
The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

author:Cold leaf

Human beings have separated from the animal kingdom and entered the era of civilization from the barbaric era, and have been developing continuously over the past few thousand years. Especially in the twenty-first century, mankind has made an unprecedented leap forward. Electronic technology, information automation, etc. have modernized people's production and life, but people in many parts of the world still live close to primitive life. The trip came to a small island in the town of Colon in palawan province in the Philippines, where people make a living by fishing, live in simple houses, and live the most primitive indigenous life in the Philippines, but they are very happy.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

Cold Leaves was photographed in Cologne, Philippines.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

This small fishing village is called BGY LAJALA, located on an island in the town of Colon in the province of Palawan, Philippines. It takes about half an hour by boat from the town, and walking into the village to see this dilapidated house surprised me that there are still people living in such a place in the development of human civilization to this day.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

This simple shed of six pillars plus a roof and a platform about 80 cm above the ground turned out to be a house of a family in the Philippines, which was empty on all sides, only half of the board was blocked by the east facing the sea, presumably for rainy days.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

This wooden plank platform is the family's living room. Some clothes and a few simple daily necessities hung from the roof, and an old-fashioned radio was the family's only home appliance. At night, when the mosquito nets are hung up, this is their bed. Due to the lush vegetation of the island and the abundance of mosquitoes, locals burn mango leaves on the side of the house to repel mosquitoes.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

In the shade of the trees on the side of the house, a few stones and a pot were used, which was the stove for their cooking. The prepared food is placed on the banana leaf and eaten directly with their hands, but they are uniformly grasped with their right hand.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

This simple shelter made up of a few broken bricks and snakeskin bags was their bathroom. Three of them are about one meter high, and the side facing the house is about the same height as the general door. I only photographed the exterior, and I really didn't have the courage to go in.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

What surprised me was that there was a pigsty next to the house. I've been to a lot of relatively primitive places where most of the livestock are free-range, and they've made such a luxurious house for pigs.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

What amazed me even more was that they had so many children in one family. In our opinion, a family has a hard time raising a child, and the man of this family makes a living by fishing and supports a family of ten people. However, they did not have any belongings in their homes, only the worn-out clothes that everyone was wearing, and a few children did not even wear shoes. Seeing my cameras with wide eyes one by one, both curious and a little strange, the eyes revealed the original innocence and purity.

The original indigenous people of the Philippines lived in a house without walls and supported a family of 10 by fishing

The simple mooring dock at the mouth of the village is an important place for their entertainment, where these children fish and swim every day, do not go to school, and live a carefree and primitive life. In their eyes, this is the best way to live, and perhaps their parents grew up this way. Many people in the outside world try to change the status quo of their lives, build houses, run schools, etc., but they seem to be unable to adapt to the outside world and prefer to live this primitive life.

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