
Popular science | the performance of the baby's teething and how to cope with it

Most babies have teeth between 4-10 months, but there are also some "different" babies who have teething less than four months or have not teethed at 11 months. In fact, every baby has its own growth and development patterns, and in general, teething within 13 months is normal.

What will happen to your baby during the toothing process?


Likes to bite the hand or bite things

Popular science | the performance of the baby's teething and how to cope with it

When your baby is about to teeth out, his gums will itch, he likes to stuff things into his mouth, sometimes he will bite people, and even cut his gums himself.

How to deal with it: At this time, in order to avoid eating germs into the stomach, we parents need to often wipe the baby's hands with a clean towel, and at the same time, we can choose some safe, non-toxic toys such as teether, grinding sticks for him to bite, and relieve discomfort by rubbing the gums.



Popular science | the performance of the baby's teething and how to cope with it

Teething will stimulate the trigeminal nerve, so that saliva secretion increases, so the teething period of the baby saliva is particularly large, but their skin is more delicate, so sometimes around the mouth, on the chin there will be rashes.

How to deal with it: often use a paper towel with good water absorption to suck the saliva away, do not wipe hard, you can also apply some baby skin cream around the mouth to avoid saliva irritation to the skin around the lips, you can wear a bib or saliva towel, but replace it in time.


Irritable and irritable

Popular science | the performance of the baby's teething and how to cope with it

Baby gums that are about to teeth out will feel uncomfortable, but they will not express their discomfort in words, and can only vent by crying and throwing tantrums.

Coping method: You can play games with your baby to divert his attention.


Elevated body temperature

In the few days after teething, some babies may have a slightly higher body temperature than usual, but generally not more than 38 ° C.

Coping method: pay attention to monitoring the baby's body temperature, if the body temperature is below 38 ° C, you don't have to worry too much, generally at home careful care can be, drink more water, more rest. If the baby's body temperature is found to exceed 38 ° C, it is recommended to closely observe the baby's condition, if the body temperature does not recede or continues to rise, or there are abnormal conditions such as mental difference and drowsiness, you should go to the hospital in time.

Each baby who is about to teeth behaves differently, if you are not sure whether the baby is teething, you can look at the gums at his front teeth, if it looks swollen, it feels hard and hard to touch, indicating that he is teething. Even if the baby's teeth have not yet erupted, mothers should clean the baby's mouth every day to ensure that the mouth is hygienic and clean. 【Popular Science】

Author Profile

The author of this article is Yuan Zhangying, a nutrition outpatient doctor in the Pediatric Department of Weinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, who has been engaged in security work for 19 years, and is good at: child feeding and nutrition guidance, children's sleep, picky eating, partial eating and other problems to solve.

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