
Zhuangzi's three passages reveal the three realms of life

Zhuangzi's three passages reveal the three realms of life

When it comes to the wise men of Chinese history, Zhuangzi is definitely one. Zhuangzi's thought is both rich in philosophical thinking and romantic emotional support, like a kaleidoscope, which can be seen from every angle of its color and magnificence, and still has a strong vitality to this day. Jiang Xun said, "Zhuangzi is a person who is good at telling stories, his stories are myths and fables, like today's magical literature, full of imagination and curiosity, full of lively pictures." Today, I will share with you the three "paragraphs" of Zhuangzi and taste the great wisdom of Zhuangzi together.

Kunpeng spreads its wings:

We should and can have a broader value of life

There is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun.

The size of the carp is unknown to thousands of miles.

Transformed into a bird, its name is Peng.

Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is;

It flies with rage, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.

It is the bird, and the sea will migrate to the South.

The Southern Meditator, Tenchi also.

- "Zhuangzi Getaway"

The wind was strong, And Kunpeng took off with the wind and flew far into the South China Sea, "the water hit three thousand miles, and the one who shook the rock was ninety thousand miles", and the momentum was like a rainbow! However, when the roc bird flew to the South China Sea, the cicadas and the little spotted dove ran out and laughed at it: Why fly to a height of 90,000 miles? Why yearn for the South China Sea? It was enough for us to have a grove of trees, and we could live as long as we found today's food. Zhuangzi said for the roc bird: What do you little insects and birds know!

Camus said: "Man is free, cowards make themselves cowards, and heroes turn themselves into heroes." "Maybe we were born ordinary, without the free and wild character of the ancients; maybe we have been worn away by real life, and some casual ideas may be buried under pressure." But these do not prevent us from pursuing our inner desires and original intentions.

In the face of a pluralistic and open contemporary society, people often lack the fearless "crazy" spirit, so many people are busy and busy, all their lives, do not know what they want; and some people often stop in front of their dreams. They feel that they can't do it, because they value their weaknesses and are afraid that the disadvantages will be infinitely magnified, so they choose to hide the defects. However, those defects are like wounds that have not healed, slowly corroding the original healthy life.

Every day that has not danced is a failure of life. You might as well take a risk with life, because eventually you're going to lose it. A person, he can be content with the ordinary, he can also create the extraordinary. A man who can be content with stability can also challenge countless possibilities. As long as you have a Kunpeng heart, your efforts will eventually become vast and magnificent.

Worm Horn Controversy:

Contention is a means, and non-contention is an attitude

Those who have a kingdom in the left corner of the snail are known as the Touch Clan;

Those who have a kingdom in the right corner of the snail are known as the Barbarian Clan.

Time and time fight for land, tens of thousands of corpses,

There were five days of chasing north and then reversing.

- "Zhuangzi Zeyang"

Snails are very small, not to mention snail horns. However, in such a place, in order to compete for territory, a war of "tens of thousands of corpses" occurred between the two countries. From a human perspective, this war is really meaningless. So tiny place, what's there to argue about?

In the southwest corner of Tongcheng City, Anhui Province, there is a six-foot alley, on which there is a text: The Thousand Mile Family Letter is only for the wall, so why bother him three feet. The Great Wall still exists today, and qin shi huang is not seen in that year.

What does it matter if you let one go, everyone will not be ten thousand years, everything will pass; life is a process, relative to time is a grain of dust, scrambling, competing for something? Even if you fight a little less and put the seemingly important things calmly, you will find that the human heart will suddenly become wider, and the world will suddenly become larger.

Yang Dai once said: "I don't argue with anyone, and I don't care about anyone I fight with." Fame and fortune, power, money, these things that are hot in today's society, Yang Dai resolutely abandoned. These indisputables did not reduce Yang Chen's quality of life, but made her never subject to the domination of the outside world, living freely, freely and comfortably.

Life, only in the hearts of those who are confused by desire, must distinguish between the superior and the inferior. Indisputable, is the ultimate state of life.

Turtle in the Mud:

Living authentically and freely is the greatest happiness

Zhuangzi fished in Pushui.

The king of Chu made the two doctors go ahead, saying:

"May the territory be tired!"

Zhuangzi ignored the pole and said:

"I have heard that there is a divine turtle in Chu, and it has been three thousand years old,

Above the temple where the king is hidden.

This turtle would rather die than be precious for the bones,

Would you rather be born and trail your tail in the middle of the mud? ”

The Second Doctor knows:

"I'd rather be born and trailing in the tail."

Zhuang Zi said:

"To the end! I will trail my tail in the dirt. ”

- "Zhuangzi Autumn Water"

One day, Zhuangzi was fishing by the river. The King of Chu sent two doctors to hire him: Zhuangzi, our monarch wants you to help with affairs. Zhuangzi said calmly: I heard that there is a kind of turtle in your Chu country that can live for thousands of years, so it is a treasure in the Chu kingdom, and after it dies, the king of Chu will respectfully enshrine its bones in the temple, which is inlaid with gold, precious stones, and pearls, and the body is covered with satin, and incense and sacrifices are placed in front of it. Then I would like to ask: As a turtle, will it be enshrined in the temple after it dies, or will it be willing to live in the mud and roll? The doctor said: Of course it is the latter. Zhuangzi said: Then you go back, I will roll in the mud.

Glory and wealth, in zhuangzi's view, is worthless, Zhuangzi likes a free and real life. Nowadays, modern people live more and more complicated lives, and as a result, they get a lot of enjoyment, but they are not happy, they have many conveniences, but they are not free. In Zhuangzi's view, there is no absolute freedom in this world, and as much freedom as you can give up, you can gain as much freedom as you want. It is better to keep a calm heart, talk to your own mind in silence, say no to the flashy name, and appropriately let go of things that exceed your abilities and needs.

Throughout his life, Zhuangzi pursued infinite freedom, he sang praises the truth, hated hypocrisy, and in his place, he naturally regarded worldly fame and fortune as a floating cloud. Many people spend their lives looking for fame and fortune, only to discover how to live soon after they die. Not stuck in things, not trapped in the heart, not chaotic in people. Zhuangzi's wisdom in life is worth savoring.

When we read Zhuangzi, we often feel that he did not give us any answers, but just told a story. However, unconsciously, he has made the most profound interpretation of life: as long as there is a flying heart, you can fly like a Kunpeng and live the most brilliant and brilliant state of life; many things in life are like the dispute between the worm's horns, we should deal with it with a tolerant attitude, and then remember the basis of life; modern people are bound by worldly values and tired of running for their lives, why not be like the turtle in the mud, uphold the original intention, live out the true and free self? From these three passages of Zhuangzi, may we have some understanding, some gains, and achieve a better state of life.

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