
Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


The so-called full, full also, small full as a summer solar term, on the one hand, refers to the increase in rain at this time, filling up rivers and lakes; At the same time, the wheat crop is also full of grains at this time, so the word Xiaoman reflects the dual meaning of climate and agriculture.

Xiaoman belongs to the first half of summer, which is called "summer" by folklore, and from the summer solstice onwards, it belongs to "long summer", in contrast, the characteristics of summer tend to be hot, and long summer is dominated by humid heat, that is, the most difficult period in the whole summer. Many people are prone to "boiled summer" in the long summer, which is related to the climate of the outside world on the one hand, and at the same time, to a certain extent, it is also related to the lack of preparation for the small full solar term. Therefore, if you don't want to suffer in the long summer, you should start laying the foundation from the small full season.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind: 1 don't wear, 2 don't go, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, take care of your body, and don't suffer in a long summer. The small full solar term is coming, from life to diet can not be sloppy, reasonable adjustment, in a good state into the long summer, no matter how hot the weather is, let's take a look~

1 does not wear it

Don't wear shorts and skirts on rainy days

When the weather is hot, people will habitually reduce their clothing to achieve a cooling effect. However, in the small full season, the temperature is not stable, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is also more obvious, so it is still necessary to pay attention to adding clothes at any time to avoid catching a cold. At the same time, it rains frequently in the small full season, and rainy days will not only increase the humidity of the air, but also the temperature will drop, so at this time you should avoid wearing shorts and short skirts, otherwise it is easy for cold and damp to invade the body. Dress carefully in the small full season, not only to prevent heatstroke, but also to prevent cold and moisture.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

2. Don't go

A place with lush vegetation

In the small full season, everything has entered the vigorous stage, and the grass and trees are shady. Coupled with frequent rainfall, it is often humid in places with lush vegetation, and with the hot climate, mosquitoes, snakes and ants also like to inhabit humid environments. Therefore, when we are outdoors, we should try to stay away from humid environments to avoid mosquito bites.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

Eat 3 kinds

mung bean

No mung beans are not summer, when it comes to the hot summer, a bowl of mung bean soup can most soothe people's hearts. Its fragrance is refreshing, and it can drive away the summer heat for us. At the same time, it is rich in protein, vitamin C, cellulose, flavonoids, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc., which helps to clear away heat and detoxification, dampness and annoyance. Of course, not only can you cook soup, but mung bean cake is also a refreshing touch of summer.

Recommended method: Homemade mung bean cake

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

1. It will be much more convenient to buy peeled mung beans directly, wash them twice, and then add more water to soak them softly.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

2. Then put it in the rice cooker, add 1.2 times the amount of drinking water, and boil the mung beans out of the sand. It can also be steamed over water.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

3. After the mung beans are cooked, use a spatula to stir for a while to mix the granules into a delicate mung bean puree, which can also be processed with a food processor. Then heat a little butter in a pan, put the mung bean paste inside, add some sugar, and then slowly fry over low heat until the mung bean puree is huddled.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

4. We can add some seasoning ingredients to the fried mung bean puree, such as matcha powder, cocoa powder, mint leaves, etc., put whatever you like, and then mix it with the mung bean puree.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

5. Then we use the mold at home to shape the mung bean puree in turn. It is fragrant and delicious, and it tastes better when you put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer


As a black fungus, fungus can be regarded as a very common nourishing ingredient. It is rich in amino acids, gums, vitamins, as well as manganese, magnesium, zinc and other ions, which help to clear blood vessels, replenish qi and blood, moisten the lungs, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, etc.

Recommended method: Scrambled eggs with fungus and cucumber

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

1. When the weather is hot, the fungus will soak up quickly, and it can be soaked in cold water for seven or eight minutes. However, it is easy to get dirty in its folds, so it should be washed carefully.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

2. After a small cucumber is washed, cut it into small pieces first, and then change it to slices, so that its fragrance is easier to release.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

3. Moisten the bottom of the pot with hot oil, pour the egg mixture into it, stir-fry until solidified, then add some green onions and garlic to increase the flavor, continue to cook in the light soy sauce and stir-fry well.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

4. Pour the fungus in, and then fry it repeatedly, fry the fungus thoroughly, pour the cucumber into it, add a little salt, and fry it quickly to taste and then remove it from the pot.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer


Melons are essential foods for summer, and loofahs are the leaders in the melon family, which are rich in water, vitamin C, mucus, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., which help to relax muscles and activate blood, moisturize and beautify the skin, replenish brain power, clear heat and detoxify, etc. It's hot, so I eat some often, which is very appetizing and comfortable.

Recommended method: Roast yuba with loofah

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

1. Rinse off the dirty things of the loofah first, scrape off the outer layer of hard skin, rinse it further, cut it into long strips and soak it in salted water for later use.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

2. Put the yuba in water overnight in advance and soak it in the refrigerator, so that the soaked yuba taste flexible and not soft. Soak it in baking soda for another five or six minutes to get rid of its own beany smell.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

3. Heat some oil in a pot, cut some diced tomatoes and put them in, fry them until soft, then add a little oyster sauce and hot water to adjust the soup. Add the loofah to the inside and cook for two minutes.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

4. Then pour the yuba into it, add some salt to it, stir well, simmer for one minute, so that all the ingredients are flavorful, and immediately remove from the pot.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

Avoid 2 things

Excessive exercise

In the small full season, the temperature rises, and people are already prone to sweating, so when exercising, we should try to choose a soothing form, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., to achieve the effect of stretching the body. And to avoid excessive exercise, otherwise the body will lose a lot of water, physical strength will also be excessively consumed, and the heart and blood vessels will also be tested.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer

Not changing clothes for a long time

As the weather gets hotter, people sweat more, and their clothes tend to get damp. Wet clothes can easily promote bacteria, and if you wear such clothes for a long time, your body will feel uncomfortable and cause skin diseases. So in summer, you should pay attention to changing your clothes frequently and keep your clothes dry and clean. The same goes for our usual bed sheets and bedding.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, keep in mind that 1 does not wear, 2 does not go, eats 3 things, avoids 2 things, takes care of the body, and does not suffer in a long summer
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