
iOS15.5 Beta3 is generally available with 4 new improvements

A week apart, Apple updated the operating system on time, this time bringing iOS 15.5 Beta3, build number: 19F5062g. According to the data, iOS15.5 Beta3 brings a total of 4 improvements.

iOS15.5 Beta3 is generally available with 4 new improvements

1. New authentication function

iOS15.5 Beta3 adds support in the Password Technology Preview, allowing you to log in password-compatible websites and apps on Mac and iPad using an iPhone with a saved password.

2. Camera splash screen repair

In the previous versions, there has been user feedback that the camera has a splash screen problem, and it is about to go through several versions of the problem that has not been properly solved. At present, the camera splash screen has been widely solved in iOS 15.5 Beta3.

iOS15.5 Beta3 is generally available with 4 new improvements

3. Fluency repair

In iOS 15.5 Beta3, fixed the problem that some previous iPhones caused a decrease in fluency due to the version (metaphysical warning).

4. New photo album features

iOS15.5 Beta3 album adds a "blocked place" function, when the user takes a photo in a "blocked" location, these photos will not appear in the album's automatically generated "memories", but the function can not be turned off automatically.

iOS15.5 Beta3 is generally available with 4 new improvements

It can be seen that iOS 15.5 Beta3 is another version that is mainly fixed. However, there are user feedback that the fluency of iOS15.5 Beta3 has not changed from the previous beta version, and the camera splash screen has not been solved. It is recommended that everyone upgrade rationally.

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