
Jokes, children some unexpected careful thoughts

Jokes, children some unexpected careful thoughts

Jokes, children some unexpected careful thoughts

1. The father takes his son to the park to play. Seeing many children eating ice cream, my son said: "Eat ice cream with bad teeth, stomach pain, I don't eat." ”

The father thought that his son was very sensible and said happily: "You performed very well today!" Dad wants to reward you, what do you want to eat? ”

The son immediately said, "Ice cream." ”

2, the son always said that she grew up to go to Tsinghua University.

I said then you have to study hard now, or what if you can't pass the exam before you can?

She said, "Then I will go to kindergarten at Tsinghua University." ”

Jokes, children some unexpected careful thoughts

3. In art class, the teacher teaches students to draw mice. A student straightened his eyes with his hands on his cheeks, and the teacher knew he couldn't draw, so he walked over and sat down to teach him. While drawing, the teacher occasionally checked to see if he was studying seriously.

After a while, the student said with a look of grievance: "Teacher, why do you always draw mice with me?" ”

Jokes, children some unexpected careful thoughts

4, a couple told their 5-year-old son that the mother has a small baby in her belly, but asked him to keep it a secret first, don't tell anyone else.

When my son arrived at the nursery, he told the teacher, "My mommy has something in her stomach, but I can't tell you what it is." ”

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