense, reducing its authority.

On the other hand, valuable paid knowledge is destined to be scarce and rigorous, which determines that the platform economy cannot make a breakthrough from scale, and the "qualitative" content circle population is limited and cannot be further ingested at the profit level, which also leads to the knowledge platform can not expand the marginal territory like other Internet platforms, and can only be supplemented by subdivisions.

Jiang Han, senior researcher of Pangu Think Tank:

Recently, knowledge payment has aroused the attention of the market, whether it is Luo Zhenyu of Luo Ji Thinking, or Fan Deng's Book Club, which has aroused widespread concern in the market.

First of all, just take Luo Zhenyu as an example, in Luo Zhenyu's hottest period, it can be said that the knowledge payment is the most powerful period of time, his New Year's Eve conference even appeared the phenomenon of thousands of empty alleys, how many entrepreneurs in today's society, in fact, under the encouragement of Luo Zhenyu embarked on the road of entrepreneurship, so its own impact on the capital market and the Internet market is very far-reaching. At the time when Luo Ji's thinking was the most popular, Luo Zhenyu decisively chose to retire from knowledge, and no longer carried out free updates in the payment, but took the initiative to do his own APP, opening the curtain of the paid era, which can be said to have created a development mode of the entire knowledge payment market. It can even be said that Luo Zhenyu and Fan Deng led an era of knowledge payment.

Secondly, for Luo Zhenyu and Fan Deng, there is no doubt that it has become the dividend harvester of the entire knowledge payment market, which has led an era, but it has also led to the development of the entire era of knowledge payment, and it can be seen that there are many knowledge providers, in fact, through the APP, Fan Deng's reading club has obtained a lot of wealth, this wealth is unimaginable for ordinary people, once China even appeared to build missiles, it is better to sell tea eggs, such a brain upside down phenomenon. Through their own exploration, Luo Zhenyu and Fan Deng actually proved to the market that people who really have the ability and knowledge can also make money through knowledge, and this is really big money.

Third, what should we think of the so-called outlet of knowledge payment? At present, there are actually very few successful companies that pay for knowledge, so why is this phenomenon happening? This is because at present from the perspective of the Internet, the Internet is a marginal cost of the industry, as long as your user base is large enough, your marginal cost can even be zero, which leads to the fact that on the Internet you have to copy a piece of knowledge is very easy, the Internet intellectual property protection is difficult for everyone to imagine, which is why the APP can be successful, but many other knowledge payment products have failed. Because for the APP, he can completely protect his rights and interests through his relatively strong market position and through the means of knowledge protection, but for ordinary entrepreneurs who pay for knowledge, they have no such means at all, and they are often easy to be pirated, the simplest example is the Pen Fun Pavilion that reading group has repeatedly banned, which is actually a relatively obvious piracy of reading knowledge payment products. And you can see that in recent times in the knowledge payment market, there have been more and more free models, the most famous is the rise of novels similar to rice reading and crazy reading in the novel market.

From a long-term point of view, Luo Zhenyu can succeed because he is the creator of this model, but it is very difficult for others to succeed, because this is a model with very high maintenance costs, it is a model destined for a niche market, the big logic of the Internet is still wool out of the pig, the dog pays the bill, this third-party profit model is the most critical.

Angela Channel Internet Analyst Da Vincent:

At the beginning of the knowledge payment volume young people, now it is the pan-knowledge payment volume knowledge payment.

Not only the vertical industry volume, but also the subsequent B station, vibrato, Kuaishou, all kinds of video knowledge, all use a more suitable way for young people to learn and interact, and constantly decompose Luo Zhenyu's knowledge payment site.

One of the reasons is that the learning attributes of vertical platforms are stronger, whether it is user stickiness or activity, it is not as good as comprehensive video platforms, and videos are more suitable for the penetration of users in the sinking market.

From the content point of view, finance, emotion, investment, and historical content account for a relatively large proportion of knowledge payment platforms, while the output of secondary and trend culture that young users are interested in is insufficient.

Therefore, whether we can provide more solid knowledge transfer in more professional segments is also the way out.

Weighing financial operation Zhu Jundi:

Knowledge payment is really a pseudo proposition, the head of several is just a big IP of Internet celebrities, and the recent big red Liu Qihong, the child's hobby of the same bald head, belongs to the phenomenon of relying on IP to support up. The audience did not care what Liu Qihong jumped, but cared about the rhythm of Liu Qihong to pass his spare time and get the pleasure of trend fitness. Just like Mimon who disappeared from the jianghu, it is emotional anxiety that is sold, and the payment for knowledge is not selling knowledge, but the serious impression of acquiring knowledge in the eyes of others.

If you want to complete the payment process of self-produced content, you must have a monopoly on the dissemination of yourself without him, just like books through the property rights protection of the publishing department. Luo Ji's ups and downs on the road to listing and the supplementary materials that have been suspended several times are nothing more than difficult for investors to recognize, and its revenue model is sustainable. Relying too much on the founder's IP, it is really easy to die in business, and the three sisters of Du Xueer, who have recently been very popular, directly ruined all the hopes of the Fulu Shou band.

Many self-media have a deep experience, hard work of the original content, is to exchange for traffic multi-platform display, or broom self-cherish a little bit to exchange for real money and silver, itself is a dilemma, look at the paid articles out of Caixin Network, is it a knowledge payment? The root cause is the monopoly of communication after the flow of its own traffic, and it is difficult to become bigger, let alone raise it to the point of capital approval.

Spiral Lab Spiral Jun:

In fact, at present, many head knowledge payment institutions are facing the same problem, that is, how to get rid of the high dependence on the founder or the core IP, when Luo Zhenyu and Wu Xiaobo no longer come out to stand, then Luo Ji Thinking and Ba Jiuling can not do a hundred responses.

This may also be the biggest resistance that the two companies have wanted to impact the capital market for many years, but have not been able to achieve their wishes, as far as the business organization is concerned, it is extremely dangerous to link most of the company's revenue with personal influence, but in the field of knowledge payment, most institutions can only rely on personal IP to quickly start, and this development contradiction will greatly limit the upward space of the enterprise if it cannot be effectively resolved.

At this point, we can learn horizontally from the development model of MCN, make the knowledge IP into a scale, and discover more "stars" who pay for knowledge, so as to buffer the risk of the collapse of a large IP person and lead to the collapse of the entire company, but how to tap talents and what kind of benefit distribution mechanism should be established, and institutions need to further explore.

Veteran media personality Zu Tengfei:

The road to paying for knowledge is already overcrowded. Fan Deng's Book Club, Chaos University, Ba Jiu Ling, B Station Knowledge Area, Douyin Learning Channel, everywhere you go, you can see the big V that wants consumers to pay, but how many things can you really learn? Who keeps turning on the software after learning it?

Why Thinking Creator and Bajiuling, as the head brand, have been difficult to list, mainly because their threshold is too low, and any opponent can steal the existing users. Taking Luo Zhenyu's thinking creation as an example, Analysys Qianfan data shows that the average monthly active person who received the App in 2017 was 2.5 million, which was reduced to less than 2 million in 2018 and dropped to about 1.5 million in the past year. These users either simply abandon the product or are poached by rivals, which is difficult to give investors confidence, and the listing is naturally far away.

In order to pull some new users, Luo Zhenyu himself said in "Strange Story": "Many friends told me that you are not suitable for variety shows at all, but I still have to hold on here, and I still have to lick my face and advertise our get Apps. ”

Moreover, this knowledge product that relies on core IP is also very risky. Imagine if there is no Luo Zhenyu, Fan Deng, Wu Xiaobo, these companies have almost no trump cards to play, "eggs" are placed in a basket, this risk factor is most investors are unwilling to accept.

Zheng Yang, Director of Strategic Development Department of Seedfire International:

With the rapid improvement of per capita disposable income and Internet penetration, the knowledge payment industry has experienced the rapid development of short videos and other industries and the boost of the epidemic, the service scene and quality have improved rapidly, and have now entered a stable growth period, with an audience of more than 400 million in 2020, a market size of more than 40 billion, and a product form that is in various communication carriers such as video, audio, live broadcasting, and graphics.

At present, the industrial chain includes support service providers composed of technical support and payment platforms, content producers composed of UGC, PGC, KOL and self-media, platform operators composed of integrated platforms, vertical platforms, social platforms, and online education platforms, as well as MCN incubation institutions and final consumer users. The constituent elements of its business model are mainly composed of user value, business system, profit model and key resources, and only when the first three elements can achieve stability, capital will be willing to invest for a long time.

In the process of gradually developing the user's payment habits, the ability to identify and screen the content is also gradually improving, and the repurchase rate of products has increasingly become an important fulcrum for the growth of the industry scale. The entire knowledge payment system is shifting to the direction of specialization, scenario-based and vertical development, and most platforms adopt a combination of multiple payment models to meet the diverse needs of users and form a diversified income structure. On this basis, business models such as physical book sales and offline lecture tickets have also been derived.

In fact, as an animal with strong social attributes, the input and output of knowledge are also social and commercial, and the interaction, value conversion rate, practicality and sociality of paid content and platforms will attract more and more attention from consumers. Different knowledge payment models and scenarios need to meet the needs of users are also very different, the current middle class between 25-45 years old is the mainstream of consumption, but with the gradual improvement of the national economy and per capita disposable income, users will gradually sink, so in the increasingly complex market, whether it is for the C-end market or the B-end market, sinking user operations, precision marketing drainage, content IP quality and uniqueness of the improvement, The refinement and scenario-based operation of platform and content will become an important fulcrum for the construction and development of business models.

Going back to the starting point, why are consumers willing to pay for knowledge? Whether knowledge payment is for the value created by the knowledge itself or for the satisfaction of one's own emotional needs (such as the need to eliminate anxiety and self-gratification, the social need to embody a sense of superiority, etc.). From a macro level, consumers need to obtain more valuable content from the explosive growth of information in the Internet age is the core demand for knowledge payment, and in this context, different groups of people and consumption scenarios will produce different consumer demand. The core contradiction of the current industry is the "knowledge" goods produced in the knowledge payment market, most of which can only meet the single or non-core needs of consumers, and even the knowledge payment content itself has become an information garbage.

Capital is profit-seeking, while paying for knowledge is a business act in which capital builds markets and exports goods to meet the needs of consumers. In the case of complaining about the "dirty and messy" quality of paid content, thinking in reverse, the lack of products on the market that meet the core needs of consumers verifies that the current major consumer groups do not have the awareness and ability to distinguish between healthy consumption and discernment that everyone thinks? The knowledge payment market will become larger and larger in the future, and there are many pits that consumers need to step on, and the road that needs to be walked is also very long, either everyone can become more and more sober on the way to the pit and promote the healthy development of the market, or there will be a leader in the healthy development of the industry, perhaps both of which are on the way to appear.

Internet Beijing Diary Zhang Jingke:

Public knowledge payment and consulting are somewhat similar, both belong to the guise of in-depth analysis to teach entry-level knowledge.

For Xiaobai and laymen, it is necessary to get started, enrolling in classes, attending classes, and joining groups, which is also a more common business model for knowledge payment.

But this is only the first step. The so-called master leads the door, the practice is in the individual, if you want to further improve, but also depends on whether the personal understanding and personal interest are here.

When you ascend to a certain height, you will enter the second stage. It is hoped that specific problems will be solved through knowledge payment. Choosing a higher level of expertise payment, professional consulting firm or professional partner will help you to effectively assist in solving your own problems. This is also the stage of surgery.

In the third stage, when people's cognition of things reaches a higher level, they will turn to the stage of seeking the tao. The knowledge payment model will also become very niche. At this time, what may be needed is how to cross your own circle, improve your thinking height, and expand your higher horizons. In addition to the peace of mind, what is also needed is a high person who helps solve problems that he cannot solve. After seeking the Tao, listening to the wisdom of the people, absorbing the strengths of all, will adapt to local conditions according to their own situation, rather than blindly following external opinions.

Luo Chaolin, founder of Zero One Growth:

Disassembly, knowledge payment (platform) is composed of knowledge + payment + platform. The way the platform is operated is not discussed for the time being, and knowledge and payment have a lot of room for discussion, first look at the knowledge.

First of all, what is knowledge? There are many interpretations, one of which is that "information that is not conventional and non-publicly known and that is useful to learners or solves problems with specific needs of learners." There are many adjectives to qualify, to pave the way for the payment behind and to better define knowledge.

For example, the earliest knowledge payment platform that everyone comes into contact with is actually the entire process of the education system, such as kindergarten and university, of course, this is wholesale knowledge, basically no personality. Then there are all kinds of education and training institutions, which began to have a small range of personalities (one-to-one) but still belong to the wholesale type, because the knowledge learned is to solve the wholesale demand, and this knowledge payment method has bred a number of listed companies (double subtraction).

Then there is the post-social training, which is actually wholesale, but the degree of solving the demand is actually reduced. For example, if you participate in an equity design training, can you design an equity structure for the company? Of course, until some basic equity design related information content, it is no problem, you can also avoid some equity issues. Finally, there is consulting, one-on-one solution to the user's specific problem. Regardless of whether the user problem can be solved perfectly in the end, the value of knowledge is maximized at this time, and the most direct embodiment is the high transaction amount and a number of listed companies with consulting as the main business.

Second, do you want to pay? Payment is a transaction, that is, the relationship between buying and selling, taking into account price and value, and its underlying understanding is still a commercial relationship. Simply put, it is whether knowledge can solve some problems of learners or users, and can solve problems on a continuous and large scale. In the current knowledge payment platform products, in the level of access to knowledge is acceptable, such as various types of courses, whether priced at 9.9 or 9999, the audience knows a rough idea after listening, but whether it can really solve the problem and whether it can be practiced, there is no guarantee.

For example, if you listen to a word shorthand course, can the student's word shorthand be greatly improved? There are definitely ways for the market to make students greatly improve their shorthand words, but it's not clear if the course you're buying is part of that method. And, even if you find a way, whether the student can understand and use it often depends on the student's cognition + persistence + feedback + practice.

Therefore, before paying, it is best to understand the value of knowledge to solve their own problems, knowledge to solve the problem, not only to know, but also to apply, and even to reconstruct the knowledge of secondary processing and reapply. Finally, is it feasible for the platform's business model to pay for knowledge? It is not feasible at the moment because it is difficult to monitor and advance positive results. For example, if a certain course is listed on a knowledge payment platform and sells 10,000 copies, technology can achieve simultaneous teaching, but how to make students ask questions such as "I did not learn and complained about the teacher..."? It is equivalent to the problem that it is difficult for platforms to regulate the delivery of "knowledge payment".

If you can realize the content of knowledge payment into fixed formatted content, such as books, video and audio, clearly explain the content and value points of knowledge, everyone is free to choose to buy, and open a student supervision feedback system to create high-quality knowledge content in multiple directions. This can refer to the practice of novel writers, which is also the expression of knowledge payment, through the text to present the ideas and knowledge of sales authors, users can subscribe to the reward-free advertising and other experience novels.

In general, individuals are optimistic about the field of knowledge payment, whether it is the business model of the platform or not, they need to do a good job of knowledge delivery.

Zhihu Creator Goes Straight:

For a long time before live streaming and paying for content, advertising was considered to be the only way to monetize traffic, and many people proposed the concepts of "traffic is king", "pageviews are dominant", and "number of fans is money". However, today we will explore such a topic, and we will find that whether it is a customer or a user, whether it is kol or MCN, it will automatically or involuntarily integrate the word "precision" into the traffic business.

In fact, in recent years, the big factories have been doing the same few things, including collecting user information, portraying user portraits, analyzing user behavior, and catering to user needs. Therefore, we can see that in just a few years, different users browse the content is completely different, from online shopping for goods to pushing articles, from promoting videos to advertising pop-ups, and even we have become accustomed to it in the subtle, occasionally feeling unhappy that we are being monitored, but more importantly, we have seen such "Internet behavior". Then for the field of knowledge payment, we can say that the insight into user needs is the most critical, the most core, and the most "gold-containing" top priority.

At present, the user distinction of mainstream knowledge payment still stays at the primary level of user independent selection of tags, keyword index recommendation, and browsing record related push, but in the future, a batch of in-depth content is bound to become the gold sucker in the field of knowledge payment. They may still be popular videos of a certain station today, and some high-praise answers, although these contents seem difficult to generate revenue immediately, but after combining more systematic packaging, more in-depth topics, and more monopolistic exclusive pushes, they will become well-deserved "traffic students". To digress, the future network information, the content presented to different paying groups, is bound to be more varied, and even there will be differences in quality, the content seen by the non-paid, low-paying crowd will be more shallow and rude and without nutrition, and the behavior of "white prostitutes" will be more and more hostile to big factories. Although this is only a development trend of the future network under the guidance of anarchic behavior, since it is a trend, it is doomed to only the degree, not the direction.

Financial writer Lu Xiaolong:

Knowledge payment is no future, the market is becoming more and more rational, there are too many homogeneous contents, Fan Deng, Zhihu, Lychee, Luo Ji Thinking, including Wu Xiaobo, have not been recognized by the capital market, just catch up with the dividends of a wave of the times.

Veteran Media Personality Doreen:

Now most of the knowledge payment is selling anxiety, and the title course name is very painful, but after buying the course, I found that most of it is the integration of knowledge points on the Internet. Professional content knowledge has a circle and threshold, if recommended according to the current big data, knowledge payment has become like the promotion of supermarkets.

Freelance author Ouyang Ming:

Knowledge itself is part of the culture, if you want to classify the product, it needs to have services or physical support, the way to standardize the knowledge products is online courses, standardized service solutions, but because the core competitiveness or human and brainpower, from the perspective of IPO supervision, financial verification and sustainable business operation is difficult to explain.

The knowledge platform is more like the integration of e-commerce and content community, because there are obvious transaction behaviors and independent communication space, in fact, the traffic expansion methods of the platform are more similar now, through the content or big V first platform, through subsidies to drain the flow of new, and then the platform operation should be decided according to the overall needs of users, only because of the subsidy will not turn back, only because of the content from the loyal content.

Market Little Junjie Manager XiaojunJie:

There is no doubt that the epidemic in the past two years has reactivated knowledge payment. On the one hand, staying at home has nothing to do, and you need to increase your knowledge to reduce anxiety. On the other hand, the company is sluggish, and many people have been laid off. Once supply and demand match, there is a market.

For how to price knowledge products: Knowledge is priceless, and even the same experience produces different value. But once it is marketized, the pricing must be to refer to other products of the same industry, almost or simply take the differentiation, much more expensive or much cheaper, based on the class group, in the niche and the public to find a balance.

How platforms balance big IP and new content: It's a bit like the operational logic of tide play, such as Bubble Mart. The start of the launch is definitely the use of well-known IP, more than 80% of the quota, are contributed by the big IP. If the platform wants to be more profitable, it needs to develop its own IP. At present, several large platforms on the market actually have a stable customer base and a certain degree of popularity, at this time I think it should be more inclined to new high-quality content, on the one hand, it can increase the richness and freshness of the content, on the other hand, it can also gradually improve the profit margin.

Choose whether users buy or advertisers pay: The answer is self-explanatory. Users who buy classes are like pay-TV users, who want high-quality content and are not disturbed by advertisements. If grafted onto the advertiser's head, it will inevitably reduce the credibility or quality of the content.

Industry watcher Mao Dinglong:

Knowledge payment is an excessive behavior, the way to pay for knowledge under the trend of the times is education, the orthodox genre under the discussion of research is where the value lies, and the knowledge payment lowers the grade of knowledge, and the pattern is too small. What is the meaning of people at the same level of cognitive level to engage in knowledge payment, subordinate knowledge payment is a waste of comprehensive brain power, systematic knowledge is the premise of knowledge application, do not engage in education, cognitive literacy is a self-righteous waste, not to mention no difference, the essence of education is not to make money, right?! Lost a millimeter, a thousand miles away. Both form and form are confused. The way to make a profit is to "ignite" public knowledge, popularize public knowledge for the masses, and pay for the masses.

"Titanium Hot Review" is a hot event observation column launched by Titanium Media, which mainly invites media and industry practitioners with unique insights and in-depth observations on the development of different industries and different business models to comprehensively display the impact and significance of the event through multi-angle interpretation.

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