
It doesn't matter if you're afraid

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

"Read to your children and give them a warm and happy reading time."

From now on, the Jiangxi Family Education Guidance Center will select a classic story picture book every day. With the fragrance of books as a companion, with wisdom, let us enjoy the parent-child reading time together, and accompany the children to grow up happily.

Parent-child reading works today

"It's Okay to Be Scared"

It doesn't matter if you're afraid
It doesn't matter if you're afraid

When you are afraid,

My heart pounded,

Tears hanging from the corners of the eyes,

The body kept shaking.

Have you ever felt this way too?

Even if you have, don't worry, everyone has something to be afraid of, and it doesn't really matter if you are afraid.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

It's raining, boom, boom!

Duke Lei beat the drum, the wind mother-in-law drumbears,

Blue lightning filled the sky, frightening people to hold their breath and beat their hearts,

Flutter, flutter!

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

Being alone when it gets dark is scary,

If you have nightmares, you will be afraid,


There will also be screams:


It doesn't matter if you're afraid

In the alley, when you encounter a dog, you will be afraid:

"What if the dog bites me?"

Pale and sweaty, trying to escape with weak feet,

I really want to cry out loud.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

There are exams today,

Panic when you see the exam paper:

"What should I do if I don't do well on the test?"

"Will Mom blame me?"

A nervousness in my heart,

I also answered the wrong questions.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

I am also afraid when I see a dentist.

Buzz! Oops!

Hear the roar of the apparatus,

Frightened and frightened,

I will cry out loud when I am afraid:


It doesn't matter if you're afraid

Fight with big guys will be afraid,

Standing on a high place will also be afraid,

Frightened lips purple hands cold,

I really wanted to find a corner to hide.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

"Am I the only one who is afraid?"

No, not what you think,

Whoever sees something terrible will be afraid.

Terrible things are of course frightening, and I tell you a little secret: sometimes, mom and dad are afraid when they see terrible things.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

People will laugh when they're happy.

Cry when you are sad,

Dancing excitedly,

Shivers when you are afraid,

Most people are the same,

This reaction is normal.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

"I'm a boy to be brave."

"It's not like being scared."

Because of this idea,

Tell yourself not to be afraid,

To be afraid is also to pretend not to be afraid.

Sometimes it really works.

Sometimes I'm more scared.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

If you are really afraid, please don't hide it,

Dare to say to your parents:

"Mom and Dad, I'm afraid,

What should I do if I am scared? ”

Hearing the baby say this,

They'll hold you in their arms.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

If Mom and Dad are not around, ask the adults around you to help, uncle guards, aunts of the next door, and uncles of the salesman in the store, they will help you.

When you encounter something you are afraid of at school, you can find a teacher and boldly say, "Teacher, I am afraid", and the teacher will come to help you immediately.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

Sometimes, try to write down the things you're afraid of on paper:

Thunder, Lightning, Night, Ghosts,

Dogs with cracked teeth, exams, visits to the dentist...

Then imagine yourself overcoming them.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

Walking with my head held high in the rain,

I slept alone in a dark room,

I played "rocks, scissors, cloth" with ghosts,

Gently stroking the dog's head,

I scored a hundred points on the math test,

I lay in the dentist's chair examining my teeth.

What do you think?

Really brave, right?

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

It doesn't really matter if you're scared!

Tell you a little secret, every time you come face to face with something you are afraid of, the fear in your heart will be less, and your confidence and courage will gradually show.

One day, you can also happily say to yourself: "Haha, it turns out that overcoming fear is very simple!" "Unconsciously, become a brave and determined little man!

Source: Xinjiang Youth Publishing House

Founded in 2014, Jiangxi Family Education Guidance Center, as a non-governmental enterprise sponsored by Jiangxi Daily and Jiangxi Provincial Women's Federation, has long been in various cities, counties, villages and communities to carry out a series of family education lectures, and is committed to guiding parents to bring babies and raise babies scientifically according to law, helping children grow up safely, healthily and happily, and promoting the healthy development of family education in Jiangxi Province.

It doesn't matter if you're afraid

On December 10, 2021, lecturers from jiangxi family education guidance center held a special lecture on "five defenses and safety education" at Hongcun Middle School in Lichuan County, Fuzhou City.


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