
Love is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of thin water

Love is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of thin water

1. Like is to pick a flower, love is to water the flower; like is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of fine water.

2. Love, not to find a perfect person, but to learn to use perfect eyes to appreciate an imperfect person. Good love can withstand parting and can withstand the flow of years.

3. Contemporary people's love is mostly consumed in the phone that hangs up faster and faster, dim in the news that is getting slower and slower, and frozen in an increasingly impatient tone.

4. Love is not a refuge, and if you want to go in and take refuge, you will be driven out.

5. Loneliness is not innate, but begins the moment you fall in love with someone. I once thought that love can fill the regrets of life, but what makes more regrets is love.

Love is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of thin water

6. Love is not looking at each other from afar, but walking in opposite directions. The moment you turn around, my sorrow and joy have nothing to do with you.

7. My wish is to hope that in your wish, there is also me.

8. No matter how beautiful the scenery in the world is, it is not as good as the road home. If the heart has no home, it is wandering everywhere it goes.

9. The so-called love is to meet the people you meet among thousands of people; in the tens of millions of years, in the endless wilderness of time, there is no step earlier, nor one step later, just caught up.

10. The mountains and rivers are vast, and the fireworks in the world are not you, and none of them are you. I closed my eyes, thinking I could forget you, but the tears shed did not deceive myself.

Love is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of thin water

11. If the truth is a hurt, choose a lie. If a lie is a harm, choose silence. If silence is a harm, choose to leave.

12. In life, there is always a page of books, not that you do not want to turn it, but you are reluctant to forget; there is always a sentence, not that you do not want to say it again, but that the times have already passed. The love that is difficult to let go is only because it is locked in life, the love that does not want to turn around, only because it lives in the years.

13. No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be someone who will show you forgive all the hardships that life has done to you before.

14. A person who really cares about you, at least, doesn't make you sad all the time. If you do it knowing that you are uncomfortable doing so, such malice and stupidity alone should not be forgiven.

15. True love can withstand the tests of the world and the ordinary years. There should be a number in your mobile phone address book, you have not called, but you have not deleted.

Love is a gust of wind, love is a long stream of thin water

16. You are not a small person, and in my case, you are all the weather and mood, even the whole world. Don't ask me if loving you is worth it, love is not worth it.

17. You will never see what I am when I am loneliest, because I am the loneliest only when you are not with me.

18. Some people say that you fall in love with a city because there is someone you like in the city. In fact, in love with a city, sometimes there is really no need for a reason, there is no antecedent, it has nothing to do with the wind and moon, love is love.

19. The best tacit understanding in the world is not that someone understands your unspoken meaning, but that someone understands your desire to stop talking.

20. In everyone's spiritual home, there will be a person, who is not a lover or a confidant, but who has a warm look in his eyes when he is a teenager. That one look, every time the years turn around will always come to mind, and then hope that it will not come unharmed, everything is fine.

(The text is compiled according to the network content, the picture is selected from the network, thanks to the jade girl for uploading)

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