
Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


It is recorded in the "Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order": In the middle of April, those who are small and full of things are so small. Xiaoman is a solar term for the transition from Mengxia to midsummer, at this time, the land officially enters the summer, the temperature is high, the rain is more, the air is humid and other climatic characteristics are significant. In such a climate, our spleen and stomach are also easily affected, often poor appetite, abdominal distension and discomfort, and often fatigue, drowsiness, lack of energy, etc., which are related to the "dampness and heat" in the body, and if it is not adjusted, it will be more difficult to endure in the dog days later. Therefore, in the small full season, "clearing heat and removing dampness" is the key.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly. Entering the small full season, from daily life to diet, we must adjust in time, and work hard from many aspects to drive away the heat and humidity, so as to spend the summer refreshingly and comfortably. Let's take a look at the specifics.

Eat 3 kinds

wax gourd

Although it is called winter melon, it is an indispensable treasure ingredient in summer. It is rich in water, sugar, fiber, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which helps to clear away heat and heat, dispel dampness and annoyance, protect the liver and kidneys, and moisturize the skin.

Recommended method: Stir-fry meat with winter melon

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

1. Prepare a small half of the green-skinned winter melon, peel off the skin, wash it again, and cut it into large slices.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

2. Cut a little lean meat into small particles, release the soy sauce, mix well with oyster sauce, then add some corn oil and mix well.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

3. Heat the oil, when the oil temperature rises, first pour the meat into it and stir-fry, soon its color will turn white, put a little garlic and onion into it and stir well.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

4. Pour the winter melon in, add a little oyster sauce and salt, and then stir-fry with the meat, for a minute or two, the winter melon can be cooked thoroughly and then out of the pot.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly


Yam is famous for nourishing the spleen and stomach, and is rich in protein, dietary fiber, dioscis soap, iron, manganese, zinc and other ions, which help to promote metabolism, improve physical fitness, moisten the intestines and detoxify and so on.

Recommended method: Yam tortillas

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

1. Clean up an iron yam with an iron stick, shoot a crack on the board, and then cut it into small cubes.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

2. Prepare some fresh sweet corn kernels, and also use a knife to cut everything and chop it into pieces, so that the flavor of the corn is stronger.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

3. Put the yam and corn in a bowl, mix with a little carotene, knock in an egg, add a little salt, and then use chopsticks to stir the egg mixture and mix it with the ingredients.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

4. Brush the electric baking pan with a little oil and heat it thoroughly, scoop the mixed mixture directly into it, press it into the shape of a small cake, and then burn it until it is set and colored.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Duck meat

Duck meat is refreshing and not dry, more suitable for hot and humid summer, it is rich in amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B group, niacin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which helps to clear away heat and dampness, replenish deficiency and moisturize dryness, nourish the heart and brain, enhance immunity, etc.

Recommended method: braised duck with sour plum

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

1. Prepare half a duck, put some starch into it, rub it, and then rinse it thoroughly with water to bring out the water.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

2. Prepare some sour plums, further chop them on the board, you can put a little more, it is very appetizing and greasy to use for cooking.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

3. Heat the oil in the pot, after the oil is thoroughly heated, pour the duck into it and fry it, on the one hand, the water vapor in it will be fried, and at the same time, the fat will be forced out, until the color is browned.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

4. Put the plums inside, fry them well with the duck meat, you can pour some plum juice, continue to add some hot water, add a little light soy sauce, simmer for about an hour, then add a little salt, and then collect the soup over high heat.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Avoid 3 kinds

In the diet, we should not only mix more foods that help clear away heat and dampness, but also know how to avoid them, especially high-sugar foods (ice cream, cakes, drinks), cold foods (watermelon, cold drinks, seafood) and greasy foods (fried, fried, fried, grilled, etc.), these three foods are easy to increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, promote dampness, and cause abdominal distension, nausea, fatigue and other discomforts.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Do 3 things

Go to bed early and don't stay up late

In the small full season, the natural phenomenon of long days and short nights is very obvious, coupled with the hot climate, people's metabolism is vigorous, and physical exertion is large, so it is easy to feel tired. Therefore, at this time, we should pay attention to rest, go to bed early, and avoid staying up late, so as to better recover our physical strength and recharge our energy. Staying up late to sleep is easy to lose energy, and internal heat will also aggravate the dampness and heat in the body.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Warm bathing is not cold

When it's hot and sweaty, people take a bath more often. No matter how hot the weather is, you should also use warm water close to your body temperature when bathing, which is more conducive to cleaning the skin, relieving fatigue, and making it more refreshing and comfortable after washing. If you take a bath with cold water, it is easy to bring cold into the body, causing a cold and cold, and the stimulation of the heart and blood vessels is also relatively large.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly

Keep the living environment clean and dry

In the small full season, there is a lot of rain and humid air, so we should pay attention to frequent ventilation on weekdays to keep the indoor air fresh and dry. At the same time, bed sheets, pillowcases, sofa covers, etc. at home should also be washed and dried frequently and kept clean. It's more comfortable for us to live in, and it's better for our health.

Tomorrow Xiaoman, "clearing heat and dampness" is the key, eat 3 things, avoid 3 things, do 3 things, and spend the summer refreshingly
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