
Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

Self-discipline in prosperity

Heal yourself in tribulations

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

Don't let character determine your destiny, but let ability determine your character!

Your heart, your energy, is the true wisdom, your true life.

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

From today on, be a simple and happy person. Don't indulge in fantasies, don't bother with yourself, don't waste time, don't indulge in the past, don't fear the future!

Your sense of security

It comes from your confidence in yourself

Ensure that each milestone is achieved

Your sense of belonging

It is the control of your own destiny in your heart

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

The world is so big, some people you get along with day and night, but you can never go into the heart, some people you see with them, you feel sorry for each other!

People get along with each other

Origin and fate are destined!

Look at people with an appreciative eye, do things with an inclusive heart, and live with a contented heart!

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

Look at the world with a grateful heart, and you will find that the world is beautiful because of you!

Be a mature, wise and atmospheric top man

Unique charm magnetic field energy, with you icing on the cake, without you are still gorgeous!

If you can let go of yesterday's troubles, you can keep today's happiness and imagine the beauty of tomorrow!

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

I will try to arrange today's life well, as long as I don't make the days too old, every day is new!

A wise person can accept his imperfections and cultivate his own life with an appreciative heart!

A virtuous person can accept the imperfections of others and practice his own mind with a tolerant heart!

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

A courageous person can accept the imperfections of the world, and embrace the five tastes of the world with an open-minded heart!

Life is full of practice, and life is a dojo everywhere!

In the red dust world, I am willing to cultivate a heart of acceptance, look down on all the scenery, embrace change, and be at ease and happiness!

Mentality is better than age, smile is better than appearance,

Health is better than money, and three views are better than the city government.

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

No matter what we have experienced along the way.

Please remember to bring kindness and gratitude for the rest of your life.

Go meet the warmth and happiness that has been waiting for a long time!

The happiest thing in life is that you wait for someone else

The people you miss are missing you too

You care about people and you care about you

You wait for that person to understand you better

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

A truly steaming life,

Not whimsical, but forged with thousands of hammers and hammers, down-to-earth work.

No one can control your life

It's just that many times we need to have more courage to be firm in our choices.

Man's troubles are in 12 words:

Can't put it down, can't think about it, can't see through it, can't forget it.

Yang Taoming: Life is full of cultivation

With a simple mood

Look at the complicated life and take the bumpy road. Life, simple is happy, life, happy is good!

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