
Is the baby's late teething and slow teething the cause of calcium deficiency?

It has little to do with calcium deficiency, because the baby's deciduous teeth and permanent tooth embryo have developed well as early as the fetal stage.

Generally speaking, the baby's deciduous teeth begin to erupt 4 to 10 months after birth, with a total of 20 deciduous teeth. Those who do not erupt after 13 months are "late deciduous teeth", and it is recommended to consult a doctor in time. There are many reasons for the delay in the eruption of deciduous teeth, but it has little to do with the calcium deficiency that parents often think.

Is the baby's late teething and slow teething the cause of calcium deficiency?

Reasons for delayed eruption of deciduous teeth:

1. Genetic factors

Studies have shown that there are elders in the family, teeth erupt late, then the baby may have delayed the eruption of deciduous teeth.

2. Food traits

Eating mushy food all the time, such a feeding method, may also delay the eruption of deciduous teeth.

3. Birth history

In preterm or low-weight infants, deciduous teeth erupt later than in term infants.

4. Endocrine diseases

Some endocrine diseases, such as hypothyroidism and diseases caused by insufficient growth hormone secretion, can directly affect the eruption of deciduous teeth.

5. Miscellaneous

Diseases such as poor growth of the ectoderm and anemia can cause delayed eruption of deciduous teeth.

Is the baby's late teething and slow teething the cause of calcium deficiency?

Baby baby teeth, how to care for it?

01 Clean with water

As long as the baby does not eat something that is too sticky, he can clean his mouth by drinking boiled water to flush out the residual food.

02 Clean with gauze or finger silicone toothbrush

Gently wipe your baby's small deciduous teeth and the gums behind them with a damp gauze before your baby goes to bed to reduce the erosion of bacteria on your baby's baby's baby teeth.

03 Supplement calcium-containing foods in moderation

Properly adding calcium-rich foods to the baby is conducive to the normal development of teeth, such as adequate milk, and pay attention to the addition of green leafy vegetables and tofu after adding complementary foods.

There are also vitamin C-rich fruits, such as kiwifruit, strawberries, tomatoes, etc., which are beneficial to gum health.

How old are your baby's deciduous teeth?

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About author:Wang Bin, child nutritionist, China registered dietitian, national second-level public nutritionist, national senior nutrition lecturer. Good at combining medicine with modern nutrition knowledge, focusing on the field of maternal and infant nutrition and health, teaching you to feed your children scientifically.

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