
Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

Hello everyone, I am ZiXuan, bringing you different game information every day.

The Glory of the King experience service was updated on April 26th, in this update, Nezha has been enhanced by epic, what is the specific situation, let's take a look at it.

1. The strengthening of Nezha

Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

The three skills of reducing the healing effect and the long-distance attack have always been the core features of Nezha, but now these two mechanisms are obviously a bit difficult in this fast-paced version. This time, the passive damage effect rises to 30%, which can be stacked to 60%, and the actual health regeneration value reduced after the combination of the severe damage effect of the Sanction Blade is 80%, and the restraint relationship between the blood return hero is more obvious.

The three-skill preparation time is reduced to 0.27 seconds, which is almost equivalent to direct take-off. After the adjustment of the sprint time, Nezha can not only rush to the target at a faster speed, but also reduce the time of the penalty station.

The starting speed of the three skills has increased by 50; the acceleration in the middle of the way has increased by 100, and the speed and acceleration of the three skills have been increased, which can hit the target faster and the pursuit effect is more obvious.

Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

Summary: Nowadays, Nezha's winning rate is not low, but the dismal appearance rate fully shows that he is a cold hero, perhaps planning this adjustment is also to help him heat up, but the adjustment of this experience suit to Nezha is still a bit excessive, and I personally feel that it may not be able to stand up to the formal service synchronization.

2. Weakening of the sun

Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

After the last adjustment and strengthening, the current winning percentage has been greatly improved, and after the appearance rate has stabilized, the planner finally took another shot at The Curtain.

Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

The cooldown time of a skill is calculated from the end of the skill switch, and the control time of a skill is reduced by 0.25 seconds, and the control time becomes shorter.

The skill effect of the three skills changes from refreshing the two skills after the hit to the two skills cooldown of only 6 seconds when hit, and when using the two effects of the three skills, the other skills are no longer disabled.

Summary: After adjustment, you can't directly refresh the second skill, but with the cooling equipment, the weakening is still within the range that can be tolerated. Reducing the cooldown time of one skill and the second stage of three skills will not disable other skills, but will gain a higher operating space.

3. Fix of 7 hero bugs

Glory of kings 4.26 experience suit hero adjustment, Nezha's strengthening span is a bit of a surprise?

Fixed a bug for some heroes.

Zi Xuan concluded

The above is the hero adjustment of the 4.26 experience suit, the weakening of the dawn is expected, but the strengthening span of Nezha makes ZiXuan a bit unexpected, how do you see the hero adjustment this time? Welcome to leave a comment.

Finally, I am Zi Xuan, a small editor who focuses on game entertainment commentary, and pay attention to me to make your game road no longer boring.

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