
This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

This "May Day"

Go to the convention center to visit the exhibition!

Dingfu Jiayuan May Day Business Fair

International auto show and brand housing show

Meet you

Active time

30 April to 2 May

Location of the event

Convention center

Activity content

Auto show, house show, home improvement building materials exhibition

Specialty commodity exhibition, food exhibition, etc

Where to go for the May Day holiday? From April 30th to May 2nd, Dingfu Jiayuan, May 1st Commercial Fair, International Auto Show and Brand Housing Exhibition will be held in the Convention and Exhibition Center of our city.

At that time, the major real estate and automobile brands you know and look forward to will arrive with a large wave of value-added offers, a variety of special goods, fragrant food will meet your desire to buy and picky taste buds, rich and diverse literary and artistic performances and exciting lottery links will bring surprises!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

The exhibition is hosted by Karamay Daily Newspaper, organized by Karamay Daily Media Company, and the general title of Karamay Dingtai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

As a local authoritative mainstream media, Karamay Daily has accumulated a wealth of experience in organizing exhibitions and a good reputation for exhibitions, since 2006, it has successfully held more than 70 cultural and economic and trade activities of various kinds, while gathering business opportunities and popularity, promoting local economic activities, bringing a pleasant and unforgettable exhibition experience to the general public, and also opening a window for displaying the image of the city and spreading urban culture.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

As the only large-scale exhibition in The local area during the May Day holiday, this exhibition attracted the attention of many citizens and further stimulated the enthusiasm of exhibitors. Within 3 days of the announcement of the investment promotion, more than 80 booths in the 9,000-square-meter exhibition area have been occupied.

In order to repay the support of the general public, the exhibition organizing committee will jointly launch multiple preferential policies with real estate companies, automobile manufacturers and dealers.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

As the general title sponsor of this exhibition, Karamay Dingtai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. will bring nearly 1,100 units and preferential offers of high-quality livable building Dingfu Jiayuan and Dingyue Jiayuan to show full sincerity. Sanlian Real Estate's No. 1 Jingjiayuan East District (Phase III and Phase IV), Yingbin Garden (Phase IV), UBS Real Estate Development's ProMed Garden, ProMed Lanting and other boutique real estate will also appear at the exhibition. Thousands of sets of high-quality housing offers to the "bottom", for consumers with housing needs to build an affordable and convenient housing platform.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

This exhibition will bring together most of the mainstream brands and models on sale in China. Major brand car dealers have taken the exhibition as an excellent platform to increase sales and give back to consumers with the greatest discounts. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, Toyota, Volkswagen, BYD, Changan, Geely, Huawei and other more than 30 brands, more than 200 models will be exhibited together, fully meet the diversified travel scenarios of consumers.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

In addition, this exhibition also brings together Ke yan Huankang gas appliances, zebra decoration, Jinghua decoration, actually home, Mayi girl and other home building materials and special commodity dealers, which can provide one-stop consumer demand for life services for the general public.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

While the exhibitors have launched preferential promotions, in order to give back to the general public, the exhibition has carefully designed a surprise lottery link, and consumers who place orders on the spot and meet the corresponding conditions have the opportunity to win the grand prize.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

The exhibition site will also stage wonderful cultural and entertainment programs such as song and dance shows and model displays, and various xinjiang specialties, fashion drinks and other delicacies will also gather to fight "Yan", so that the citizens of the exhibition can get audio-visual and taste buds to enjoy while purchasing goods.

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Past Karamay Car & House Show events

Karamay Daily Media's "Karamay Daily", Karamay Daily WeChat, "Hi Karamay" client, Karamay Daily official vibrato number, Karamay Daily WeChat video number, Karamay taxi roof light advertisement, etc. will launch continuous publicity reports for this exhibition, interested citizens can download or pay attention in advance to lock in fresh content in time.

This May Day holiday,

Invite friends and family to the convention center!

This "May Day", go to the convention and exhibition center!

Wei Chunleiwen, an all-media reporter of this newspaper

The information map of the photography department of this newspaper, partly taken before the epidemic

Edited by Zhang Tao

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