
"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

In the previous article, I said that zhuangzi is about "evolution": when human consciousness is elevated to a higher dimension, it can get rid of the cycle of bittersweet life and death.

Many friends may have doubts about this, so starting today, we will discuss the topic of Zhuangzi and the evolution of consciousness together.

The first article of "Zhuangzi" is the famous "Getaway", and the opening paragraph is beautiful:

"There is a fish in the north of the earth, and its name is a carp. The size of the carp, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is, turned into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the peng, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is; it flies in anger, and its wings are like clouds hanging in the sky. It is the bird, and the sea will migrate to the South Hell - the South Hell, the Tenchi also. ”

Sometimes the text is too beautiful, we patronize and appreciate, but it is easy to miss its connotation.

I summarize this passage into eight words: Kunhua is Peng, pengfei is south.

That's the point! Everything else is a modifier.

"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

Why did Zhuangzi say such a thing at the beginning? What does Dapeng symbolize? Why did it fly to The South?

Regarding the "Pengfei Nan Meditation", Zhuangzi then mentioned it twice:

The first is to quote the ancient Zhiwei book "Qi Harmonic":

The words of the "Harmony" say: "Peng's migration to the South Meditation, the water strikes three thousand miles, the one who shakes up is ninety thousand miles, and the one who goes to rest in June is also." ”

The second is to quote the allusion to the "Tang Zhi Zhi Thorn" in an unknown ancient book:

"In the north of the poor hair, there are the people of the Dark Sea, and the Heavenly Pond is also." There are fish yan, which are thousands of miles wide, and no one knows its cultivators, whose name is Kun. There is a bird, whose name is Peng, whose back is like a mountain, whose wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, and who is holding the horns of a sheep and going up for ninety thousand miles...

We know that Zhuangzi's articles are wanton, often one sentence in the sky and one sentence in the ground, but when he writes Dapeng at the beginning, he says it three times, as if he is afraid that we will not believe it.

Obviously, in his opinion, the image of Dapeng is too important, and important things are said three times!

"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

In fact, Zhuangzi has given us the key to understanding him to see if we can realize it.

Compared with these three paragraphs, there are still some differences.

The most obvious is that the last two paragraphs do not say "Kunhua into Peng".

"Qi Harmonic" only says "Peng", not even "Kun", and in "Tang Zhi Zhi Thorn", it only says "there are fish" and "there are birds", what is their relationship? Didn't say!

Therefore, "Kunhua Peng" is Played by Zhuangzi himself, why is this?

When reading this passage of Zhuangzi, we must use our hearts to understand it, rather than using the image of the physical world to force it: what kind of fish is the carp, is it a whale? What kind of bird is Peng? Where in the world is there such a big bird, is it a tornado? Is the North Pole the North Pole, and is the South Pole?

To tell the truth, this is the deviation of "Zhuangzi".

"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

In fact, "Kunhua peng" symbolizes the evolution of consciousness!

Even in Darwin's "theory of evolution", birds are more evolved than fish, but the "evolution" that Zhuangzi is describing here is not biological concept, but a profound change that occurs within human beings.

Let's look carefully at the opening paragraph, Zhuangzi's own words, he did not like in "Qi Harmony" wrote what "water strikes three thousand miles", what "those who shake up the rocks ninety thousand miles", what "go to June rest also". Instead, Zhuangzi seems to have deliberately eliminated the concept of time and space.

Because the evolution of consciousness is different from the changes in the physical world, the changes in the physical world need time and space to complete, and the evolution of consciousness, the focus is only on the present thought, and does not require the participation of the mind, but to "abandon the wisdom of the absolute saint."

This is no secret to enlightened beings!

"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

So how to understand "Pengfei South Meditation"?

The so-called "meditation" is an empty and empty realm within, if there is nothing, in this realm, there is no concept of "I", there is no sense of time and space, life is existence itself, no birth and no death, and unity with the Tao, which is also the realm of "getaway".

Many people practice "meditation", and when they reach a certain level, they should have some experience.

Peng flew from the North To the South, not the other way around, according to my understanding, it should originate from an ancient concept: that is, "the South Dipper is born, the Big Dipper is dead", so our old life star, the South Pole Immortal, must live in the south.

From north to south, this is from mortal to immortal, from death to life.

The so-called "Southern Meditation" is the "land of eternal life", which can be understood as the goal of the evolution of consciousness.

"Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 2: "Kunhua Peng" this thing, what am I talking about?

You see, Zhuangzi uses a parable at the beginning to depict the realm of the evolution of consciousness very graphically, giving us a general direction.

So why and how did this evolution happen?

Please continue reading "Zhuangzi Getaway" No. 3: Wind and Water Accumulation

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