
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

To do learning, we must have a source of guidance and a technique of unification. "Source" means to be logical, and "technique" refers to method.

All academics must talk about the methods of governance. Xun Zi's "Persuasion Chapter" Yun: "Learning Wuhu begins and ends? Its number begins with chanting, and ends with reading, and its righteousness begins with being a scholar and ends as a saint, and the true accumulation of strength is long, and the learning is not stopped. "Numbers and righteousness refer to methods, numbers are specific methods, righteousness is the method of thought, and in addition, the size of perseverance and kung fu can be talked about."

Among modern scholars, those with the highest knowledge and self-contained thinking are considered to be ma yifu and xiong shili.

Reading, doing learning, phonology and philology are the foundations.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Ancient Chinese books, some people regard it as an old paper pile, is actually a treasure mountain, there are Ganoderma lucidum and Meru peach.

"The Six Classics are all histories". We read books to find information, to find philosophy, to find material for our thinking.

The text structure of the Book of Poetry is beautiful and the ideological realm is deep. The predecessor Yun Yun "the six classics are all history", and it is necessary to study the "Book of Poetry" to understand the ancient history.

In ancient literature, the "Book of Poetry" and "Nineteen Ancient Poems" are the highest realms. Painters should read more about the works of ancient folk literati and make their changes interesting. Most of the poems of the ancient scholars and doctors have no sense of truth and are therefore boring. The poems of Shi Tao and Wu Changshuo are interesting, that is, their feelings are real.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Sima Qian said: "A soldier dies for a confidant, and a woman is a person who pleases herself." These two sentences were widely circulated in the old days. This is typical flattery, but also servility. Whoever becomes an artist with a pleasing heart has no hope of success.

The tone of Tai Shi Gong's "Book of Ren An" is extremely despicable, first of all, he is afraid of death. However, he wants to have a work to pass on to future generations, and his mind is still good.

The beauty of poetry lies in sincerity. Cao Cao's poems are not beautiful, because he tells lies, "singing to wine, the geometry of life", which seems to be the tone of a frustrated person, which is not in line with his reality. The beauty of Li Yu's words and the beauty of Song Huizong's words, because they are telling the truth and their feelings are sincere.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

In the past, I liked to read the poems of Wang Wei and Li Bai, but now I like to read Li Shangyin, Li He, Chu Ci, and Nineteen Ancient Poems.

Li Hou is multi-talented and kind, so the works are deeply affectionate.

Ancient Chinese myths and fairy tales are very good. I have seen a painting of the story of the oriental Shuo peach, which paints the oriental shuo as an ordinary little old man, who is very short, but stole the queen mother's peach, which is very enlightening.

Ancient Chinese novels should be carefully read, and many traditional literary and artistic theories are included in those stories.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

The words of Chen Tongfu in the Southern Song Dynasty were ridiculed by the world for being too revealing. In fact, it is also beneficial to reveal, which makes the understanding of many people, the contact surface is wide, the obscurity is not necessarily good, and the cover has some scruples and helplessness. For example, Li Shangyin's poems are obscure, and there are many people who are inconvenient to speak explicitly.

Why are life stars drawn short in Chinese paintings? The birthday star is Saturn, deep and round. Enter the mountain to cut wood, and cut the big one first. People are tall and easy to meet, and life stars are drawn shorter, which is philosophical.

There are many buildings, such as towers, high-rise buildings, etc., that are destroying the beauty of nature.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Previous people have clouds: With the bridge construction method drawn in the Song People's "Qingming River Map", we can understand the construction methods at that time. It's a real forgetting. Artwork and architectural drawings are two different things after all.

Reading the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic was a great inspiration for painting. Chinese medicine is not only a science, but also a philosophy.

Chinese medicine believes that every disease can be cured with the method of life restraint. Some diseases cannot be cured for the time being, but the method has not yet been found. Seven passions and six desires are not good for medical treatment, and they must solve them by themselves. Books and paintings together, I think, are also one of the ways to solve it.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

The famous Yu Shuyan performed "Drumming and Scolding Cao", and Chen Yanheng, the holy hand of Huqin, said: "I did not get three tastes." Yu Xiang asked for advice, Chen Yue: "Jun and a thousand yuan, I said." Yu refused. Retreating from the period of thought, repeating the will of Chen, and wishing for a thousand yuan from the clouds. Chen Yue: "Now it will cost three thousand yuan, I am speaking." "Yu thought to himself, nothing is a joke on me, and he feels that his price is high." Chen Yue: "Next year, there will be ten thousand yuan, and from now on, that is, ten thousand yuan will not say anything." Yu retreated and told his friends. Or: "The king and the three thousand, see what he says." "Yu Fu's Chen Suo, may it be with three thousand." Chen Zhi taught Yu Ye to first talk about "Parrot Fu", teaching him to experience the character of Mi Heng from the fu, how to beat the drum and how to do the action, and then he pretended to be a demonstration. By the way, Yu's skills have greatly improved. After that, Chen did not ask for the remaining money. Or ask Chen Yun, "What was the price of the King's first time?" Chen Yun: "I don't really want his money, but to see if he is really good art." ”

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Chengdu has a Hebei national magician Li Weng (YaXuan), who is now more than 80 years old, and playing tai chi is the first in the country. I have a very good relationship with Weng. Taste its punches, one hand does not stop, the second hand rises again, continuously, like a dragon, people like walking through the clouds - it is completely god in command. Li Weng said to his daughter, "You don't want to learn my posture, you have to learn my demeanor." You can often close your eyes and contemplate my demeanor, and be comfortable for a long time. "Boxing is like divine luck, can you learn art and only focus on techniques?"

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

The martial arts master Du Xinwu can use both hands and feet, and he can also hold dishes and wash his face, quite boasting that no one can. One day, the crowd gathered, and Du Fu boasted in front. Lan Beixi, who was also a martial artist, came out and said, "I have a skill, and Jun can't." I can move my ears. "After the words are finished, their ears are automatically moved, or moved back and forth, or moved up and down, or only one of them is moved. Then he said to Du Yue, "Can you do this?" Du Daku, Lan Yue: "Jun's skills are also, my skills are all physiologically special, not martial arts." Martial arts must be combative and tactical. "We are inspired by our approach to painting, not to show off our skills, but mainly to look at the artistry of the work.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

The peacock, known in India as the "Mother Buddha", is placed on top of a Buddha statue. The folk called Dapeng golden-winged bird refers to the peacock. In ancient times, the mainland often fed peacocks in the garden, quite like a literary bird, but in fact, it was a bird of prey. Indian pythons are many, often suffering from people, and pythons are most afraid of peacocks, pecking and dying. Peacock hair is poisonous, the light on the tail feathers is poisonous, and the child dies if it is mouthed, like a crane top. In India, when people encounter python hazards, they are often rescued by peacocks, so they respect them and sculpt them on the top of the Buddha statue. Where a work of art can give a person a spiritual liberator, he should love and respect himself.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

More than twenty years ago, I liked to imitate Qi Baishi's paintings. Someone bought it for Qi Baishi to see, and he was very angry and said, "I asked him to come to Beiping with me, and if he didn't come, he would make this famous name!" Later, he wrote a letter to Qi Laosan, who transferred it to me. Mr. Qi's intentions are very good, he is afraid that I will only imitate and bury myself.

All his poems, books, and paintings are amazing at first glance, which is unimaginable to ordinary people, because his mind is not the mind of ordinary people.

When commenting on paintings, don't just open your mouth and just dismiss others. For example, some people like to play oil poetry, and although the poems of Li Bai and Du Fu are good, you cannot force everyone to read Li and Du. Don't deny that different styles of work have their own uses.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Whether it is a painting of ancient or modern people, we must see whether it is good or bad from the picture itself, and we must not follow the clouds. To look at paintings strictly, to treat other people's works strictly, that is, to treat yourself strictly. For example, you can ask yourself what is wrong with this painting, and do I have any of these problems? Wait a minute.

I should also be strict with my paintings, and those who are slightly unsatisfactory will not stay. It is good to be strict with one's own work, if you relax, it is easy to degenerate, first forgive your own work, and then forgive the works of others, so how can art progress?

I think we should always deny ourselves. Comment on your own paintings objectively, just as you would comment on someone else's paintings. This makes it easy to see what is wrong.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

I plan to work harder on writing seal books.

My paintings should enter the realm of old age, both with the heart of a child and full of fun, and the pen and ink should be ancient.

My past paintings can only be regarded as study works, which are the works of the letter pen game, and in the future, I should work creation.

I recently cleared out a batch of paintings and burned them. Those who have heavy traces of their predecessors, although they have pen and ink interest, it is not a pity to abandon them. What I want to keep is a work with my own face and a unique style.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

I painted cattle last year, thinking I was proud, but this year I don't see it again. This shows that my paintings are not yet mature, they are still changing, and my heart is still trying to move forward. I plan not to paint for a period of one or two years, so that I can concentrate and go further.

If my painting is successful, it depends on two conditions. First of all, mr. Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Gu Peiyuan, Gongsun Eldest Son, Yang Cangbai, Chen Buluan, and Xie Wuliang all taught me painting theory or talked about calligraphy. The second is the individual's diligence.

After reading a good painting, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't afford to buy it, and it was not easy to see it again, so I silently copied it. Doing so can transform people's temperament. "Why did he paint so well?" Why did I draw like this? Such a man is still alive, and I bow down before the door, and it is glorious to be a disciple. "I often have this thought after I was thirty years old.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Some people called good art, but it was actually Ye Gonghaolong, and when they saw real art, they were afraid, and what they wanted was fake and false. This reminds me of fighting crickets. The keeper feeds with chili peppers, the crickets swing their wings, like a fight, waiting for the other party's crickets to appear, he is afraid to retreat, the keeper uses a fine sign to draw the tail to make it in front, and the cricket thinks that he has encountered a strong enemy behind him, and he looks around in fear, and his appearance is very ridiculous. Today's so-called good calligraphers and painters really frightened him when they saw him put up paper to draw—the paintings he thought in his heart might be even more mysterious than the Taoist practice.

Today's painters can not inscription or do not understand the language, in fact, should be extremely careful about the inscription, the inscription and painting language is extremely concise, because of the limited size, at most only a few dozen words, not through!

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

▲ Chen Zizhuang's works

Now there are many imitation prints of Chinese paintings. The study of chinese painting in printmaking is to turn the relationship upside down. It should be printmaking that learns from Chinese painting in many aspects.

Calligraphy and painting together, relying on the predecessors who can have good works. There are very few good things in the Collection of the Forbidden City, and it is really rare. Historically, where the emperor liked it, there were not many good things.

Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting
Chen Zizhuang: Talking about the learning ideas of Chinese painting

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