
Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

author:Happy Mimi

For more than eighty years, it is still so classic.

Both the film and the actors have brought unprecedented shocks. Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, stars who have influenced generations of stars whose beauty still gives people the best memories.

A classic that has been passed down for nearly a century, a period of chaotic children's love under the fires of war.

This pinnacle of Hollywood cinema's golden age, Gone with the Wind, a love film shot in an epic style, has become a symbol of love in that era.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Gone with the Wind poster

Luxurious and gorgeous scenes, tragic and realistic grand war scenes, delicate psychological portrayals, creating extraordinary artistic achievements.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

MGM spent more than $4 million that year, three and a half years, to produce this nearly four-hour film, which was unique at the time.

"Gone with the Wind" won eight Academy Awards at the 12th Academy Awards in 1939, sensationalizing the film world and making the world marvel.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

It was ranked first in the 1977 American Film Institute's "Top Ten Best Films in America" and fourth in the American Film Institute's 1998 AFI 100 Greatest American Films (the first three were Citizen Kane, Casablanca, and The Godfather).

These unprecedented records confirm the irreplaceable superiority of "Gone with the Wind" in the history of film.

The classic of "Gone with the Wind" is beyond doubt.

The famous writer Bai Xianyong once said: "In the history of cinema, the most successful novel adaptation is "Gone with the Wind". ”

Few films can be as faithful to the original work as this film, and can arouse the affirmation of the audience.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Adapted from author Margaret Mitchell's Virgo Gone with the Wind, the film is an insurmountable milestone in literary history.

Born in the 1930s, this monumental work depicts the American Civil War and the group portraits of American Southerners under the War.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

After the publication of the works, tens of millions of copies were distributed.

A month later, American independent filmmaker David Selznick beat many contenders to buy film rights to the novel for his international film company in New York.

The blessing of classic novels has made the movie "Gone with the Wind" always stand at the peak.

The charm of "Gone with the Wind" behind the screen is not only to describe the ups and downs of love, but also to describe the contradictions under the superficial harmony of human nature in the war.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

The film's appeal is also due to the real and vivid interpretation of the superstars of the times such as Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, and Olivia de Havilland.

The actors delicately express the fate of each character, as well as their respective human weaknesses.

Brad and Ashley, two completely different men.

Leslie Howard, who plays Ashley, was twice nominated for an Oscar.

Ashley was the only man Scarlett had ever loved deeply in her life, and Sven was polite and elegant, a rich boy like an English gentleman, but had a weak side.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Clark Gable, who played Red, earned him the nickname of "Hollywood Movie Emperor" for starring in "One Night", and he was selected by the American Film Association as the 7th place of "The Greatest Actor in a Hundred Years", which is an extraordinary status.

Red's dashing demeanor is particularly in line with Gable's temperament, and he has successfully portrayed this image of wisdom and cunning, kindness and coldness, deep and frivolous.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

In this film, the director vividly presented many of the female characters with distinct personalities in the original work on the screen. Melanie, who looks weak on the outside, is actually strong on the inside, and Margaret is smart and loyal.

And the most typical female character is Scarlett.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Scarlett's important role was enthusiastically contested by almost all the popular actresses in Hollywood at that time, and more than 6,000 people were screened before and after, and Vivien Leigh, who was only a little famous and active on the drama stage at that time, became famous overnight.

Scarlett's wildness and pride, willfulness and affection, as well as the contradictory qualities of vanity and kindness, weakness and strength, are vividly interpreted by Vivien Leigh.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Contempt for traditional ideas, longing for endless freedom and romance, compared with the positioning of women in the era, Scarlett has done everything beyond the scope of the "lady norms" stipulated by society.

However, she was not perfect.

Barred, who has loved her all his life, thinks he knows her best, "You are as selfish and cunning as I am" and "just as real".

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

But under the war, she began to learn bravery and commitment, strong, independent, self-respecting and self-love, and the struggle against fate all resonated strongly with generations of audiences.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Vivien Leigh's perfect interpretation has become an insurmountable classic.

The birth of "Gone with the Wind" also has important significance in filmmaking.

At a time when black-and-white films were still the majority, MGM spent a lot of money on this color film, making "Gone with the Wind" one of the first color films.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

At the same time, "Gone with the Wind" is regarded as a model of Western film narrative, adapting a novel spanning more than ten years into a three-hour film on the screen, in which the use of montage is imitated by later generations.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

The film's more than 400-second empty footage has also become a classic. The low-angle sunset, the huge oak backdrop, the reddish backdrop, and the a cappella-like music of the male voice are endlessly evocative.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Spending a lot of production costs, shooting off 10,000 feet of film, and finally earning $390 million at the box office, 102 times the cost of production.

Its first-ever box office record remained for more than three decades until it was broken by Titanic.

Its charm has endured, and later films have also paid tribute to it.

In the movie "White Night", the novel "Gone with the Wind" is regarded as a life creed by the heroine Karasawa Yukiho.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Stills from White Night

In movies such as "Kung Fu", "Disappearing Lover", "Crazy Animal City", "Zombie Bride" and so on, it also pays tribute to the classic kiss of "Gone with the Wind".

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Stills from "The Vanishing Lover"

Even the passage of time cannot erase the influence of "Gone with the Wind" on future generations.

As Scarlett's classic quote: "No matter what, tomorrow is a new day", has always inspired us to face life bravely.

Gone with the Wind: More than eighty years, it's still so classic

Let's relive this classic "Gone with the Wind"! Yang Zhuo

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