
World of Warcraft: TBC Nostalgia Suit is the most difficult BOSS, with 6 million blood Vass qi can only rank third

Now the World of Warcraft TBC nostalgic suit and more than a decade ago the gameplay is definitely not the same, for this point I believe most players are very agreeable, so who is the most difficult BOSS in this version now? I believe that many players are very interested. This time, let's talk about it. According to the editor's personal feelings, Muru is slightly more difficult than the egg, PTR eggs compared with Muru, eggs are indeed very fast, but the egg's thousand souls do not hurt a little, the past few groups are even more outrageous, because they are too lazy to hide from the thousand souls, anyway, the damage is not, hiding is actually not necessary.

World of Warcraft: TBC Nostalgia Suit is the most difficult BOSS, with 6 million blood Vass qi can only rank third

When the PTP regiment went to open the ring Kilgardan, the Thousand Souls damage belonged to the normal range, no longer no harm, starting from the evening, extinguished until six o'clock in the morning, and finally the team that dispersed the group must have, I believe everyone has also seen it, or someone sitting here has participated. PTP is more experienced than the regiments that don't have damage skills.

World of Warcraft: TBC Nostalgia Suit is the most difficult BOSS, with 6 million blood Vass qi can only rank third

At this time, there will definitely be players to mention, six million health vasc, in a private service of a union to open up the wilderness vasqi, there are many extranet players ask SW and P2 has not weakened the double king, in the end which boss is more difficult to fight? The anchor also answered very clearly, yes, the BOSS of the SW group is a little more difficult.

World of Warcraft: TBC Nostalgia Suit is the most difficult BOSS, with 6 million blood Vass qi can only rank third

These external service guilds are basically all SW, during that time, the egg's thousand souls are still harmless, and now it is easy to get the results that everyone wants, only when the external service players encounter the BOSS of Muru, they will feel that the SW whole group is more difficult. Of course, this is also the result of the analysis based on the current data, I believe most players have their own views.

World of Warcraft: TBC Nostalgia Suit is the most difficult BOSS, with 6 million blood Vass qi can only rank third

Now TBC nostalgic service group difficulty, has been very clear, eggs and Muru is the first two most difficult BOSS, specifically to say that the BOSS is more difficult, it depends on the team's feeling, after all, each player's operation feel is different, as for everyone's mouth Vaschi, even if there is 6 million blood, at most it is the third difficult BOSS. In fact, now can not make a specific conclusion, because the play is not mature, the national service player is a heap warlock to engage in Muru, and the foreign service player is looking for a double knife berserk battle, in the past it was also a way of playing to block the door, the egg will hit it is indeed not difficult, heap melee and hunter on the line, now the heap warlock, the result is really not easy to say. If you have any views on this, you can comment in the message area.

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