
10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Author | NIPer

Source | Chen Muyu (ID:chanmuyu)

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Yifan

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Research shows that if you notice a decline in your memory, you should take it seriously.

Because your brain has the ability to regenerate itself and repair itself, but it doesn't happen independently.

You need to change your lifestyle through some simple tricks in order to make your mind stronger.

Even as you get older, your brain stays sharp.

Here are 10 golden habits to help you sharpen your brain better.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

According to Harvard University:

"A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in adults."

Of course, this is not to say that you need to go to a PhD.

In fact, even starting with learning new information, it can keep the mind sharp and help promote and maintain communication between brain cells.

A better approach is to learn a new skill, or start learning something new so you can keep your mind sharp as you get older.

Whether it's playing a new type of game or doing something you've never done before, like video shooting and editing.

Does reading keep your brain sharp? undoubtedly.

Reading can consider expanding the degree to which you process information, as research has shown that this process involves the processing centers of hearing and vision.

You can maintain brain acuity by reading complex information and then memorizing it repeatedly, preferably in everyday conversations.

In this way, your memory ability and expression ability will be greatly increased.

In short, the end goal is to challenge your brain so that your brain is always learning something and it will stay sharp.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Now because of the epidemic, it is difficult for us to have some social gatherings.

But researchers agree that people who spend time with friends, stay in touch with family, volunteer or otherwise participate have a lower risk of cognitive loss.

The results of a study led by researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States show a fact:

That is, good social interaction in terms of building cognitive strength will have the same effect.

In fact, having a strong social network can extend your lifespan. Dozens of studies have shown that the premature mortality rate of quarantined people is 50% higher.

During the pandemic, I wonder if you have ever tried to stay in a hotel and quarantine?

The otaku and otaku I knew around me thought they could get through these days well.

But after going through it once, nothing happened unless forced to do so, and they weren't willing to go on quarantine for 21 days.

Because this isolation is different from the house they want.

This kind of isolation allows you to cut off all activities in society, do not contact with anyone, and feel that life is very depressed and depressed for a long time.

In interpersonal communication, positive conversation and good social interaction can make up for this feeling of being separated by the mind and let you enter the "embrace of society".

Even if you are in it, you are silent or you hate socializing.

This social interaction can also have a positive effect on you, keeping your brain active.

Therefore, when the epidemic is over, it is best to get together with friends, family, and lovers around you.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Lost keys, forgotten birthdays, lost, etc., all these trivial troubles, will exhaust the capacity of the brain.

As we get older, the resources of our brains become more and more difficult.

There used to be some very trivial things that we were willing to take the time to deal with.

But when you get older, things are a little more troublesome, and you don't want to.

So at this time, it's easy to throw everything you do.

If you still maintain the habit of your youth and rely on your own memory for everything, then you will feel very difficult.

Conversely, if you know how to use tools (such as calendars, maps, lists, etc.) to organize these things, your brain will be able to focus on learning and development.

Imagine if you had designated a specific location in your home to store your keys, glasses, and wallet, would you still have to think about where the keys were left?

Creating a way to help with memory allows us to make better use of our cognitive abilities.

Remembering things in a particular order, whether it's a simple work list or a schedule, can help us save brain resources and thus increase productivity.

Because before each action, you know what you are going to do next, everything is properly arranged, and your work efficiency will naturally be higher.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

No matter what you learn, it's best to repeat what you've learned every day.

Repetition is a beneficial learning tool, but you have to schedule it appropriately. If you repeat it multiple times in a short period of time, you may not remember it better.

However, if you repeat something and then wait a while to do it again, your memory of the subject increases.

If you're studying for an exam, don't hold on to it until the exam.

Instead, in the beginning, repeat the information every hour, and then increase the time to repeat every few hours. Finally, repeat daily instead.

In short, whenever you learn something new, repeat it to strengthen memory and connection.

When you hear, read, or think of something you want to remember, repeat or write it down.

When you do, your brain processes these changes, helping you recall them later.

When you come across some information you want or need to remember, either write it down or repeat it out loud.

Studies have shown that repetition helps strengthen the neural connections responsible for remembering things.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

A poor environment and lifestyle can not only have a negative impact on your psychology, but also cause damage to your brain.

Don't treat your physical and mental health as if it were okay because you've been through work or drunk too much.

Keep in mind that all of these unhealthy habits can ultimately damage your physical health and mental health.

Like drinking, have you ever wondered what causes a hangover? Alcohol can dehydrate.

Dehydration causes the membranes that envelop the brain to contract.

Over time, excessive use of alcohol can have many lingering effects that affect neurochemistry and brain function.

It interferes with high-quality sleep, so memory suffers.

At the same time, it is best to keep your surroundings and the house tidy.

A neat environment that helps bring order and clarity to your mind.

In a dim or claustrophobic room, you can't think clearly.

Good ventilation, sunlight and fresh air can make your mind think more clearly.

So make sure you have enough oxygen. If not, plant trees around your workplace and at home.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

As you age, physical activity is another way to keep your mind sharp.

Since your body and brain are connected, regular exercise can improve your memory and cognitive abilities.

Even walking can bring many benefits to your brain health.

Researchers believe that regular exercise "is probably the most important thing you can do," for brain health, especially in the long term. When our hearts and lungs are beating, the brain is also becoming healthy.

Studies have shown that the impact on the foot when walking transmits pressure waves through the arteries. These pressure waves increase blood flow and promote a healthy mind.

There are a number of other ways to facilitate blood flow to the brain, including:


Play basketball, badminton, table tennis;

Any aerobic exercise;


In summary, moderate physical activity can enhance cognitive function.

One reason may be because it increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that improves learning, memory, and higher thinking by stimulating the growth of new neurons and helping existing neurons stay alive.

Even if your daily routine is busy, don't forget to do some aerobic exercise and strive to exercise for at least 30 minutes every other day.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

After proper exercise, do not neglect nutritional supplementation, as they are the two most important determinants of long-term mental health.

As the so-called "junk food goes in, junk food comes out", maintaining a healthy diet can promote keen memory.

Certain foods lead to brain health and can be very beneficial with age.

Healthy foods may delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

You should also include fruits, nuts, whole grains, berries, and fish to your meals.

While these are good sources of brain food, make sure you eat a balanced diet.

First, it's important to understand the intricate relationship between nutrition and brain health. Glycogen is the brain's number one source of energy — and it's quickly depleted.

The best option is a low-glycemic nutrition plan – high in fiber, moderate amount of protein, and low in fat.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

If you don't get enough sleep, you'll struggle with memory, attention, and other important cognitive functions.

And, when you're sleep deprived, you won't learn new skills so easily.

Therefore, try to sleep about 8 hours a night and try to stick to a regular schedule.

Otherwise, our brains are unable to effectively consolidate and reorganize the activities of the previous day.

Poor long-term sleep is directly associated with cognitive decline in old age.

If you let your sleep quality go unchecked, you're sacrificing your physical and mental health.

Avoid eating heavy foods before bedtime because it can irritate your stomach and make you lose sleep.

If you feel hungry at night, it's best to choose some light and healthy snacks.

In short, the combination of work and leisure is very important.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

Stress leads to an instantaneous release of cortisol — a harmful chemical that interferes with many important brain and body functions.

Obviously, you don't want to have this kind of thing.

Of course, it's hard for us to stay away from stress right now.

After all, stress is something on this planet that everyone and all those who are alive are exposed to on a daily basis.

The solution is to eliminate as many stressors as possible (e.g., stay away from that annoying co-worker) and find a healthy way to reduce stress (e.g., massage, play games, read a book, etc.).

You have to know how to reduce stress so that your brain will give you more potential.

10 Golden Habits to Keep Your Mind Sharp

I want to stress once again the importance of exercising your mind.

Just as your body can't be healthy if it's stationary for a long time, neither can your brain.

Just as exercise is important to your body, staying mentally active is also important for your mind.

One of the most widely studied concepts in this field is the enhancement of thinking skills through crossword puzzles.

However, whether it's Sudoku, card games, or anything else, doing any type of puzzle on a regular basis can solve this problem.

Allowing our brain to feel a little challenging all the time, and occasionally doing something outside of our comfort zone, can reduce burnout, which plays an important role in our mental facilities and overall well-being.

If these feelings don't show up in your nine-to-five job, look for similar opportunities outside of work, which may help foster that feeling.

Slowly you will find that your brain is much sharper than the people around you.

Click "Watching" and encourage your friends.

Author | NIPer

Source | Chen Muyu (ID:chanmuyu)

Typography | Zheng to the north

Image | Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Music | Wu Huihui - Moon River

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