
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

Boy Pie

2024-05-19 12:04Posted in Anhui parenting field creators

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

The child's habits hide his fate.

What kind of personality the family shapes for the child will be, what kind of life the child will have.

Author | Potato Mom

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

A few days ago, I was chatting with a mother, and she poured bitter water on me, complaining that the older the child is, the more difficult it is to manage.

She thinks she is a very open-minded mother, she has never beaten her children over the years, and she will endure it if she wants to.

When she encounters anything, she patiently reasoned with the child, hoping that he would be reasonable and progressive.

When I was a child, the child was quite obedient, but the later it was, the more the child did not eat oil and salt.

Every day when she comes back, she throws away her schoolbag and clothes, she tries her best to speak, but the child still goes her own way, and she has no choice but to follow behind and keep cleaning up.

Writing homework is a headache for her, every time it always has to be delayed to the end, she moves again and again with affection and reason, telling the child that "you can't procrastinate", but the child either ignores it or is impatient.

In fact, this is also the confusion of most parents: the truth has been told thousands of times, why don't children listen?

Mr. Ye Shengtao said that the essence of education is to cultivate habits.

Only reasoning, but not acting, everything is empty talk.

Just like the parents of Yang Chengyu, a college entrance examination bully, never preach to their children, but pay special attention to cultivating his good habits since he was a child, what to do and what not to do.

Her mother said that only when habits are stereotyped, the road ahead can be easy to walk.

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

When habits become instincts, they accumulate and play an increasingly important role.

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

Reminds me of a childhood experience of writer Leo Bascari.

Every day after dinner, his father would ask him a question: "Son, what have you learned today?" ”

At this time, he would tell his father everything he had learned today.

Sometimes, however, he found that he had learned nothing today, and he would run into his study, take out the encyclopedia, and study it carefully, always learning something new to tell his father, and then he could sleep peacefully.

To this day, he asks himself every night "what did you learn today?"

If he hadn't learned something new that day, he wouldn't have rested.

It is this small habit of "making a little progress every day" that allows him to constantly absorb new knowledge, keep harvesting and growing, and also add value to his writing path.

Anthony Robin once said, "It's not the one or two things you do once in a while that shape your life, it's what you consistently do." ”

Habit is a great and tenacious force.

Good habits are like a kind of welfare, which benefits people for life; Bad habits, on the other hand, are like a kind of debt, which makes people suffer a lot.

What kind of habits you give your child will have in the future.

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

Zhu Yongxin said that it is better to cultivate a good habit than to train a child a thousand times.

What can really change the fate of children is not the truth on the lips, but the habit of implementation.

The following 10 good habits that affect children's lives must be taught to children as soon as possible.

What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

If you have good habits, you will have a good fate.

It is better to give a child a mountain of gold and silver, than to cultivate his good habits from an early age.

Parents supervise attentively, set an example, and children are rational and conscientious.

Accumulate over time, and then quietly rise to the top.

Give it a thumbs up and encourage all parents.

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  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit
  • What determines the fate of children is never a big reason, but a small habit

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