
Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

At the Huawei folding flagship and all-scenario new product launch conference on April 28, a number of new products, including the folding flagship mobile phone HUAWEI Mate Xs 2, Huawei smart screen V Pro, AND HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 Pro smart watch, were officially unveiled, not only greatly upgraded in hardware, but also benefited from the excellent soft and hard collaboration capabilities of terminal cloud services, and the all-scenario intelligent experience brought by these products was even more memorable.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

Is the smart experience of HUAWEI TERMINAL CLOUD service strong? It can be said that with the improvement of product layout over the years, only one HUAWEI ID is needed, such as Huawei mobile phones, Pads, watches, smart screens and other devices can achieve seamless circulation. Nowadays, multi-device collaborative experience has become the killer of Huawei's all-scenario intelligent ecology, which is what smart experiences should look like in contemporary technology.


From mobile phones and watches to tablets, from PCs, smart screens to car machines, Huawei's terminal products have covered all aspects of our work and life. Among them, mobile devices are the core, mobile phones are the core of the core, and with the empowerment of terminal cloud services, the product itself is more "fresh".

On the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 folding screen mobile phone released this time, Huawei's application market has brought users a large number of applications optimized for folding screen adaptation, adding bricks and tiles to the experience of folding screen mobile phones.

Whether the application is exclusively adapted for the folding screen is the most important aspect affecting the user experience, on HUAWEI Mate Xs 2, the top 300 application has achieved 100% large-screen adaptation optimization, the Top 2000 application has also completed 90% of the adaptation work, and some applications also provide unique functions for large-screen users.

Take the parallel horizon function, users can display different function pages of an application on different screens, realizing similar experiences such as brushing the circle of friends while WeChat video calls, simplifying the operation steps and improving efficiency.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

Huawei's browser has been deeply adapted to the folding screen, and its newly launched web page adaptation function can avoid the disturbing experience of forcibly stretching content on the large screen; the multi-task split screen function also allows users to browse information while recording ideas and inspiration.

As a widely used reading scene for folding screen mobile phones, Huawei Reading App brings a comfortable paper-sensitive reading experience to HUAWEI Mate Xs 2, with a unique "double page turning" UI design, so that users can be closer to paper books every time they turn the page.

Huawei Reading App has cooperated with domestic leading content distribution and publishing platforms to bring users millions of high-quality books and high-quality audio content, truly improving both resources and experience.

Also released this time is the Huawei smart screen V Pro series, Huawei video will be AiMax cinema area to the smart screen V Pro series, with nearly a thousand domestic and foreign boutique cinema blockbusters, and support 4K + HDR + 5.1 channel content quality standards, some films also support 4k HD quality HDR Vivid color and Audio Vivid sound effects, so that the visual and auditory experience has been fully improved.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

In addition to the audio-visual experience upgrade, Huawei Smart Screen V Pro also launched the Huawei Smart Screen Game Center client, bringing a variety of three-dimensional AI somatosensory games and gamepad games, supporting two-player battles, and the controller delay is as low as 8ms, making your "battle" with family or friends more enjoyable.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

The HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 Pro smartwatch released this time also brings users a full range of experience improvements, with its high-end fashion appearance and powerful features, refreshing the flagship smart watch to a new height.

In terms of appearance, Hua theme with HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 Pro newly launched THE SENSE ENJOYMENT SERIES DIAL, breaking the inherent creative thinking of the smart watch dial, integrating the classic aesthetics of traditional watches into every detail, between inches, interpreting exquisite and elegant art.

Inspired by the traditional "Ruyi Cloud Pattern", the dial of "Aurora Also Dream" is combined with the limited color matching of "Aurora Green" to interpret the new fashion of oriental aesthetics.

In terms of intelligent experience, HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 Pro supports huawei wallet smart flash card function, users only need to put bank cards, access control cards, transportation cards, etc. into the electronic wallet, no need to unlock the screen, no need to select cards, gently raise the wrist close to the card area, you can automatically select cards, open a new experience of all-scenario smart life.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

In the travel scenario, on December 23 last year, Huawei's AITO Q&AO M5, which Huawei is deeply involved in manufacturing, is the latest answer sheet handed over by Huawei, which is equipped with harmonyOS smart cockpit and has a complete set of cockpit smart experience.

Petal Maps brings AITO a map navigation experience that flows seamlessly before the mobile phone and the car, based on the same HUAWEI ID, after the mobile phone side opens the navigation, without any operation, the navigation progress can be connected to the car machine, which is convenient and fast.

In addition, in the in-car audio and video experience, Huawei Music brings AITO users a high-quality music zone covering tens of millions of music libraries, and Huawei Video also brings users a 5.1 super sound quality experience zone, combined with 19 HUAWEI SOUND car audio systems in the whole vehicle, bringing users theater-level listening enjoyment.

At the same time, the HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 Pro will soon support the digital car key function, which will provide a comprehensive digital car key service for AITU M5 car owners, and users can easily use the watch to touch the unlocked vehicle, lock the vehicle and start the engine. Soft-hard collaboration Huawei terminal cloud service enriches 1+8+N all-scenario smart life

Taking applications as an example, HUAWEI Terminal Cloud Service has created native apps for users such as Huawei Application Market, Huawei Browser, HUAWEI CLOUD Space, Huawei Wallet, Huawei Video, Huawei Music, Huawei Reading, and Huawei Theme, covering most of our life and work needs.

Why does Huawei have to make so many applications? In fact, this matter has been conclusive in the past few years: Huawei's 1+8+N strategy. Among them, 1 represents smart phones, 8 represents commonly used devices such as speakers, tablets, PCs, watches, etc., and N represents more Internet of Things devices, almost everything.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

In the 1+8+N full scenario, only one HUAWEI ID is needed, these different devices can be connected to each other, in harmonyOS hyperterminal can manage interconnected devices, the use experience is integrated as a whole, rather than the previous one, and even each device has a separate App, which is cumbersome to use and complex to manage.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

In the goal of achieving the intelligent experience of all scenarios, one of the key reasons why Huawei can be in the leading position today is that Huawei has excellent software and hardware collaboration capabilities, Huawei not only has its own mobile phone, tablet and other terminal hardware, but also its own cloud service capabilities, from software to hardware, from the inside to the outside have the ability to independently create a complete system.

Let the software experience release the advantages of hardware, and the terminal cloud to create a better digital life

10 years ago, technology manufacturers may only need one or two blockbuster products to lead the market, but now the times are different, a single product can not bring enough competitiveness, and it is even less likely to reach such a diverse needs of users.

Huawei's 1+8+N strategy is to adapt to the changes of the times, and bring users more intelligent digital experiences through accurate insight into user needs through terminal cloud services, based on soft-hard collaboration capabilities.

Huawei's product layout on all-scenario terminals and the smart experience at the software level are not simply quantity superposition, but collaborative experiences created by scene requirements, achieving the effect of 1+1>2. Hardware, software and applications are connected to each other, so that functions and services are always built around the needs of users.

Huawei Endpoint Cloud Service Application Innovation and Upgrade Redefines Smart Experience Standards

Through the collaborative innovation of smart software and hardware, terminal cloud services always match the needs of users, so that terminal products and experiences can always match the needs of users, so as to enjoy the beautiful experience of smart life.

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