
Tesla did not advertise a penny, but became the world's most valuable car company, why?

Musk floated, just negotiated with Twitter's acquisition plan, and now wants to buy a trillion-dollar market value of Coca-Cola?

Recently, Musk said on Twitter that next, I will buy Coca-Cola and put cocaine in.

Tesla did not advertise a penny, but became the world's most valuable car company, why?

Keep in mind that Twitter's market capitalization is now only $37.14 billion, and Musk's acquisition price is $44 billion. And Coca-Cola's market value is about 8 times that of Twitter, it has reached $283.9 billion, and the purchase price is probably more than $330 billion, does Musk have so much money?

Musk's personal net worth is around $200 billion. Obviously, Musk's acquisition of Coca-Cola is unrealistic, at best it is just a mouthful.

Some people may say that Musk does not necessarily buy it with his own money, but can buy it with Tesla, because Tesla's market value exceeds $900 billion, and swallowing a Coca-Cola should not be a big problem.

The point is which Tesla shareholder would agree that Musk would take everyone's money to do such a nonsensical thing?

As we all know, Tesla has no public relations department and no marketing promotion costs. Musk once talked about marketing in a conversation with Yang Yuanqing, Musk said, we did not ask any celebrities to endorse, did not spend money on advertising, I do not like the concept of marketing, I think marketing is like deceiving people to buy inferior products.

As of now, I have never seen a company with a market capitalization of more than 100 billion yuan but no advertising, except Tesla.

Tesla is indeed a legendary company, so why doesn't it need to advertise?

The reason lies in Musk himself, he is a very rare marketing wizard, he will be very clear that the media is willing to see what he says, he will go along with the trend to say this. The media helped him promote it for free, and finally he had to tell you: "Tesla has never advertised."

In this age when wine is also afraid of deep alleys, if you learn that Tesla does not advertise, then you may really be squeezed into the corner by competitors. Because Musk alone may be equivalent to 100 media outlets, and many of them are state media.

Tesla did not advertise a penny, but became the world's most valuable car company, why?

Imagine if you could easily master these media, would your brand still need to advertise?

Not needed at all, right? After all, the influence of these media cannot be underestimated.

How did Musk "control" these media without any controlling stake?

The core factor is that Musk is a master storyteller, and many of his out-of-the-ordinary remarks are in the support of his own people.

Musk's success lies in the fact that he sells his story to the world.

For example, suppose you ask someone on the road do you know Musk and Liang Wengen?

I am afraid that many young people know Musk, but they do not know Liang Wengen. Liang Wengen is also the founder of a large domestic listed group, but many people do not know. Musk is a foreigner, but many people know, this is the difference.

Here is not to say that Liang Wengen's story is not well told, but to make a comparison between the two styles of entrepreneurs, so that people know where Musk's shining point is?

How does Musk tell his story?

There are two main methods: first, on new media platforms; second, on TV stations.

Musk not only speaks wildly on new media platforms, but also often acts boldly in interviews. Musk once directly smoked marijuana in an interview, which caused many controversies among netizens.

Maybe many entrepreneurs want to tell stories like Musk, but they have no stories to tell, or what should they do if the experience is too bland?

The easiest way to do this is to find a professional agency to help you build a story. The next thing you need to do is tell this story to everyone, and the more you tell it, the more you will slowly have the thinking of telling stories. Then you will be able to inadvertently export your own story, or the story of the brand, so as to have a group of your own fans, so that the product can achieve a big increase in sales without advertising.

I have had similar problems before, due to the particularity of consulting work, I will always encounter some entrepreneurs in different industries and different places, but in the process of introducing them, there will always be some imperfect situations, because they are improvisation, prone to mistakes.

Later, I realized that I should not simply write down my own experiences, send them the story first every time a guest comes, and as long as they are willing to spend 5 minutes reading this article, they will have a general understanding of me. In the conversation that followed, we only needed to talk a little bit about the clips to get to know me better, so they knew if they wanted to cooperate.

Since adopting this approach, I've found that talking to customers has increased by 200% and customer satisfaction has increased dramatically.

In the future, I am also ready to write more stories to let more people know about me, and I am also ready to help more people write stories so that their customers have a more comprehensive understanding of them.

Tesla did not advertise a penny, but became the world's most valuable car company, why?

This is the best of times, but also a worst of times, with the integration of capital thinking and innovative models, the whole world is your stage!

In the new business world, there are no eliminated industries, only eliminated products and outdated business models, and all commercial competition in the future will focus on product innovation and model innovation.

A company or a boss, if the shortage of innovation ability is doomed to lose in advance, remember that there is no innovation, where there is imagination!

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